Welcome, Sora-san!

"...What is that?" Asked Sora with a confused expression on her face. She wasn't part of a club or committee, so she didn't really had any problem, but she asked anyways.

"Like I said, a circle? " Ren replied while looking dumbfounded. Sora was annoyed by his reaction.

"I-I know what a circle is! What I mean is what kind of circle it is!" Like a child throwing a tantrum, Sora's feet stomped furiously on the ground. Ren thought that was cute.

"Oh I get it, my bad." Sora glared at him like saying 'you knew from the beginning!'. Ren shrugged off Sora's glare.

"I'm not really sure about that, but hey, the prez can give you a better explanation." That said, Ren started walking towards the music room. Sora thought of this as a signal to follow him.

"Are you a member of this circle?" Ren tilted his head towards Sora and shook his head.

"No I'm not, I'm just temporally helping." Sora glared at him once again.

"Huuuuh?! Then why do you want me to join a circle you're not even part of?" She was clearly pissed, Ren just raised his hands in a gesture of apology.

"I have my reasons, but don't worry Sora, this—She interrumped him. She stopped walking and pointed her finger towards Ren.

"Don't get the wrong idea now. Just because you are pretending to be my lover doesn't mean that you can use my first name whenever you want. Are we clear?" Ren sighed and nodded.

"Then, how should I call you?" Ren looked at her with an uninterested face. Sora grinned.

"How about Mikagi-sama?"



Absolute silence. Not a single sound could be heard on the hallways.



Ren looked at Sora with his usual stoic face, but surprise could be also seen mixed in that expression. Sora's cheeks started to redden.

"I-I was joking! Forget I ever said that, okay!?" With a furious blush on her face, Sora started trying to make excuses. The damage was already done.

"Sure, if that's what you want, Mikagi-sama."

Sora got into her knees and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry for getting ahead of myself, please just call me Mikagi-san..." This was a bizarre scene, and it was happening before Ren's eyes. It was a little comical to be honest. Ren looked down and saw Sora doing dogeza. He could see her beautiful golden hair touching the ground. He couldn't help but sigh.

"Okay, let's continue Mikagi-san, we're almost there." Ren continued walking like nothing ever happened. Sora glared at him.

"You..." At the end, much like Ren, she sighed, and kept following the boy until they reached the music room.


"What are we doing here? Isn't this room empty?" Ren smiled wryly. Everybody says that at the beginning.

"Excuse me~" Ren slid the door and entered the room, Sora followed next.

When they arrived, there were two persons sitting at the table a senior and a sophomore. The senior was quietly reading a book with a pleasant smile on her face. On the other side, the sophomore was playing with her phone until she noticed that the door had opened. Then, Sora recognized that person.

"You! What are you doing here?" Shigure jumped on her seat, clearly startled. When she looked at the door, she saw two persons, the always serious Kanzaki Ren, and the 'iron maiden' Mikagi Sora. What?

"M-M-Mikagi-san?! Wha.."

Michiru closed her book when she heard Sora's name. With a pleased look, she talked to Ren.

"My my, you actually did it? That's fantastic!" Shigure was dumbfounded, while Michiru was hyped. Then, before Sora could say anything, he dropped the bomb.

"Mikagi-san and I are dating."

"O-Oi!" Sora tried to argue, but the gate was opened.

"Ohh my!" Michiru clapped with an elated expression decoring her gentle face. While Shigure...

"Okaa-san, Otou-san, Kagu-nee, it was a good life..." As if she was in an Anime, all color disappeared from her, it was a matter of time before a little gust of wind would blow her, and make her dust.

"Don't leave the important details out! Listen you two, he and I are just pretending to be dating until the end of this month! That's all!" Ren laughed lightly while hearing Sora explaining herself with a blush on her face. She still looks cute.

"Ara, is that so?" Michiru replied with an apologetic face. On the other side, Shigure...

"Oh, is that so? What a shame!" She was beaming with energy and life compared to seconds before. Like a rpg character who was healed by a companion, she recovered instantly.

"Wait, why is that?" Shigure asked confused. Why only a couple of days?

"... Reasons." It looked like Sora didn't wanted to answer, so everyone, excluding Ren, left it at that. Now it was common knowledge in the FCC that Sora and Ren were a couple until the end of the month.

"... And yeah, Mikagi-san promised to join the circle, right?" Ren looked at Sora with a gentle smile. She blushed a little for being the center of attention once again. She shook her head and glared at him.

"Just until the end of May, after that I'll leave you hear me?" Ren nodded satisfactorily.

"Don't worry, we'll make you want to stay as a ordinary member, isn't that right, Michiru-senpai?" Ren passed the baton towards Michiru, who smiled sweetly.

"Yes! That is absolutely true Ren-san, we are going to do everything in our hands to make you stay in our circle!" Sora stepped back from Michiru's beaming attitude.

'Whoa she's an odd one...' thought Sora, but decided against saying it aloud. Now the other problem was...

"U-Um, Mikagi-san?" Shigure asked. Sora glared at her.

"What?" Shigure's eyes widened towards Sora's unfriendly demeanor.

She was scared of failing again. What if Sora reconsidered and decided to not join because she was there? Heck, she wasn't even a member of the circle, she was just helping Ren. But she shook her head and decided to talk with courage, she needed to fix this misunderstanding.

"Mikagi-san, I'm really sorry about what happened the other day... It was not my intention to make fun of you, I honestly wanted to befriend you. I hope we can get along, please forgive me!" Shigure pressed her head against the floor while postrating herself. Sora's eyes widened at this sight.

"H-Hey! Stand up! I get it, I'm sorry I overreacted, I may not like you but I don't hate your guts or anything!" She embarrassingly admitted while helping Shigure to stand up.

"It should be the other way around... I'm sorry for shouting at you... Ahhh just forget about it! It's in the past now!" Sora started getting frustrated at her own inability to be honest with others, so she just shrugged it off. Ren, who watched all the spectacle, smiled gently at Sora. When she noticed him starring at her, she frowned her brows.

"W-What?" She couldn't decipher the meaning of Ren's expression, so she decided to ask him.

"Nothing, just learned that Mikagi Sora is not an honest person" He replied with his well-known blank expression. Sora's blushed once again.

"Hmph!" And with a trademark tsundere gest, she crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and looked the other way.

'What do they call this kind of person? Tsundere?'

'Is Ren-chan into that kind of girls..? I can do it too!'

'Oh my, it's just like Sachi-san from my book!'

After noticing the warm and understanding looks from the trio, Sora looked at them with an embarrassed face.

"W-What is it now?" The three looked at each other, then with a couple of smiles (and a serious face), the three nodded and said aloud:

"""Welcome to the Friendly Classmates Circle, Mikagi Sora!"""