Chapter 165 The Wu triplets and the Knights

Jessica was very delighted when she saw Luna and Francois dances and said their vows through a song, she didn't notice that there are a pair of eyes observing her very intently.

"Would you like to give me the honor of dancing with you?" Marco suddenly asks her as he offers his right hand to Jessica. Jessica gave her a puzzled look but she didn't decline at all, she smiled and nods to the offer. 

Marco looks at the twins wherein he gave a nod to them on what song to be played, then the song by George Benson "In your Eyes" was heard after the dance of James Su and their Aunt Lily. Marco looks at Jessica's eyes and she did the same, "Are the song is your unspoken word for me Duke Marco" Jessica asks him. 

"Yes, and I have other songs for you if you will only let me take you out from your shell Mi Amore," Marco told her seductively as he grips her waist firmly.