"I found the prince to be quite scary, he's nothing compared to Lady Song..."
What? Where is the dreamy voice she should have talking about her prince? Why doesn't she look like she's in love? Why am I being compared to the crown prince? I am utterly baffled at this point and I'm pretty sure I look very concerning, so I put back my nice smile.
I need to do further investigation on this. Nothing is technically going according to plan anymore and I suspect it's my fault.
"I am Madame Giu," said Madame when she walked in, her strict voice echoing through the garden, "And I will be teaching your etiquette classes."
"I except everyone to do no short of excellent in my class. Etiquette is one of the most important parts of being a noble,"
She points to the teapot and little teacups in front of us.
"For our first lesson, you will be learning to serve."
The rest of the lesson was fun for me anyway, and I made sure to make just enough mistakes to not look suspicious. I usually corrected Shie, Sui and Roqing's mistakes. It is fun to act like a kid sometimes, but it gets tiring looking at other's mistakes when I already know what the current Royal Consorts know.
By the end of it, everyone was complaining. "My back hurts from sitting so straight," whined Sui, "I don't know how you do it Lai'er."
"Yes and the elegance when you poured your tea…" pondered Shie, "You are a natural!"
"I think so too Lady Song," said Roqing, "When you sit up like that, you remind me of a princess…" she said dreamily.
'Ah, stop it you guys…' I say, waving my hands, 'With practice, you too could do it!'
"Of course Lai'er, oh and Roqing," said Shie, "How is it going with the prince?"
"Which prince is Miss Shie referring to?"
"Oh you know, that day when you fell into the prince's arms and he held you by the waist…" she said dreamily.
Roqing turned red, "I don't think of the crown prince other than the fact that he is our future leader!" she quickly explained.
'My, you two were made for each other'
"Lady Song!"
'Alright, Alright. Call me Laing from now on, yes?'
"O-okay, Miss Laing"
The next class was our embroidery and arts class, taught by the sweet Madame Hangfei. Her eyes were always in small crescents and she was always smiling. She was already seated at the head of a room containing small chairs and a tray table in front of them.
We sat in our respective groups and madame introduced the basics of embroidery. All these nobles hadn't done a single bit of work in their lives and were having trouble getting basic stitching right. As a perfectionist, I couldn't bear to make mistakes, so my embroidery was close to what professional maids usually make.
Madame Hangfei praised me a lot, but I obviously kept my head down and hoped the attention would divert from me. Roqing's one was a bit shaky, but I could tell that if I wasn't here, her one would be the best.
"Miss Laing's embroidery is exceptional!" exclaimed Roqing
"My my, cousin" said Sui, "I didn't know you had hidden talents!"
'I just watched mother do it for a long time,' I said, making an excuse, "She is great at embroidery."
"Ah yes, Madame Duan is an excellent embroiderer"
I also saw Li Erong giving Roqing envious glances. Poor girl is probably jealous that I'm hanging out with the one person she hated.
The next class, everyone was excited for, because boys and girls were going to be in the same room. Literature was taught by Teacher Pei, and he was a cheerful fellow. He reminds me of that happy unmarried uncle that give you gifts all the time.
We lined up in our individual lines according to gender and all the girls were either giggling or blushing and huddled together in little groups discussing the opposite gender.
The boys were really handsome and I guess most of them come from prestigious families, but they were in the end, boys and didn't appeal to me at all.
'Wait a minute, isn't the youngest prince also in this class?' I think and look towards the back of the line, an there he was, having just arrived.
He was quite attractive, from a point, but he was like so young, too young. All the girls at this point were hyperventilating at his supposed attractiveness. I however shook my head at their foolishness, as in the book he was engaged to the princess of a neighbouring region, by the time Roqing was crowned Empress.
I remembered that Teacher Pei made the girls sit next to the boys. Oh no, the book didn't mention who Laing sat next to. As, I got increasingly worried, Teacher Pei happily walked up to us.
"For the sake of improving social skills, I will place you in assigned seats. The Emperor has approved of my arrangements." he announced looking pointedly at the prince, Tian Sanghue.
"First, when I call your name, take a seat in order."
"Song Shie, and next to her Kang Weilong"
After a whole bunch of names, "Song Laing, and next to her Prince Sanghue"
Oh of course, he has to be the one next to me. The universe sure loves tormenting me. I grit my teeth and slowly make my way to the seats.