Eight: Survivors of The Lost World

Leaving Mofocity was not something that any Mofonians ever talked about. It was never an option. The four edges of the city were impossible to cross, there is nothing on the other side. That was what's been told religiously to Mofonians since the day they were born. Their way of living was acceptable and even going well for some. It would take someone like Friday to have such a radical idea to leave the safe haven from the world that they believed no longer exist.

The theory was proven to be effective because nobody ever left and no one ever came in either. There were approximately 3000 people currently living in Mofocity under a controlled population society. Birth and death rates were constantly monitored. There were stories about what actually triggered the incident on the day of the separation, and the story that they collectively agreed upon to be written in their history was the blast that happened in the government facility combined with the unnatural phenomena of the city. They treated it like a blessing in disguise and deemed themselves as survivors of the lost world. They were blessed with a fertile soil and management skills to maintain sustainability for all the days to come.

"There's nothing in the history book that says anything about the twins ... you know anything about them?"

"They're dead ... they all died in the explosion," Adrian said.

"See ... that's what bothers me, the explosion happened at the government facility, but the twins were not housed there, they were all being treated at the asylum at the time ... the asylum is abandoned and untouched since that day and the twins were never found, not even their remains."

Another information that was new to Adrian, "Why would they put the twins in the asylum?"

"That's what we're about to find out," Friday handed over a helmet and put one on her head as well.

They climbed up the motorbike that was parked in the back alley and off they went to the abandoned asylum, the North Edge of Mofocity.

One of the uniqueness of Twincity was the number of twins that were born there, more than that, these twins seemed to posses unexplainable psychic abilities. The government was fascinated by this and decided to take samples from them. They were put in the facility to be studied. The official report said they were gathered there for a routine check-up and were killed by the blast, each and every last one of them. It was reported at least 100 pairs of twins were killed in the explosion.

The Twin Oaks Asylum was located in the North Edge, close to an elderly quarter. There were rows of shops, diners and bars, similar to the West Area where The Dungeon was. The asylum itself was positioned right at the end of a long avenue. Behind it, a vast empty dry lot spread all the way to the East as a gap from the city to the ever growing forest next to it. The forest was lined with electric barb wire and CCTV attached to the posts in every 100 meters.

The whole area was arid and quiet, wind blew dusts from the streets, there was no one in sight. The stores nearby seemed to be open for business but they couldn't see anyone. The site was overgrown with weed, trees have penetrated the walls and windows of the building. Some of the doors had fallen from their frames. They could easily pass the wire fences, it wasn't locked. There was a "No Entry" sign, not enough to keep people away. There were flowers laid on the grounds from mourners who had visited the place to remember their loved ones who had perished on the day of the separation.

Friday was half running toward the entrance door. "Come on! Hurry! We have to get out of here before sunset," she said. Some parts of the wall were vandalized, "HELL IS EMPTY AND ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE" a quote from Shakespeare were on it, the paints have peeled off and scattered on the floor. Parts of the ceilings had fallen off, cables dangling from it. Furniture were covered in dust. Friday seemed to know where she was going, half way through the stairs on the right wing, she took out a map from her backpack. It was a map of the building, she was looking for the Medical Records room.

The place have been abandoned for 33 years, they can feel that the walls held dark secrets of the past. The halls were witnesses of what had taken place there and the agony of it's residences. Whether they were kept there willingly or unwillingly, the days even years spent in an asylum must have been a long and uncertain torture mentally and physically. It didn't smell like a hospital anymore. All that's left were images of how it used to be and the smell of earth, damp and dust.

Adrian followed her lead through the corridors and hallways between the rubbles and ruins where the beds were still placed in rows, straps hanging from all four sides of the beds. Medical equipment left corroded, papers and log books, some still in boxes, others in cabinets. They turned left and right, passing one room to another, isolation room, examination room, large bathroom for group baths, until they arrived in front of a heavy wooden door that said "Medical Records". As soon as they entered the room, Friday was opening drawers, went through whatever files that looked useful for her research.

"We need to find the patient's log or list of names ... or treatment logs, anything that we can find that has information about diagnosis of the twins that were treated here."


"And we need to do it fast ... we can't be here when it gets dark."

Adrian screened the room, all he saw was filing cabinets, sea of papers and log books. He started rummaging through the piles. Friday took out a canvas bag from backpack and gave it to Adrian, "Put anything useful in here."

He found a box of pictures with writings on the back.

"John Grady, Schizophrenia, demonic delusions, 1969"

"Maria Cane, psychotic disorder, hallucinations"

"Personality disorder" "Bipolar" and list goes on.

The year noted on the back of the pictures were ranging between 1966 - 1986. The year the facility was opened up until the year of the separation. He put the box in the canvas bag.

He tried to read the files as he went along, after awhile it gets too much. It was records after records of treatments and examinations in medical language that he didn't understand. He came to the window facing front of the building, the sun was getting low. Friday was too busy to notice that the day was almost gone.

"Hah! Found it!!" she yelled, holding up a yellow folder from one of the drawers. "List of patients that occupied the asylum at the time of the separation ... including the year of admission, their diagnosis, the doctor in charge and the wing they're assigned to ..." she kept reading.

"Hmm ... it seems like there's a Dr. Leonard Bogdan Feelgood that was in charge for almost all of the 136 pairs of twins ... he wasn't assigned to any other patients that were not twins ... there were a total of 489 patients that were treated here at the time and 272 of them were twins."

It was a curios fact and Adrian can see that it made her think. She checked on her map, "We need to go to the basement ... that's where they house the twins, and Dr. Feelgood's office is there too."