Kanasuke-sensei visits the infirmary!

"Hey, Ren-chan." Ren tilted his head towards the feminine voice that was calling him.

"What is it, Sakagami?"

Shigure and Ren were currently in their way home. Club activities had ended a couple of minutes ago, briefly after welcoming Sora for joining (or not) the FCC. Michiru decided that it would be the best to end club activities for today. Nobody complained.

After Michiru locked the door, everyone went on different ways, except Shigure and Ren. The walk was pretty quiet and calm. The pair of footsteps echoed within the building. Voices can be heard from the fields, students participating in club activities like soccer or athleticism, it was usually this loud.

But a quiet mood means nothing for the energetic and hyperactive Shigure.

"Why did you decided to feign a relationship with Sora-chan?" Ren shook his head. 'Already in a first name basis? what the heck...'

"Sorry, can't tell, I promised Mikagi-san."

"Boo Boo!"

Shigure pouted while making upset noises. Ren sighed.

"I mean, isn't it weird? You suddenly bring Sora-chan over, and now you are her b-b-boyfriend!" Shigure blushed a little alongside her stutter at the end.


"That's your problem here?!" Shigure retorted.

"Look, don't sweat the small details, we need to focus on making Mikagi-san stay in the circle." Ren replied in a collected manner.

"That's not a small detail, but whatever. So, do you have a plan Ren-chan?" Ren thought for a little bit, but at the end be just shook his head.

"No I don't, but hey, that's the exciting part isn't it?" Shigure opened her mouth in awe. After a couple of seconds dumbfounded, she started giggling.

"What...?" Ren was confused, did he said something funny? Shigure replied while laughing.

"What the heck, Ren-chan? Hahaha, that's super out of character for you." Ren just smiled at Shigure's antics, causing her to blush after seeing his face.

"C-Cheater, that's so unfair..."

"Did you said something?" Ren replied.

"I-It's nothing!" Shigure started walking faster, leaving Ren behind.

"..." Ren just stopped at some moment, but Shigure kept walking, eventually getting out of his line of sight.

"...The classroom is here though. Well, whatever, see you tomorrow Sakagami." Ren made his way towards his "empty" classroom.


'Oh, looks like someone's already here?' Ren heard something inside the room, so he decided to check it out.

"Mmm~ I can't reach it...!" When he entered the classroom, Ren noticed the person inside.


Nagi was trying to erase the chalk from the blackboard, but it looked like she couldn't reach the top. She was standing on her tiptoes, stretching herself as much as possible, but still couldn't reach.

"If I were a bit taller!" She tried jumping a little bit, Ren noticed this.

'Jumping while wearing heels? Not the smartest idea, sensei...' He started walking towards Nagi, who hadn't noticed Ren yet.

"Just a little bit more..!" She kept jumping and then...


"Huh?" She noticed too late, her shoe couldn't handle the pressure it was being put on, and broke. Her ankle also bent in a way that it's not supposed to.

"Kyaaaaaa!" She started falling to her side after losing balance. She would probably slam against the floor, but she was not alone in the room.


"Whoa there." In a swift move, Ren put his arms around Nagi's waist from behind, and prevented her from falling. Obviously, this got him in a pretty compromising position, from an outsider POV, this would look a pair of lovebirds cuddling up against each other.

"W-Wha~?" Nagi was startled for a second, thinking she was about to fall, but that never happened. Instead, she got a pair of slim, yet strong pair of arms.

"Are you okay, Kanasuke-sensei?" Ren asked his homeroom teacher.

"Re- K-Kanzaki-kun?! Why are you- Oww!" Nagi didn't expected the Kanzaki brother to be here at this moment. However, before she could say something about their position, she felt a sharp pain in her right ankle.

"Looks like you're not, let me see." Without a single warning, Ren lifted Nagi from the floor and carried her in a bridal carry.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing Kanzaki-kun!" Nagi started moving in Ren's arms. Ren just sighed.

"I'm carrying you to the infirmary of course." Ren said with his usual expressionless face.

"O-Oh... okay." Taken aback by the calm tone of the boy, Nagi couldn't help but relax in his arms. 'Why am I the only one flustered here..?'

