Hayley's POV: After Elijah and Nik left I was in shock, the only reason I was alive was so I could die, but I mean everyone is at some point. But everyone else has a purpose, I don't! Then I heard someone trying to get in, I thought it was Matt or Jenny, but it wasn't, it was my uncle, Marcus! Why the hell did he think he could show up here like this, he was part of the reason my parents died in that fire, he dropped the candle match. Only he made it out alive not my parents! He didn't even show his face at their funeral, so how dare he come to this town again...
Klaus's POV: Elijah and I were about to leave when we saw someone heading towards Hayley's door, it wasn't her brother or aunt, and we've never seen this guy before here! Who was this guy. We decided to follow at a distance, we don't know who this guy is or what he's doing here so when he opened the door and didn't have to be invited in we were relieved. So he wasn't a vampire, but who the hell was it? He walked in the house, we could hear him and Hayley's conversation...this was her uncle! Hayley has told me the whole story about why her parents died and that he had something to do with it, I quickly told Elijah and before I could even finish talking he ran inside...
Hayley's POV: Someone just ran into the house, uncle Marcus was right here, so who was this? Then I saw who it was, Elijah. He ran up to Marcus and threatened him the same way he did to me, except I could tell he wanted to hurt him, his vampire face was on and he was ready to feed on him. I saw Nik come in, I looked terrified, not of Elijah, but what he was about to do to Marcus. So immediately, no matter how much I wanted him dead, I told Elijah to put him down. To my surprise he listened!
Elijah POV: I ran up to that son of a bitch and was about to kill him for what he did to Hayley's parents. But what shocked me was that Hayley told me to stop! She came up to me and grabbed my face to calm me down, which it worked. Klaus was a little jealous which made this more and more interesting. However I noticed that Marcus, or whoever the hell this guys name was, wasn't scared or shocked by me. And most people usually are! I walked up to him compelled him to forget what I just did, but it didn't work! He had vervain in his system which could only mean one thing...he knows about vampires, and he knows what Klaus and I were and that Hayley knew about us...
Klaus's POV: I watched Elijah try to compel Hayley's unwanted visitor, but come to find out he uses vervain and knows about vampires. So we all decided to have a friendly little chat over dinner.
Hayley's POV: I tried to make everyone dinner, which failed since I'm a terrible cook, so we ordered pizza instead! While we talked we figured out everything we needed to know about Marcus, besides why he was here! I let Nik and Elijah try to get an answer is to why he was here the nice way, but he wouldn't budge, so I guess now we'll have to do it the hard way. Elijah was by his neck all fanged out and we finally got an answer, he's here because of Clarissa, she sent him here so she could be able to spy on us. And once we knew that Elijah found no more use to him and killed him, he ripped his throat out. And I'm not even sorry about it, actually I'm glad he killed Marcus because he was the living, breathing reminder of how my parents are dead and always will be. We figured we'd have time to go bury Marcus's body before Matt or Jenny got home. At least I thought we would, Matt walked right through the door into the kitchen, just our luck. Now, we'd either have to explain everything to him the truth...or find one hell of a good cover story for this one!