Chapter 76 Louie, Harry, Ethan, and Kim found a clue about the Moon and the twins (3)

After Yuan puts a drip to Louie's right hand, he went back outside….. Harry bids farewell to them as he said a while ago he needs to meet his people…. Yuan, Ethan and Kim didn't suspect anything from him.

Ethan: "I think we need to rush everything just to find Luna… because we don't know if Louie can bear it all."

Kim: "But where do we start? "Ethan we can't just barged in at Villa 8…. And we can't just get nor kidnap Ms. Autumn and ask her if she is Luna".

Ethan: "But it seems that some of the evidences are on her."

Yuan: "Ethan, Kim is right…. We can't just do unnecessary things just to prove our gut feelings that Ms. Autumn is Luna. There are too many people protecting her….. And don't forget Ms. Autumn have a fiancée".