Chapter 166 SURPRISED

Someone who truly loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, and how hard you can be to handle but still wants you. ---- The Love Bits


Alexei explained to Cassie more and out of his instinct he kissed Cassie on her forehead. Cassie was surprised to the kiss and for what Alexei's declaration to her, "So it means that we met before but you didn't know that I am Luna's best friend?" she asks her when she came back from her senses. 


"NO, I knew who you are….My sister and I knew who you are and your relationship with Luna but it is Luna who said that it is not yet the time for us to reveal to the three of you about her existence as we still need to investigate further about the Su and the Chen. Louie Chen has sent someone to trail for the three of you, he had this gut feeling that time that you three hides Luna from him" Alexei explained furthermore to her.