She's back ..

The chime's clang!

Alex quickly looked at her shop's door! Is she here? Did she came back?! It's been like three days since the last time she saw her. And for those days, it became her habit to check and looked at the door everytime she hear the chimes.

But today is the day she's been waiting for! The sounds of the chimes became the bell of love that makes everything beautiful and looks like they were in a movie scene. Everything seems begin to turn in slow motion! She was blinded by this gorgeous girl entering her café; she ain't seeing anything but her in her short floral casual dress with her white sneakers. She wears her reading glasses but never covered how beautiful and expressive her eyes are. The perfect short hair that compliments the perfect shape of her angelic face. . .

But then someone came in and take her in the arms, clinging onto her. And she quickly take this another girl's hand and smiled at her. The smile she didn't even have the chance to see from the last time. She seems so happy today! She took this another girl by the hand and they went straight to her spot; the mini book shelves section and with scattered throw pillow on the floor - PERFECT!

"Hey Alex! What's wrong with your face?" Ren said.

"Nothing! I'll just go inside and check our supplies.", Alex said with irritated tone.

"Did you just checked that awhile ago?" Ren got confused.

"Re-checking!" Alex said walking away.

She didn't wait for Ren to answer.

Bythe was nearly at the counter when Ren notices her.

"Hello! Good afternoon, Miss!" Ren said smiling.

"Hi! Can I get one Mocha Frappe, one Strawberry Banana Shake and one slice of chocolate cake please.", Blythe said giving her debit card. She don't use credit cards for she believes that credit card will make her spend more.

"Okay, Miss. I'll just take your orders on your table."

"Okay. Thank you!"

Blythe went back on her spot. Ren saw the other gorgeous girl she's with. She saw how this girl lay down on Blythe's lap the moment Blythe sit down and began reading her book. As if these two was in a park!

Now she knows why the heck Alex acting weird. Damn! She didn't even imagine Alex getting soft with a stranger; she didn't even see her like this before on her past relationships. How pathethic was getting jealous on someone she didn't even know! Acting like this when she doesn't even know her name! This is freaking insane! - - and a little funny, too.

It is still Student's Summer vacay! Still Few people are coming on their shop. At this moment, Ren and Alex was still the only service people in the Café! Ren needs help! She needs Alex! She was on her way opening the door going to the storage room to call her when she accidentally push the door on Alex! Alex was behind the door!

"Aww! That damn hurts!" , Alex said almost screaming.

"Shhhh. Lower your voice, will you?! I'm sorry! What the heck are you doing there! Wait are you listening to us while I'm taking orders? I think that was a little creppy Alex!," Ren said.

"Noooo", Alex said defensively. "I'm going out there when you open the damn door and hit me in my forehead!"

The real thing is, she really listening to them! She heard how enthusiastically Blythe gets while talking. She hears how alive she is then, how she can hear and see how happy Blythe was behind those doors!

"Okay! I'm sorry again. But now would you please help me with the orders?" Ren said to end their confrontation.

"Okay! I will make the drinks and just gave it to them!", Alex said bitterly.

"Yeah! Just make sure you make it extra sweet not like how bitter you sounds like." Ren said while getting a big slice of chocolate cake.

She puts the cake in the plate, then the Frappe and shake in one serving tray when Alex finished mixing drinks.

"Look how sweet this is! They'll be sharing on one piece of cake. I can feel your girl is a keeper and little bit romantic,huh!", Ren mocking!

Ren walks away before Alex can even talk. Alex was pissed! She didn't even know why! And Ren is like adding salt to the wound by doing her little mockery on her!

She saw this other girls trying to pull Blythe's book. She wants Blythe to stop reading and eats with her. At first, Blythe wasn't listening until she closes her book and stop reading.

She saw the other girl making a sad face when Blythe tried to went back on her readings and how she said something that made Blythe totally closed her book and putting it down and obeys her. Then they started talking and laughing. She saw how this girl cling on Blythe, how she hugs her everytime Blythe was sort of getting a little offended with her jokes, and how Blythe easily laugh again between those hugs. She witness how they let each other taste their drinks, how they share on one piece of cake. Everything they do makes her feel uncomfortable, irritated, angry and she didn't know what else and why!