Chapter 164 James Su’s Regrets….A Heart Never Forgets

Forgive me, forgive this fool. Sorry that I acted so cruel. I love you and I will love only you. Take my hand and let's start anew. ----Gabrielle Yana Concepcion

James can't take it anymore…. He can't take it anymore seeing his Lily in somebody's arms and she was very happy with him. 

James can't take it anymore…. He can't take it anymore seeing his Lily in somebody's arms and she was very happy with him. As he stood up to approach Lily, Suzy suddenly showed up at his side. "James, Sofia has been drug as well as Rita and Aira. I have already informed the manager of the hotel what happened to our daughter and her friends. I demand a thorough investigation. We need to be compensated to the humiliation we just received" Suzy informed him but James gave her a cold shoulder.