POV : Sophia (1)

Sophia POV


My name is Sophia. I don't have a surname because I'm not a noble.

That's right, I am a commoner.

My parents were the owner of the Avalon Merchant Union. They weren't the founder of the company, but they inherit the company from my grandparents. Our company was founded long years ago by our ancestors.

My parents only have one child, that's me.

Based on tradition, I will inherit the company in the future. Even I am a commoner, but I get a treatment like a noble.

Our company earns money more than the noble get from Kingdom and their territory. I can afford to read a lot of books and do almost anything.

My house even has a large private bath for each room. I have shampoo and soap to wash my body every day. I can use perfume too which is exclusive stuff for noble.

I can get anything by asking my parents. We have a lot of money to buy anything. We are very rich.

I have a proper education too. I have a private tutor who teaches me about manners, arithmetic, and many things.

I learn manners because I will inherit a big company and In the future, I will have a lot of relation with noble or Royal families.

Our company dominates commerce on the Evandel Kingdom. We have around 35 branch stores in different towns. We sell food supplies, furniture, all kind of potions, skill books, jewelry, a various tool for farming, clothes, magic stone, and rare monster body's parts.

We can get those items for selling from our company members. Avalon Merchant Union is an association of many merchants with the same commitment to making a profit.

My ancestor has an idea of make the company to reduce rivalry between the merchant and persuade them to cooperate together to make a lot of profit.

At first, this idea was opposed by a lot of merchants, but my ancestors never gives up until they prove the company can make more profit than normal merchants. One by one merchant come to register in our company and make us develop rapidly.

Some of our customers are nobles and even the Royal Family made some trade with our company in the past, so I need to learn at least some manner.

I also learn arithmetic because this is a basic for a merchant, besides skill for negotiating. Luckily I can learn arithmetic easily with the abacus.

Abacus is a calculating tool introduced by the previous Hero. This tool is constructed by wood frame with bead sliding on wires. The frame consisting of beads have ten rows and each row has ten beads. This tool can be used for learning arithmetic more efficiently.

I'm very fortunate to born in this family.

I have a unique gift to when I reach 9 years old. My gift can know the future in my dream.

Sometimes when I sleep, I will meet another "me" in my dream. My copy will tell me something will happen to me or my family.

At first, I don't understand the meaning of this dream. But what "she" told me in the dream happening in real life. Most of them were when I will face a risky situation. I can't control my gift freely but I will try it in the future.

Like a venomous snake sneaks to my room or I will be kidnapped by bandit when strolling around the Capital. Sometimes even I get 'message' about the problem that will occur in our Company.

I immediately tell my parents about that problem and prevent it from happening. That's why my parents trust me more than anyone.

I never tell my gift to anyone else except my parents and Sam.

Sam is my private tutor selected by my parents and he is my guardian as well. My parents trust him and he has a very good reputation among the merchant. He is very smart and wise but he doesn't have fighting ability. I can hire strong adventurers with money though.

That day my parents received bad news from our branch store on Andalas. Apparently a local noble make trouble for us. I don't mind that problem because Andalas is very far from Capital and the branch store doesn't make a lot of profit.

But that night, I have a dream. I meet another me and she told me :

'Go to Andalas and you will meet a valuable person during your journey. Don't bring strong adventurers and trust what will he say. Promise him to enroll him in Elementary Academy as a last resort.'

"Who is he?"

"I can't tell you."

My copy refuses to tell me.

Honestly, I feel curious about this person. My gift never lied to me and I decided to go to Andalas as "she" instructed.

My parents were rejected my idea to go to Andalas without strong guards to protect us, but I tell about my dream and managed to convince them.

In the end, I go to Andalas with Sam and 6 D-rank adventurers.

We need at least a week to reach Andalas by using a horse wagon. Our journey is very smooth because we use high ways. Bandit rarely comes to highways because some guards will patrol in this road.

The wagon shakes a lot and it's very uncomfortable. I need to go undercover to reduce the risk of being targeted by bad guys.

On the 6th day, our wagon attacked by a bandit. They even know our identity.

And I already assume that the bandit were hired by our rival. I can't help to scream because some bandits come close to my position.

That time I hear a boy yell about chasing by monsters. His hair is black and maybe around 10 years old. He runs toward the bandit may be looking for protection.

What the hell?!

Doesn't he know that he chose the wrong person?!

The bandit stopped their attack and looking toward the direction where the boy comes from.

I'm also looking at that direction and gulped.

But the monsters never come.

When I see that boy again, I see several bandits already lying on the ground.

The bandit is on confusion and the boy attacks them using that opportunity. I can't hear clearly because our distance is quite far.

The boy fight with several bandits like nothing. He even kills the bandit who lying on the ground while he blocks all attacks from several bandits at once. His skill and swordplay are very powerful.

"Lady Sophia, it seems fortune is on our side."

"Yeah, I agree."

We watch the boy fight with the bandit for a moment. But suddenly he fights with a bandit who has the biggest body among them. Maybe their leader?

"Do you think he will survive my Lady?

"I don't know Sam."

But the boy kills the leader in a short time. The boy managed to cut the leader's head and the rest of the bandit run away after that.

I know why "she" told me not to bring strong adventurers. If I do that, this boy won't come to help me.

Fufufu, my gift is very useful.

With my gift, I can make better preparation and one step ahead than my target. In the end, I will make him become my subordinate.

"Could it be he was what I looking for?"

Yeah, he is very talented but only on fighting. I can hire stronger adventurers than him though. I need to assess his talent before making a decision.

But how can a child like him kill some people easily?

Is he used to kill someone before?

I need to think about this.


The boy's name is Vin. He is on the journey to find his parents. He decided to visit Andalas now. We offer a free ride to him, and he accepts it.

He claims his money was taken by the bandit and he comes to take his money back. Because he lives alone now, he needs to learn how to protect himself and it makes a sense why he is very skilled.

But still, why I feel he used to kill someone?

Ahhhhh, let's cast aside that thing for now.

I need to know more about this boy.

After hearing about our problem, he gives us several pieces of advice. His advice is very thoughtful and I couldn't help but admire his wisdom.

He is very strong and wise. I noticed that he has odd stuff like katana and storage pouch. Those items can't be obtained by a kid like him.

Maybe he was a noble or former knight family?

He even has a noble friend in the Capital to help him. But I sense something fishy here.

If he has a friend from Capital, why he need to ask about my company?

My company is well-known in the Evandel Kingdom, so it's impossible to not hear anything about it even once.

Maybe he never comes to Capital before or he wasn't from this Kingdom?

But where he gets the katana and storage pouch when he never comes to Capital?

Katana is a special sword and produced by the skilled blacksmith in the Capital only. There are some way too, but only high ranked noble who can do that.

That means, he has a relation with high ranked noble in the Capital. At least higher than David Wardenia to make him can arrest David and do the investigation.

He is very mysterious

If I can control him, maybe I can become flawless.

I observe him when he talks to Sam and I can see him very cautious about us. He and Sam are probing each other and try to reveal their real intention. He rejects our request to guard us when we go to David Mansion. But when Sam told him he can make him enroll in Elementary Academy, he changes his mind even temporary until he knows our real identity.

I know this boy is very sharp too.

He is a very valuable asset and I can't miss this opportunity.

I decided to follow his plan as "she" told me. I will see how will the boy solve my problem.