Elijah's POV: Hayley asked Kaylee to leave and then she said she needed to talk to me about something very serious. I had no idea what she was talking about but she didn't seem to pleased. Or maybe she was, I couldn't tell by the look on her face! Anyway, she walked up to me, grabbed my hands, looked into my eyes and told me something I'd never expect. She told me she was pregnant! How, that's impossible, vampires can't have babies! Then she said that since wolves and witches can reproduce and that we both had some of that within us that if we had enough sex it was indeed possible to have a baby! She said that Kaylee saw that when she looked within my blood, some sort of blood relation between the baby and me, a special connection. But obviously given I'd be the father, and she said that Hayley was about a week pregnant. And now that I think about it, we probably had sex a week ago. I just never thought in my entire, immortal life that I'd ever have kids, or be able to anyway. And I know Hayley wanted nothing more than to have kids of her own one day, and that day would be in nine months. However Hayley wanted to change one thing, our wedding date, she wanted to have the wedding before she started to show, or after she had the baby. We made a decision that It'd be before you could see her bump because then the children would be born into one family and not two unmarried parents. We set the date for an August wedding, next month! We wanted to be able to have it sooner than later at this point. And to top that off, we wanted to have a nice, small wedding, one that included all of me and Hayley's living relatives, that way we could see them all again, and it'd be our wedding, why wouldn't we want our closets friends and family there...
Hayley's POV: Now Elijah and I would have to plan fast, send out invitations TODAY that way everyone had a month notice. And we'd need to plan where we wanted it, and we needed the little details, like flowers, food, a band, and the tuxes for the boys. And most importantly, a wedding dress! I told Katherine and Kaylee that tomorrow they needed to take me out to buy one, I also told Kaylee not to tell anyone about the pregnancy! I wanted Elijah and I to announce it together. And in the meantime we set a date for August 20th, exactly one month from tomorrow! I decided on a classic bouquet of white roses, daisies, lilacs, and pink roses, it would be beautiful. And the place we wanted to do it was a forest, it's a cleared out place, the place Elijah took me on our first date! It's cleared way big enough for anything we might need for our wedding, we also chose a live classic band for the wedding. We got a bunch of food, all varieties, and for drinks, I'd put a secret spot for blood to put in peoples cups, you know, the vampires, you can never be to careful! And finally...who'd we invite, Elijah and I wanted to invite obviously Katherine, Nik, Kaylee, Caroline, Matt and Jenny, but we also decided to invite some normal people like some of Elijah's relatives, because all of mine are dead or never speak to our family, so we looked up who was still alive in Elijah's family, there was someone he kept in contact with throughout her whole life, she knew about vampires but she was a human, her name was Carrie, we sent and invitation to her since Elijah is her great great great, and a few more greats after that, uncle. Then one of the closest family friend to the Pierre's, Ian Lockwood! He hadn't been showing his face until Katherine came back to life, then he moved back to his old house and visits quite often, we aren't very close but he means a lot to me since he means a lot to Elijah and his family! So after we sent out he invitations Elijah and I were so tired, we went upstairs to our new room with our new king sized bed and fell asleep, awaiting the dress and tux picking that would come tomorrow...