Chapter 17

*Roqing's POV*

Lady Song is such a nice person, and she has been since the day we met. Lady Li has always disliked me for reasons unknown, but Lady Song has shielded me from her and even cared enough to ask me how I was doing. She even called me pretty, and made me feel special. From that moment on I have always looked up to her. Her smile is so charming and genuine, and the way she holds her self gives of an aura of authority.

"Won't you be my friend?"

No one in my life had ever been that nice enough to ask me to be their friend. It makes me happy, that beautiful caring smile. That caring smile turns baffled and worried. "Hey, don't cry" she says, reaching for my face and wiping the tears that I didn't notice were falling.

By instinct, I rush and hug her and begin to cry. People might think I am strange, but I truly respect this one person that cares. Just when I think she will push me away, she returns the hug and allows me to pour out my soul.

Her patience gives me a sense of security and she has the air of a caring adult even though she looks so young. Even though her family's status is higher than mine, she still introduces me to her two beautiful cousins. In just a day, thanks to Lady Song, I have three new friends.

We are rushing towards Madame Giu's class, when I suddenly ram into something hard. As I was not expecting it, I was quite dizzy and started falling backwards, but something grabbed my waist and prevented me from falling. I open my eyes to see the crown prince's beautiful face looking down at me. He was holding my waist, and his face was way too close to my face for comfort. I turn to look at Lady Song, and she is grabbing her two cousins, and before she ran away, she gave me a big smile and a wink.

Oh no, what must she think of me, in the arms of a man? I quickly untangle myself from the prince, and profusely apologize. I bow and say, 'Your highness, please forgive this careless one for running into you'.

'It is fine, I forgive you' he said cheerfully, 'Since you are so beautiful,'

When Lady Song told me that I'm beautiful, there was something charming about it and her compliment was so genuine. However, I find the crown prince's compliment sounded just plain creepy.

'I thank your Highness,' I said hurriedly, 'If I may be excused your Highness, I am late…'

He looked surprised that I didn't seem to appreciate his compliment, but waved his hand to show that I may be dismissed. I ran off as elegantly I can.

I made it in to the class room just a few moments before Madame Giu walked in, and I sat on the little chair in front of Lady Song. She gave me the biggest smile and whispered, "So how did it go?"

'How did what go?'

"You know, you and the prince"

'I found the prince to be quite scary, he's nothing compared to Lady Song...'

She looked quite shocked that I didn't find the prince as nice as other people. She still smiled at me and stopped talking, as Madame Giu walked in at that moment. Our lessons began and Lady Song paid all attention to the very strict teacher. I strive to be like her.

>End POV<

The prince looked thoughtfully at the fleeting figure. How strange, he thinks, 'Girls always blush or try to get closer to me. Why does this girl almost look like she is disgusted by me?'

"Ju Bai"

"Yes Master!"

"Who was that girl?"

"That was Miss Wu Roqing, I believe. Her father is one of the ministers from the Commerce Department."

"Wu Roqing…" he muttered, "Never mind, let us go, I believe Father wants me to supervise the new royal attandent."

"Yes Master..."

At the same moment in the senior training grounds, two males spar. After a while they sit to rest for a while.

"So you have a sister, Xie?" said Jin Qingye, while taking a swig of the cool water, then passing it to the boy next to him.

Song Xie takes the water and takes a swig and says, "Yes sir, you met her this morning…"

"She seems like a nice young lady…"

"I guess so Sir..." said Xie, a bit comfortable.

"She is fascinating, your sister" said Jin Qingye, smiling.

"Not to be rude, Sir, but please don't even think of my sister like that" said Xie, suddenly and dangerously.

"Hey, hey" said Qingye, chuckling a bit and getting up. "Calm down, want to spar a bit more?"

"Lets do this!"

They were sparring, when suddenly the prince and his shadow walked in. They bowed towards him and said "Welcome your Highness, crown prince."

"You spar very well, continue"

"Thank you your Highness" they said in unison and continued fighting.

After they finished, they stood in front of the crown prince with their heads bowed. The crown prince asked them a question. "Why would a girl be disgusted with you?"

They were surprised by the question, and looked at each other, before Xie turned to the crown prince. "Your highness, I have a sister and one of the main things she finds disgusting is when things aren't clean or are dirty"

"My female cousins like extravagant things," cut in Jin Qingye, "And find anything not their standard very disgusting."

The crown prince was deep in thought. 'So girls like clean and extravagant things,' he thought, and walked slowly back to the palace, deep in thought.

Xie and Qingye simply shrugged when they saw the prince walking off again and went right back to sparring.