Someone had a Bad Day

Alex wear her angry pants since yesterday; since Blythe and Izza left her shop. They left a little late; after they finished their Frappe and Shake and the chocolate cake they decided to enjoy the place a little more - -the calm music and the ambiance. They took photos of the store and photos of them for remembrance when Izza go back Abroad. It's nearly six in the evening when they decided to go back to Blythe's place.

They were on their way going out of the store when Izza pull Blythe by the arm and went back on the counter.

"Hey! Lets get Tita some food!" Izza said when they reached the counter. "What do you think we should get?"

Alex and Ren was standing in front of the counter; preparing to close the shop.

"For mom?", Blythe try to think like a little kid.

Alex finds it so cute. "Gosh! She really looks like an angel!" Alex thought as she stares at her.

"My mom would like an iced cold coffee but I guess,we should just get another chocolate cake since they'll be closing the shop now. It's almost six."

Ren looks at Alex and said, "It is okay Miss. My Boss here is willing to prepare your drinks, right boss?"

"Yeah, sure!", Alex looks back at Ren with sharp eyes.

"Are you sure?", Blythe asked.

"Yeah I mean. . Yes!" Alex smiles at Blythe.

"Okay! How much for everything. One iced cold coffee and a chocolate cake." Izza asked. "You payed for earlier, Summy let me pay for this." Izza turn to Blythe.

"Okay!" Blythe said.

Alex turned her back the moment Izza talks and heared how Blythe's voice sounds so sweet while talking to her. She then prepares the drink. Ren was left in the counter and do the billing. After receiving the payments, she told them to take a seat first and wait for another minute for the order. She then go to Alex and reminded her about the drink.

"Hey! Remember , it is for your little Summy 's mom so do not put anything on it, okay!" Ren mocked Alex!

"I know! Will you please shut up and let me do my work here? Get the cake and this drink is almost done!" Alex said irritatingly.

"Yes, Boss!" Ren said loudly that the girls hears it.

She then looks at them and smiles!

Blythe and Izza smiles back at her.

"They are a little weird, are they?", Izza whispered at Blythe.

"Hey! Don't be like that!", Blythe said.

"I'm kidding, Summy.", Izza said touching Blythes forehead for she trying to iron out her eyebrows and the lines on her forehead. This was a little joke everytime Blythe was upset that she have her eyebrows crossed.

Alex saw everything and got upset. She gives the drinks to Ren and went back in the storage room.

"Your orders are ready, Miss.", Ren said.

Blythe stands up first and get the orders on the counter, "Is your boss okay?", She did noticed Alex facial expression while going in.

"Oh! Yeah she's fine. She just got upset on something. She wasn't always like that, you know. She just had her bad day." Ren said positively.

"Aw! Okay! Just tell her thank you for this.", Blythe said.

"Okay! She will be happy hearing that!"' Ren said it a little bit high thinking Alex might behind the doors again.

Blythe smiles and said bye to Ren.

Everytime Alex remembers everything from yesterday, she can't help herself but to got annoyed by these. And for addition, Ren mocked her for acting like this.

She remembers Ren telling her that maybe this other girl and her little Summy were living on the same place with her mom. How cute when they acted sweet and really don't care about people around them. She knows Ren was only teasing her because she obviously notice that she got jealous by them. She knows how pathethic this is! The thought of this girl making "Summy" happy and EVERYTHING they might be doing makes her uncontrollably MAD.

She pulled out the bracelet on her pocket thinking she needs to see her again. She needs to see her and talk to her ALONE! She misses her and knowing that she's with this girl makes her insanely mad. She hates this unfamiliar feelings inside her!