Deal with it

Just when everyone was thinking about how cruel is Jon's punishment little girl named Chen Yue said: "Mommy what are night games do uncle really play games but he said to me that only little children play games and never play games with me" When everyone heard her words almost choked in their own saliva and Ren and ladies turned red from embarrassment and Jon chuckled seeing everyone's expression. Her mother Xiao Ning was unable to come up with an answer said: "I don't know why don't you ask your uncle" and looked towards Ren with gaze you created this problem so you deal with it.

Her words made Ren his eyes wide open Chen Yu ran towards her uncle Ren moved his head looked towards Chen Kun who shook his head with the look I can't help you then looked towards Feng Xue Chen Ren's wife who gave him don't you dare push it on me look everyone laughed at Ren's helplessness when everyone laughed Ren he inwardly cursed Jon for this awkward situation and secretly looked at him. Just as Ren looked at Jon later noticed his gaze and gave him an evil smirk. When Ren saw his evil smirk turned his because he could do nothing other party was stronger than him and it was his fault for attacking without any warning and fraud between them.

Ren was unable to come up with any answer Chen Yu poked his face while he was lost in thoughts looked towards her said: "Yu'er........ Yu, Sir Jon was only joking" suddenly he heard a weak sound from inside of VIP treatment room and rushed inside saying: "Dad" everyone else had also heard the sound being a cultivator increased their all senses but they didn't rush like Ren who just wanted to get out of the situation later he would just ignore if Chen Yu again ask this question.

When he entered looked towards his father with a loving expression not because he loved his father very much but because his father woke up at the right time and he could run from Chen Yu's question. Chen Bilong looked at his son's expression and became happy thinking his son must be very happy on his waking up he didn't know the truth otherwise he would have slapped him a few times.

Outside when Ren ran inside Yu looked towards her father with hope that her father would answer her question but when Chen Kun noticed her expression he also ran inside saying: "father is awake" everyone else except Yu, Jon and Jake ran inside fearing that Yu might ask them for the answer. Chen Yu pouted when everyone ignored her and entered the room but she couldn't do anything and followed them.

Now only Jon and Jake left outside the room

Jon looked towards Jake said: "aren't you going to meet the old man"

Jake understood Jon has mistaken him as a member of Chen family shook his head said: "Hello Mr. Jon I'm Jake a rank 4 officer in SID and I'm not a member of Chen family but here on duty, as they hold a special status in Jade City it might cause trouble if news leaked out that old master of Chen family is injured and is in Lausanne University Hospital.

When Jon heard his words got confused old himself had never heard of SID but such thought didn't last long said: "Ok" he didn't care much about the other party's organization as long as they don't bother him. When Jake heard his reply he was surprised he knew from Jon's first showed confused expression that other party didn't know about his organization but it was human nature when they heard about any organization they would at least once try to find out about it but Jon only thought about it for a second and let go of the thought he said: "Mr. Jon I know you don't know about our organization aren't you curious about it"

Jon heard Jake's word chuckled and said: "Judging from what you said and your cultivation level it must be some kind of secret organization who keep eyes on cultivators and keep them under control ordinary police can't restrain them so some cultivators with the strong sense of justice joined hands with government and must have promised them that they will keep society safe but as they started working they fell short in number so they established the organization and started cultivator by providing them some benefits as for my curiosity it doesn't matter to me as long as you don't bother me"

Jake was even more surprised and looked at Jon with eyes wide open on his words how could a 15 years old boy have such indifferent response after guessing about the organization Isn't it all high school cultivators dream to join SID and gain authority above government although what Jon said is true but as time passed and organization got bigger the government authority above them decreased and now they are above government and even highest government official won't go against them even the lowest officer of the organization is unafraid of government officials if the government moves against them the organization would protect them. Most of the Officers join just because they could be anything as long as they don't go against the organization or break any rules set by organization