"What?" Ren thought he heard Nagi whispering something, being a few centimeters from her face this would be easy to notice.

"N-No, I didn't said anything." Ren decided to ignore that.

'I-I have never been carried like a princess before! A-Am I heavy..?' Various thoughts started flooding Nagi's mind.

'But still... Ren-kun sure is a man huh? He has a pretty well toned body... Ah! No, don't Nagi! Do not think about those kind of things! You are a teacher!' With great conviction, Nagi smiled with a smug look on her face, Ren noticed this.

"Um, sensei, could you please hold on tighter? At this rate, you'll fall from my arms." Nagi just nodded meekly. She tightened her grip on Ren's neck, as if hugging him, and snuggled up closer to his chest.

'I am a teacher, I am a teacher, I am a teacher, I am a teacher, I am a teacher, I am a teacher, I am a teacher' You could see Nagi's eyes rolling while her face was red like a tomato.

She might be a teacher, but she's a maiden at heart.


"Excuse me." *SLIDEE~*

"?" The person inside the infirmary, who was reading a book quietly in her chair, noticed that someone entered.

"Hey, it's been a while, Nakato-sensei." Greeted Ren, earning a surprised look from the school nurse, Nakato Yuuri.

"Oh Ren, it's been a while. Good afternoon to you too, Nagi." Yuuri left her book in her desk and stood up from her comfy chair. She made her way towards Ren and Nagi.

Nakato Yuuri is a 24 y/o woman who works at Kotori Gakuen as the school nurse. She has short black hair and indigo eyes. She has average height, but a well shaped body thanks to exercise and such. Yuuri is what you call a "laid-back person", but she emits a mature aura that most students find attractive. She tends to wear her robe pretty loose, showing her cleavage in an almost "shameless" way. When he was a first year, Ren used to help Yuuri around the infirmary, thus, they know each other pretty well. Although Ren stopped helping when he started his second year. However, Yuuri still has an attachment to him.

"I really missed you, you know...?"


"Wha-!" Much to Nagi's surprise, Yuuri hugged Ren from behind, and (purposely) squeezed her breasts against Ren's back. Nagi didn't knew that they got along like this and, while still on Ren's arms, he began lecturing him.

"You shouldn't Kanzaki-kun! You can't do that things with a teacher!" Ren sighed.

"Do what..? I'm not doing anything at all, Kanasuke-sensei."

"Yeah, Nagi chill out, this is just a little of skinship right, Ren?" Ren shook his head.

"Don't ask me." Yuuri just sighed while complaining 'so boring~'

At the end, Nagi got lectured instead. What the heck?

"So, what happened?" Once she got her daily fill of teasing students (especially Ren), Yuuri got on serious mode. This side of her is more appealing in Ren's opinion. Ren put Nagi on a bed to make her comfortable.

"Kanasuke-sensei sprained her ankle, most likely." Nagi forced a smile while Ren sighed. Yuuri raised an eyebrow. She started examining Nagi's ankle.

"How did this happened?" Ren looked at Nagi.She looked away from his stare. She most likely felt embarrassed of the reason of her injury. Ren decided to 'lie' a little bit.

"Her heel broke and she almost fell, but I helped her." Yuuri nodded in understanding. It's a common issue, those heels.

"My, how nice, you have your own knight in shining armor huh, Nagi?" Nagi blushed violently and shook her head. Ren remained unaffected. 「Yuuri's special move 'Teasing' didn't have an effect on Ren!」

"W-W-What are you saying Nakato-sensei?! We are absolutely not like that, right Kanzaki-kun?" She asked the Kanzaki brother for help. Ren nodded.

"That's right Nakato-sensei, Kanasuke-sensei and I are not like that at all." Nagi felt a little pang on her heart. Although she didn't knew why, she still pouted though.

"Yeah, we are teacher and student after all..." Yuuri noticed Nagi's depressed tone, and decided to change the topic. Ren as always, was unaware of this.

"Okay, thanks for bringing her here Ren, you can go home, I'll take care of her." Ren tilted his head in confusion.

"How can I leave her alone when I brought her here? How is Kanasuke-sensei supposed to walk home?" Yuuri's eyes widened while Nagi's cheeks reddened. What a good pair of reactions.

