Chapter 39 Sofia’s Downfall…. The downfall of the Su Family

Early morning at Su Villa

It's been 6 hours and Sofia is still at their Villa after she was discharge at City A Hospital…. The Su family business was in the verge of bankruptcy…. No one tried to help them, Louie didn't contact her and even when she was in the hospital he didn't even visit her. Bernard Dantes disappeared in a blink of an eye after the party. All her modelling contract was revoked and cancelled; and she also needs to pay them for damages. Suzy Su is so worried for her daughter that she might hurt herself. Sofia doesn't want to eat and always stayed on her room, James Su was so busy fixing the damages to their company. When they are still in the hospital Atty. Rebecca Alberts visited them and gave her the divorce papers and the agreement that the Chen Corporation will save the Su Company if Sofia will sign the divorce papers… Sofia didn't want to sign it but she needs to help her father regarding their company; she knew how precious the Su Perfume Corporation to her father.

"Mom, Did Louie called me"? Sofia ask her mother Suzy; her eyes were swollen and red as her didn't stop crying after she was discharge from the hospital and she have black circles on her eyes for lack of sleep. Suzy smiled on her as she saw her descending from stairs, "Sweetheart, maybe Louie is busy right now… He is busy looking for the culprit who framed you at the party", Suzy told her as she pitied her daughter right now. Sofia approach her mother at the living room and sat down to her favorite bean couch, she was very upset as she touch the bandage on her face. "You must eat to regain your strength and we also need to go to City A Hospital again to see a plastic surgeon as per advice of Sr. Harry Si", Suzy informed her. Sofia smiled at her but her eyes are very sad….. "Mom, Louie will not like me anymore…. I'm ugly right now….." she replied her mother and begun to sob.

Suzy Su sat beside her daughter and embrace her as she console her…. She knew how Sofia takes good care her image especially her face… her face is very precious to her and she needs it to her job. But after the incident last night at the anniversary party of Chen Corporation, the scene that took in a blink of an eye gave her daughters' downfall in a split second. Suzy recalled what happened at the hospital last night…. She recalled that Louie didn't bother to call them and ask how Sofia was and if they are alright….


Last night at the emergency room of Sofia is not hysterical as the doctors attends to her wound; when they disinfect it and see how serious and run some test but after the laboratory results it was that's the time she begun to be hysterical. The doctors can't do anything to her temperament that's why they decided to give her an injection to calm her. They also gave her something for her to sleep.

At the private room of City A Hospital, Dr. Harry Si saw Sofia's worst condition; she suffer from a cut on her left cheek, it was not that too deep but the poison that entered the wound will gave her a permanent scar that even a great plastic surgeon of City A, Hospital can't do a repair. The poison was already mix to her blood and it will give her a reaction if she will be injected with anesthesia…. Harry just shook his head as he didn't know how to help her.

"How's my daughter?" a worried mother ask Dr. Harry Si. "I will be frank to you Madam, her wound is not too deep but the weapon used to cut her cheeks…. It contains a poison that will give her a permanent scar. And even she will go on a plastic surgeon, they will reject her; because the poison will gave her an allergic reaction." Harry informed Suzy Su….. Suzy Su was confused by what he had said…. "The weapon use on her is contacted with a poison that once it was struck to one's body it will enters the blood stream of the person and the worst reaction it will give you is that; you will forever be having an allergic reaction to anesthesia" Harry explained furthermore to her. As Suzy heard his explanation she slumped herself to the sofa, she can't believe that in a split second her daughters dreams are all shattered… shattered into pieces… "I will be prescribing you an oral medication for pain, she can take this every time she can feel pain and you can discharge her as soon as she wakes up" Harry told her. As soon as Harry was done to his work he bids farewell to the mother – daughter.


Suzy was tearing up as she stroke her daughters back, she knew that there will be no other way to reconstruct her face. She can't blame the body guards of the royalties for she knew that they are protecting their bosses and lastly they are the people that they can't offend. She tried to call Louie but her calls are disconnected and when she called the Chen Villa, all the servants there informed her that their Master Chen didn't come home last night; she can't call Louie's parents for embarrassment. She knew all her daughters scheme especially the schemes she brought to Luna….. she was also an accessory for those schemes.

One of the worst part at the private ward was when Atty. Rebecca Alberts arrives. She handed the divorce papers to her daughter. And an agreement papers about helping the Su Company. Sofia felt the pressure of being a filial child and her pride of being Louie's wife at the time she read the demands of the divorce settlement.

Suzy came back to her senses when Sofia pulled away from her embrace, "Mom, please call Louie…. Please tell him that I want to talk to him about the divorce tomorrow. I've decided to sign the divorce papers just to help our company" Sofia informed her. "Are you sure about this sweetie?" said Suzy as she was very worried to her as it seems that her daughter will have a break down. Sofia nodded as she sigh deeply… "Mom my reputation now is not good. My career….. my family that I've treasured are all gone….. maybe this is the karma that I've earned for what I've done to Luna". Sofia said in a sad tone. "we knew that she is already dead…. Dead for 5 years….. but I didn't regret the things that I've done to her" she added.