Chapter 40 Sofia’s Downfall…. The downfall of the Su Family(2)

The mother and daughter is having a very serious conversation when suddenly "Madam excuse me, but someone is here and asking for you", Butler Grey informed them that they have a visitor. "She said that she represent the Infinity Jewelry Corporation" he added. As the mother and daughter heard it, they accept the said representative. "Good Morning Mrs. Suzy Su and Mrs. Sofia Chen, I'm Audrey Belikov and we've met yesterday at the Chen's annual anniversary party". Audrey introduce herself to them and shook their hands. "I'm here to deliver to you an invitation for the upcoming event for the Vallini's. The theme is: A Night to Remember, Vintage Masquerade Charity Gala….. For Your Eyes Only" she added. Audrey handed over a gold invitation card to them and Sofia recalled seeing the same invitation that her husband have.

"My husband have the same invitation just like this, and we've already given your company a notice that we will be attending" Sofia told her. "Actually Mrs. Chen, this invitation is particularly for the Su family, and we are hoping for the whole Su family will be attending and maybe after our party we can talk about business" Audrey informed them. Audrey saw how shock they are when they heard the word "TALK ABOUT BUSINESS". Audrey took this opportunity to explain to them her main goal of visiting them.

"The Vendari's and Vallini's are one of the prominent and powerful families in City of Wise, we have seen what happened last night and we have known that your company is turning upside down right now. Lord Dimitri Dragomir, wants to offer a helping hand but in one" Audrey explain to the mother – daughter duo. "Wait! You're offering help but giving us condition also? Just like what my husband wants?" Sofia voiced out. "Whatever your husband's condition in offering help to your company is none of our business…. But if you will listen to me you will grab our helping hand rather than to your husband", Audrey informed her.

"Then what is your condition Ms. Belikov" Suzy Su ask her with confusion. "It's simple, don't sign the divorce papers with Mr. Louie Chen". Audrey replied. Sofia's eyes glisten but become anxious for what she have heard. "Why are you helping us Ms. Belikov? Sofia ask her with a slightly joyful tone. "It's my bosses condition Mrs. Sofia Chen, they want to help your company and save your marriage, because they can see how you love Mr. Louie Chen so much". Audrey said in a stern voice. "If you want you can sign the documents right now, then after our party we can announce that you have a collaboration with us" she added. As Audrey explained to them everything, they didn't know that James Su was already listening to them….. He got a second chances as he heard it. He walks through his family in an instant, "Where do I sign?" he excitedly ask Audrey.

"Ms. Belikov, this is my husband James Su, CEO and Founder of Su Perfume Corporation", Suzy introduce her husband and was shock as he was very enthusiastic to sign the papers that Audrey took out from her briefcase. Audrey was stunned on how desperate Luna's father was, as he didn't ask for further questions.

"Here are the documents, and as soon as you sign all of this the money will be transferred to your account right away, Lord Dimitri will be giving you 1 billion to help your company back to its own feet" said Audrey. As soon as she show them where to sign, without reading the whole documents, the Su family signed a 5 copies of documents, but unknowingly to them…. Dimitri Dragomir bought all of their assets. They are signing the transfer of shares and deeds to Luna, and the 1 billion worth of money is just the totality price of their share to the company, their Villa and other properties, jewelries, expensive paintings and antiques and most especially the Mansion at the Green Valley of City A. It was Luna's mother ancestral house but since Suzy became the madam of the Su family she transferred it to her name so that Sofia can have it when. The family of three is very happy as they can have the money that they need to save their company and Sofia didn't need to divorce Louie at all….. They thought that they hit the jackpot nor they've killed two birds in one stone.

As soon as they've finished signing all the necessary papers, Audrey got their bank

Account and transferred the 1 billion but she ask Sofia to sign an agreement that if she will divorce Louie Chen the Su family will pay them back triple the price. Without any hesitation and questions Sofia agreed and signed it.

"I have sent the money to your bank account Mr. James Su, and I hope that all of you will be attending the Charity Gala, and as for the copy of this documents you will received on the day of the event". Audrey told them and she stood up and shook their hands again…. "It's nice doing business with you", she added and she leaves the Su Villa. James Su felt that a thorn from his chest was pulled out when someone helped them. While Sofia was very happy, she will not divorce Louie and their company were safe…..

When Audrey left the Su Villa, and as soon as she entered her car that was driven by Taylor she called Dimitri and informed him that the mission is a success. After her call, she just shook her head…. "Sofia didn't know that she will be the reason of their downfall…. And they all deserve it, for all the heartaches and hardships they've brought to Luna" she told to herself.