Chapter 28 The Diary of the Moon (3)…..Louie’s Biggest Regrets

Louie read more entries on Luna's diary…. And from her entries he got to know her more….Luna likes family meals; she always have meals with the Lee couple and his servants. She even give gifts to them on their birthdays and she have time to play some music to them. The servants treat her as their own sister and daughter. Old Driver Lu is correct, Luna always play the "Moon River" song if she was lonely….. He can read it on her diary. There is one entry on the Diary that caught his attention….it is an entry that is like she is talking to him...

Dear Louie,

November 30

I have listened and watched a certain song at YouTube; it is my song for you….. The only difference is, it is sung by a male artist of the Philippines….. But the song itself is literally meant for us…. Meant for what I feel for you…. I hope you will have time to look for it and listen to it... if not you can read it….. So that you will know what I feel for you….. I love you so much Louie….. But if you love someone else I'm ready to set you free….. I don't want to be a burden to you...

I hope you will find time to listen to your song Louie…. The song entitled "MAYBE, by NEOCOLOURS".


There I was

Waiting for a chance

Hoping that you'll understand

The things I wanna say

As my love went stronger than before

I wanna see you more and more

But you closed the door

Why don't you try

To open up your heart?

I won't take so much of your time

Maybe, it's wrong to say please love me too

'Cause I know you'll never do

Somebody else is waiting there inside for you

Maybe, it's wrong to love you more each day

'Cause I know he's here to stay

But I know to whom you should belong

I believed what you said to me

We should set each other free

That's how you want it to be

But my love went stronger than before

I wanna see you more and more

But you closed the door

Why don't you try to open up your heart?

I won't take so much of your time

Maybe, it's wrong to say please love me too

'Cause I know you'll never do

Somebody else is waiting there inside for you

Maybe, it's wrong to love you more each day

'Cause I know he's here to stay

But my love is strong

I don't know if this is wrong

But I know to whom you should belong

Maybe, it's wrong to say please love me too

'Cause I know you'll never do

Somebody else is waiting there inside for you

Maybe, it's wrong to love you more each day

'Cause I know he's here to stay

But my love is strong

I don't know if this is wrong

But I know to whom you should belong

Louie was dumbfounded for what he had read….. Even before he ask for a divorce, Luna is already planning of setting him free….. But she was just silent for that…. I have to finish this…. I have to be strong for whatever I might read again…. Louie said to himself…. As his tears started to flow on his face.

Then as he can see there is 3 dates entry left on Luna's diary, he felt a heavy pang to his heart….. He knew, on those dates are the worst part on Luna's life with him….. On those dates he became the most cruel and ruthless towards her....

Dear Diary,

December 3

The Chen Fashion Jewelry Corporations' annual anniversary was going to held at one of the hotels of the Wu's; Hotel Aphrodite. Jessy and Cassie gave me a VVIP pass to attend the said event, they even gave me the penthouse so that I can change my clothes there. I don't want to attend because I know Louie will be mad…. It is one of our agreement, I can't attend social function with him as his wife… everybody no…. everyone in the business sector knows that Sofia is Louie's wife and he is so proud of it…. Louie is very furious to see me on their annual anniversary party… just before the party started I arrived to the venue an hour early. As I checked in to the reception area and because almost all the employees of this hotel knew who am, they assist me to my room…. Cassie ordered them to give me priority and treat me as VVVIP…. I don't like special treatments so I told their staffs that I'm okay on my own…. The bell boy from the reception area ushered me to my room and told me that if I need something all I have to do is press the green button. I smiled to him and give my thanks….

Since I arrived an hour earlier than the party…. I went to the ballroom where it will be held, all the staff in there who are preparing and organizing before the party starts and the staff knew me... I smiled to them as a courtesy of mine to them…. Then I ask Veronica, the event planner and Jessy's assistant if I can play the piano for a while and to give the staffs a bit of music to soothed their tired body…. She smiled and agreed….. But I didn't noticed that Sofia was already there giving me a deadly glare….

Just before I sat down to the chair in front of the grand piano…. She grab my hands and pulled me out the room, she was very mad and frantic…. She drag me away from the ballroom….. Then we went to the pool area….. I felt very nervous…. I don't know what she will do to me, I knew that she have an idea that I don't know how to swim, I have an aqua phobia. Then out of nowhere she slap my face twice, I cried because I didn't know what I did…..

I just close my eyes because I know there will be third slap… she bullied me again… she always bullies me….. But the third slap never happened but before I can react….. Sofia held my shoulders and together we fell into the swimming pool, I heard someone shouted her name... then someone jump into the pool…. Someone save her!!!!! OMG!!!! Sofia who knows how to swim pretends to be drowning….. She was save…. Save by my husband…..Louie save her.... As I was about to lose my consciousness and strength someone pulled me up… I don't know who it was, as the man tries to save me…. all I can hear is his word….. "He said…. "Luna please breathe…. Moon breathe!!!! Don't leave us Moon!!!! You have to breathe Luna!!!!! Don't do this to me! To us!!!! Then I spat a mouthful of water… as I coughed I've noticed that everybody is there… My father James Su and his so called wife Suzy Su…. Louie's parents whom gave me a smirked face… Louie's friends, business associates and some other important persons in Chen's business circle…..

