Nine: To The Basement We Go

As they ran towards the stairs, they can see the sunlight started to fade. "We don't have much time!" Friday looked frantic, deep down they knew they'll never make it out of the building before the sun sets. Adrian didn't think there was an urgency to be at work on time that day, even if there was, they would make it to The Dungeon before 9 P.M.

The basement was much darker, Friday took out a flashlight, pointing it to the signs on the walls. They passed the isolation chambers, forensic units where they kept the mentally insane criminals. They were heading to the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, where the twins were treated. It was a ward for patients who were considered a danger to themselves, and others. The basement was stuffy, humid and lacking circulations. They can hear their own footsteps bouncing off the walls and ceilings.

There were no other light than the one highlighting from the flashlight. In the dark, the corridor seemed endless as they walked further and further from the stairs. Adrian reached to his pocket and took out his special goggles and infrared light. Friday opened a metal door, finally, the one with the sign P.I.C.U. The room felt broad and large, dead forgotten chamber. They couldn't see the ends of that room. Beds were still visible through the weak light of the flashlight. "Bedside tables! Let's go through them!" said Friday.

Adrian went to the other side of the room and started pulling out drawers on the bedside tables, some of the personal belongings were still there. It was obvious that they had left abruptly and never came to collect them again. The room was suddenly rowdy as they ransacked the place recklessly in a hurry. They put in their bags anything that looked like a book or pictures, papers or anything that might indicate who the owner was. They didn't have time to look into the details, they just stuffed them in until the bags were full.

And then the room was not so dark anymore. They looked at each other, startled by the twilight that sneaked into the room from the corridor outside. They tip toed to the door to peek. A small fluorescent lamp at the end of the corridor had turned on, but there was nobody there. The lamp flickered, the flickering can be heard almost as clear as the sound of their beating heart. They stood at the door looking at each other for a brief moment, not sure what was happening.

"The sunset, it must have triggered the light," Adrian whispered. "I think we should go now," he added. Adrian took her hand and tried to herd her out of the room. They were about to step out of the door when they heard a faint sound of people conversing. The sound came from the room next to the P.I.C.U. The entrance of that room was right under the fluorescent lamp. It wasn't actual people talking, it was more like a recording.

"Today is the 16th of April 1986 ... the time is 06.06 hour in the P.M." the recording was heard.

Friday walked up to the entrance with her flashlight. "Friday ... that's not a good idea," Adrian said. She kept going. "There's no one here," she said. The sign on the door said "Dr. L.B. Feelgood" her face lit up as if she had just hit a jackpot. She signaled Adrian to come along and entered the room.

"The twins have been showing unusual symptoms for the past few hours ... they have been sitting up on their beds in a catatonic state ... in a what seemed to be a collective unconsciousness behavior" the recording went on.

Friday was all over the machine looking for other recordings and started putting them in her backpack. The room was a typical medium sized office with a desk, a few chairs, a book case, a sink, some machinery that's lying around on a medical trolley, an X-Ray board on the wall and other usual type of things one might find in a doctor's office. There was also an arm chair in the corner where it's darkest to see, but he can make out a doctor's coat laid on the chair, the white was pretty contrast.

"It appeared that the subjects are standing on their feet ... still in a catatonic state and ... they're walking towards the door ... " there was muffled sound on the recording as if the microphone was rubbing against a surface, vaguely, they can hear the doctor tried to talk to someone and was breathing heavily.

"The subjects are not responding to any stimuli ... "

Friday stopped what she was doing. She stood up and dropped her bag on the floor.


She froze with her back to Adrian.

The white coat in the corner seemed to be moving. Adrian stepped back and adjusted his goggles, tried his hardest to see if it was just a trick of the eyes. But the coat was slowly moving onto the floor and it wasn't just a coat, there was something in it, someone. "Friday ... it's time to go ..." whispered. Friday stood hard stiff and didn't respond.

"I have never seen anything like this ... they are all moving as if they are under some kind of control ... they move in unison at a very slow pace ... they are still not responding and are now going up the stairs ..." the recording continued.

The 'thing' inside the coat was crawling towards them. Adrian grabbed Friday by the arm, when he turned her around, her face was blankly staring into nothing. "Friday?!" he shook her, still no response.

He took her bags with one arm and lifted her over his shoulder.

"They are lining in formation at the yard ... this is very curious ... they are shaking their heads ... shaking their heads violently ... what is going on?" the doctor sounded perplexed. "They're looking up now ... dear God! Their eyes have turned white?" the doctor was now in a state of panic. And then he heard a shrieking scream that only exist in nightmares. It sent shivers down his spine, his blood ran cold. The crawling thing had almost made it to his feet, he saw hands, dark rotting flesh of hands tried to touch his feet. He lifted Friday and all the bags, he made a run for it.

He couldn't move as fast as he wanted, the fluorescent light flickered like it was about to burst. The deafening scream hurt his ears. He kept going in the dark corridor, stumbled upon trolleys, push beds and other unseen things. He passed the P.I.C.U. and saw figures stood up in the dark watching him, then they shook their heads. He looked back, the crawling thing had crawled out of the door.

Adrian moved his feet faster, he was suddenly fueled with extra strength. His eyes widened, he kept going, he knew the stairs will be right at the end of that hallway and whatever happened, he had to get out of that basement, out of that building.

When the horrible scream died down, there was a rowdy sound, he can barely hear the recordings anymore. He looked straight ahead and kept his eyes focused on the path in front of him. Then he saw her.

The lady in black was by the stairs facing to the exit way. Her head tilted down, her arm pointed up. He couldn't make out a face, it was too dark, but he knew what he was seeing. That long black Victorian dress and the bun, it was the lady in his room. He ran towards her, she was not moving, he was getting closer, as he passed her by to the exit, she let out the scream, "GET HER OUT!!!!!" He never looked back.