"Do you perhaps know where Nagi's house is..?" Yuuri looked at Nagi for an answer with a complex expression. Nagi hurriedly cleared her possible misunderstanding.

"I-It's not what you think, Nakato-sensei! We are neighbors, that's why!" Ren nodded at Nagi's words. Yuuri understood, but she couldn't let this teasing chance pass.

"Ohhh? And what did YOU thought I was thinking, Nagi?" Ren sighed at Yuuri's antics, he already knows how she is. But Nagi on the contrary, started blushing once again and couldn't form a single sentence.

"And that's that, so leave her to me, Ren." Ren wasn't completely sure about this, but he decided to leave the infirmary to let Yuuri work, leaving Nagi inside.

'...' He decided to send a message to Rin.

'Yo, Rin. Kanasuke-sensei is on the infirmary, don't worry, she's fine. I'll wait for her and walk her home, you can go without me.'

*BEEP* And sent. After a couple of minutes, Rin's reply came.

'Okay, nii-san. I hope that Kanasuke-sensei recovers soon. I'll see you at home.' A short, but polite message, something you don't see from Rin everyday.

'Well, at least she elaborated her message a little more, I'm moved to tears.' With that thought, Ren put his phone on his pocket, and decided to read one of his light novels while waiting for Nagi.

'I hope it will be quick.'


"And that does it."

"Thank you, Nakato-sensei." After putting an ointment on Nagi's ankle, Yuuri wraped a bandage around it, and fastened it with a pair of bandage hooks. The treatment didn't took that much time, but Yuuri had to do the whole procedure of the check-up. After several minutes, she left her go.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Nagi just shook her head.

"You don't have to go that far, Nakato-sensei. I'm fine, it was only a light sprain and you still have a lot of work to do right? Besides, my house is not that far from here, I can that much on my own." Yuuri wasn't sure about letting her walk home alone, but Nagi was right, she still has work to do.

"...Fine, but if something happens please call me." Nagi nodded and left the infirmary.

"This woman seriously..." Sighed Yuuri in a once again, empty infirmary.


"Oh, Kanasuke-sensei, glad to see you better." Ren smiled gently, taking aback Nagi, who was not expecting to see him here. She was a bit happy though she would not admit it.

"K-Kanzaki-kun? What are you...?" Ren cut her off.

"Of course I wouldn't leave you here alone, sensei. Now let's go home." Ren stood up from the bench he was sitting at.

Watching the boy's back while walking, Nagi couldn't help but wander. 'He stayed here waiting for me...?' When she thought of this, her heart fluttered unconsciously and she started feeling warm inside of her. She didn't knew why she felt like this, but it wasn't a bad feeling either, so she didn't mind.

"Ah, wait for me Ren-kun!" When they were far enough from school, she changed from 'Kanasuke-sensei' to 'Kanasuke Nagi, the Kanzaki siblings neighbor'.

"Ah sorry, my bad." Nagi giggled a little at Ren's awkwardness. Suddenly she had an idea.

"H-Hey, Ren-kun." Ren looked at her and replied.

"What is it, sensei?"

"I think it's a little hard to walk on my own, c-could I ask for your assistance?" She blushed all the while. Ren nodded unfazed.

"Sure, what do you need?" Nagi took the opportunity.

"You don't have to do anything." In a single move, Nagi intertwined their arms so she could hug Ren's with both of her hands, and support herself with him. Ren of course didn't mind that, he also thought that she smelled nice and felt really soft. Especially in some "pillowy" areas...

Both continued their walk home arm in arm, like a pair of young lovers until Ren decided to speak.

"Hey, Kanasuke-sensei."

"Hmm?" She just leaned on him and closed her eyes. She replied only with a sound. Ren smiled at this.

"About the circle, we did it. We made Mikagi-san join us for now." Nagi's eyes widened.

"That's wonderful! But how did you..?" Ren shook his head.

"A long story, not the right time." Nagi pouted, but he was right, NOW was not the time.

"Yeah, you're right. I wanna hear everything tomorrow though, you hear me?" Ren sighed once again.

"Yes, yes, understood, sen~sei." Nagi giggled and snuggled closer to Ren.

'Yeah, now is absolutely not the time' She thought for herself in their way home.