Chapter 77 Harry Si…. Finally meets the Moon Again….. With Dr. Amber Manzini

I know it's a hard lesson to learn, but you cannot love yourself and love someone who hurts you at the same time…. Please choose. ---- Stephanie Bennett Henry

Café Elise

Harry arrive at Café Elise and ask to the staffs if they prepared the things he just requested…. He wants this day to be special for him and to the Moon…. He wants to propose to her…. He wants to let her know his feelings toward her… yes…. He loves her before he knew her…. Before he knew that she is Louie's wife…. Ex-wife to be exact.

Harry sat on the same spot wherein he first met Autumn…. His Moon…. He got interested on her because of the black rose that her friend gave to her… it seems that she is very unique girl to like an extraordinary color of a flower. He also got interested on her because she didn't throw herself to him from the first time they've met…. And it seems that she is not that interested on him not like the other girls he have met before.