
After thinking a while Jake said: "I would you like to invite you to join the organization there are many benefits if you join the organization as long as you don't go against the organization or break the rules you can do pretty anything and your power level must be above level 4 grandmaster as I'm unable to see through your level"

When Jon heard his words he chuckled said: "If I join the organization which rank will I be given" Jake heard Jon's words felt that he might be able to convince Jon to join the organization said: "A person with fighting power above grandmaster level 4 is able to reach the rank 5 al least and later he can be promoted by increasing contribution in the organization or by increasing power level.................. so how about it will you join"

For a few mins, Jake kept telling him information about how to join the organization, how it works, and benefits of joining the organization Jon only listened to only a few words Jake said in starting and lost his interest and searched for a body tempering technique in his memory and found 'Dragon Body' a technique he got when he saved a half-dragon this technique has 7 levels and training this technique is very painful but if you reach level 7 of this technique your body will become as strong as an ancient dragon and only 2 peoples were able to practice it to peak both were half-dragon and dragon blood helped them in reaching the peak of the technique and both other halves were human although human has the weakest physique but they are able to practice any type of physique other half-dragon with other halves other than human. Only a few able to reach level 5 maximum and their other half's blood made it difficult to reach the level above 5. Although Jon didn't have dragon blood but doesn't mean he won't be able to find dragon blood in future the person he saved was one of two who reached the peak of this technique told him that he will be able to reach level 5 without dragon blood but for the level above 5th he needs dragon's blood the purer the blood the easier it will be to break in upper levels this information was only known to few but he told Jon when he gave Jon this technique but Jon was only able to break to level 4 in his previous life and reached a bottleneck and was unable to break it even after a decade so stoped practicing it because his level was very high and didn't feel much need of this technique.

But now his level was very low and a strong physique technique even at low level will be very useful and 'Dragon Body' was considered strongest technique below Heavenly Realm so it can be considered best technique which Jon could practice and level 1 of this technique would help him fight people above his level with physique only such thought caused a smile appear on his face. When Jake saw his smile thought that Jon is very happy to hear the benefits of joining the organization and he smiled inwardly thinking about reward given by the organization for bringing a top genius in the organization but if he knew what Jon was thinking he would cough blood from anger he was talking to him and other person is not paying even a little attention towards his words.

His last words about him joining caused Jon to return to reality and remembered that he didn't pay attention to Jake's words but acted as if he heard his clearly and said with a serious face: "joining the organization will give me many benefits but I don't like taking orders from others I like to be free instead of being tied down to an organization" although he didn't listen to what Jake said but he knew Jake must have told him about all the benefits of joining the organization.

When Jake heard his words weren't much surprised he knew top geniuses are don't like taking orders from others or being tied down to organization sometimes joining an organization might slow down their progress by people who are jealous of his/her talent said: "but a genius like you will be definitely be given top priorities, resources, and will help in growing up why do you not want to join with so many benefits" Jon looked towards Jake and said: "that why I don't want to join your organization with so many benefits there are bound to be many jealous and try to harm me as I might be a threat for them or their goal in future" when Jake heard his words smiled and thought this boy is truly not simple to be able to think so deeply. I have to report about him to headquarters I won't be able to lure him but they might add some benefits and guarantee his safety he might join the organization but a boy who can think so deeply might not be easy to handle even for them.