I gaze to the person who save me…. It was Luke….. Samantha's bodyguard who became my friend…. A very handsome guy whom is very tall and his muscles are awesome but he had a secret that I know…. Even his boss and his boss sisters didn't know….. As I raised my head and look at Louie, and saw how caring he was with Sofia, my mind snapped in an instant…. I can't take it anymore!!!!! I wanted to scream...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...

Then I saw Rebecca Alberts, Louie's lawyer….No one dares to speak…. To break the ice….. As Luke helped me to stand up and the staff of the hotel gave me blankets, I went to Louie's lawyer…. I want to get out into this h*ll of a life…. I want to have a peace of mind…. Luke was beside me, holding my waist, I can sensed Louie's gaze upon me….. I don't care anymore…. I hate him so much….. I ask Ms. Alberts if she can drew a divorce agreement between me and Louie…. Everybody was in shocked as I announced it... I ordered Ms. Alberts that she do not need to put any alimony agreement to the divorce documents…. Then I will drew my own agreement for the divorce….

Then as I look to Louie's side….. I don't feel anything for him now... I asked Luke if he can take me to my room; I even asked him if he can join me for a drink at the bar of the hotel… I need something to relieve the pain I have in my heart. He agreed… then all of a sudden… Luke scooped me up; he carried me bridal style he even whispered to my ears to lean my face to his neck and I did as he was told me…. I can sense Louie's gaze to eyes….. I just chuckled as I sighed…. The H*LL I CARE….. Luke send me to my room, I changed my clothes to a skinny jeans, crop top black blouse, high heeled shoes and I tied my hair into a messy bun…. I even put a heavy make up to hide my real identity…. For me…. I want to get drunk tonight….. I want to forget Louie....

Luke fetch me to my room, he already changed his clothes also. He looks at me as he was assessing my looks. He said I look seductive, I want Louie to regret this day Luke, I said to him…. I knew Luke is gay but when he was with me or with the Wu Triplets he suddenly becomes a man…. Even his partner Raymond the bar tender to this hotel become a knight and shining armor when we became a damsel in distress...

I didn't know that Luke and Raymond booked a private booth so we could have a drink…. We ordered so many drinks… from margarita, bloody mary, dry martini, mojito, Manhattan and my favorite daiquiri. The two men in front of me accompanied me to a private booth. They just listen to everything I've said….. I poured all the frustrations, pain and tears to them… I love them so much….. They are my guy/gay friend that I treasured the most. They let me do whatever I want.... I sang, I dance, I even dare them to go to Louie and slap him on his face. My alcohol tolerance is not that very strong. I easily got drunk….. I recalled Luke told me to stop….. To stop drinking and he will be dead to the Wu triplets….. I smiled and I asked him to carry me again bridal style….. Louie never did that to me…..only to Sofia….. His love…. His life....

Louie as he read the entry noticed that there is a tear stained part on the diary. He also recalled that…..that day he waited for Luna to come out to the lobby. He ask some of the securities to look for her, but since the hotel belongs to the Wu triplets he can't just ordered them along; they still protect Luna from him….. It was the order they've received from Cassandra Wu. He remembered that he saw Luna was carried by the man who save her…. He was carrying her bridal style, his blood boil….. For he knows that she is still married to him…. And Luna was hers... he strode with big steps to Luna. He wants to take her….but as he sighed deeply he just followed them. Luke saw him... Luke gave him a deathly glare, and told him to leave Luna alone…. She have been too much….. Too much pain and anxiety.

As both of them entered the elevator…. He wants to know what her room number…is. No their room number..... Maybe this guy is Luna's lover….. I was thinking about that...He also remembered what he just said to the man who carries Luna…. I want to talk to her…. Please let me carry her… I'll take care of her for now….." Luke didn't believe him at first….. I will just send her to her room…. If you want to take care of her…. You can do it from there…. And FYI, because I know what is in your mind Mr. Louie Chen... I'm Luna's friend…. And I AM A GAY.... Between you and me she is much SAFER with me than yours…..

After Luke laid Luna down to her bed inside the penthouse….. Louie look at her with full of lust. He took off his clothes….. His arousal was already ready to pounce her…. He suddenly ripped Luna's crop top…. Took off her pants and underwear…. It may seems weird for him but he wants to take her, in that kind of situation. He was kissing her neck and collarbone… he leaves love bites and marks… he massage her blossom and suck its nipples…. Leaving hickeys….. He was crazy to her body… it seems that he was addicted to it…. He thrust his d**k to her flower….. And in a minute he was climaxing and he release his seeds to her womb... After that round Luna suddenly wakes up… she saw that Louie was gazing on her…. She can smell the scent of an aftermath of love making... Louie forced himself to her again and again and again.... This is the punishment for what you have done to Sofia and for letting someone to carry you, now Luna don't ever think that I won't sign the divorce papers you have just suggested to my lawyer…..