Chapter Ninety Eight: Some Time Ago

N: Three years later...

Katherine's POV: It was almost the three year mark, only one more day until we could wake up Elijah. Annabelle has grown so perfectly, she's Three now and she can walk, and talk, and she's just so beautiful, Hayley and Elijah did good, she's a blessing to this whole family, and worth every risk...

Klaus's POV: Katherine, Kaylee, Ian and I thought everything was fine until we came across something strange in town, one of the houses right on the border of Saint Falls, there has never been a house there before but now there was, we were passing by here a couple days ago and nothing was there and now all of a sudden there's a perfectly modern mansion. Ian and I decided to check it out, we left Kaylee and Katherine with Annabelle. Once we walked up to the door we didn't have to be invited in which meant either a vampire owned it or nobody lived here. We suddenly heard someone it was definantly a vampire because crashing noises were coming from everywhere. Then someone appeared in front of us, it was a man, he was dark skinned and had a bad attitude. He said his name was Luke, after his father. Not sure why that was important. Anyway, he asked us if we were vampires, we said yes since he knew of them he could possibly be one, I asked if he was he said no. Then we asked many other questions like how he was everywhere at once making all those noises, all he said was him and his sister like to scare people. Then a young lady showed up quickly, she looked like she was about 15 or 16 and her name was Lucy. Luke told us that they were new in town and that they were researching vampires. We told them all about vampires because they seemed like pretty nice people. Well that was before I got staked...

Ian's POV: As soon as Klaus got staked I pulled it out and ran as fast as possible away from that house, when we got back I payed him on the couch waiting for him to wake up, in the meantime I asked Kaylee if she would put a boundary spell on that house keeping them inside, I told her to bind it to the comet like she did with Elijah and Hayley's coffin room before, then we went back, except we took Kaylee with us. Klaus, Kaylee and I all arrived again I told Kaylee their names and as soon as she saw them she screamed...

Kaylee's POV: How the hell did they get here! That was Luke and Lucy, they're he children of hell. I've read stories and seen pictures about them. Luke is supposed to be king of hell soon, that means he's preparing, he's going to kill people. I told Klaus and Ian this. We hurried off and did more research on the children of hell and found out the only way to kill them and keep them and all hell spawns in hell for good was to burn them with hellfire! Luckily I know exactly how to get hellfire, all I have to do is draw up the power from hell, it doesn't involve dark magic though so it's healthy magic. I'd do that and then find a safe spot where nobody innocent would die and then take Luke and Lucy down there, hold them hostage and burn hem alive with hellfire...

Katherine's POV: I hate that I'm not part of whatever everyone is doing today, but I'm on Annabelle duty and keeping and eye on Elijah and Hayley's coffin duty...

Klaus's POV: We saw in research that full moons are when hell spawns are their weakest. So in two days on the full moon would be when Kaylee needs to draw up all the hellfire and we figured out that the best spot would be the tunnels underneath the entire town, they're thick enough to not burn through to anybody's houses, and it was an easy place to drawn the hellfire to, also keeping Lucy and Luke trapped in there would be easy, we'd stop the hellfire at the underneath of their house that way they stayed trapped up until their death, and then Kaylee would up-draw the hellfire so they burn, and since the house is on the border of town nobody lives there so nobody gets hurt...