The Other Side

Alex Joanne Salazar Robles is the owner of The Cup of Love Café. It was perfectly place a couple of blocks away from the University which can easily be access by the stressed student who wanna go drink coffee and kinda forget their academics. She graduated on the same University two years ago that she knew how can be stressfull the place was. She have a Bachelor degree in Business that now she put on practice. The Cup of Love Café is her first business that only opened few months ago and it is really doing good.

Summer Vacation.

No wonder why only few people hang out on her Café. Alex was on the counter checking sales and doing some inventory when she heard the sound of the Café door's chime. Someone walks in and she saw this certain girl that got amazed by her place. She really could tell that this girl was got amazed by the ambiance and with the set up she put effort to for a month or two based of her facial reactions. She love how expressive this girl is-- her eyes you can easily read, her beautiful smile, a cute height; she looks like a kid who saw an amazing playground she can play on.

"Hey! Stop staring it's creepy." Ren whispers.

Alex back on her senses, "What?! Ahm . . hey im not staring at all. Ehh . . I just saw her entering by now"

"ahm . . ehh?? Why were you stuttering?!" Ren mocks.

"Hey! I am your boss. Respect me dipsh*t" Alex blushed and went in the storage room.

"Yes boss! And wait! Wash your face it is turning red. Maybe it is from the weather so . . hahaha" Ren continue mocking.

Alex is the manager and the owner of the shop but she treats her employees as friends. And Ren was her closes. They can insult each other and have fun while working. They treat each other as what typical friends do.

After giving the order of the girl, Ren could still find Alex' eyes on this girl. The shop wasn't crowded. They only have five afternoon customer including this girl. She could see how dedicated this girl to her book and foods that she doesn't even touch and / or look at her phone or anything. She really didn't bother with how many customer was already left and came by without her moving on her seat. Maybe if she wasn't too dedicated to her book she could see her friend Alex peeking an eye on her every damn second.

"Why not go there and asked her name already?" Ren told Alex.

"Don't be stupid Ren. Hey! Anyway. What is your problem?! Just because Robyn wasn't here it gives you the right to mock me this whole damn day." Alex murmured.

"She can't hear us so stop murmuring. Damn are you shy? This is the first time I saw you got shy with a girl. Hmmm" Ren teasing.

"Shut up before I kick you in the face."

"Okay okay. Relax. Hahaha"

30minutes later they saw the girl got shocked on her phone. She quickly fix her things and almost run outside.

"What's wrong with her?" Alex said.

"I don't know. Maybe her boyfriend texted her to go home 'cause he misses her and he is waiting for her so they could go to a date night. How sweet! And now we knew you got no chance on her 'cause she was head over heels with her boyfie." Ren teasing.

"For the last time Ren, shut up. I'll go clean her table you go fix the counter we will close early today 'cause damn you are so irritating" Alex said irritatingly.

"Hey I'm just kidding. You don't have to get jealous about her boyfriend. Who knows if she really have one." Ren still mocking.

"arghhhhh!!!! Dip sh*t!!!" Alex went to the girl's table to cut her conversation with Ren.

Ren can really read her. And she got really confused to what exactly she feels at the moment. It wasn't right getting jealous with stranger's someone 'cause in the first place you do not know each other and or have any connection or relationship. This is so damn irritating!

While cleaning the said table and arranging the pillows on the floor she notice a bracelet. She thinks this belong her and she thought she will be the one who will give it back. She will definitely wait for her without even the assurance of her coming back.