The classroom had rows of low tables and cushions to sit on. There were two of these low tables in each row and I made my way over to an empty one. The prince silently sat down next to me and I had to stop myself flinching. Why can't these royal bastards leave me in peace? First it was the fifth prince, and now it was the youngest one.
Prince Sanghue doesn't yet have his title of third prince, as he was borne from a concubine, but he still had many years to prove himself. I look over to Wu Roqing and she is seated next to the youngest son of the Huong family. He becomes one of her love interests later in the book. She looks back and waves at me and I cheerfully wave back, completely ignoring the prince.
Teacher Pie begins his lesson on poems and other nonsense. I've always hated literature and was very mediocre in the subject. But thankfully I remember a lot of poems from my previous life. I could just steal some and say that I created it myself.
"When you write poems, you must express yourself, say what you feel. Bring it out from your soul, within your heart…"
God he sounds like my highschool Creative writing teacher. While I'm thinking about what to write, I subconsciously tap my brush handle on the table, which was an old habit of mine. The prince seemingly got irritated by this and said, "Could you kindly not do that?"
'Okay…' I said still not looking at him, deep in thought, not aware that he had even spoken to me. Ah, I decide to write a depressing poem, that won an award in my previous life.
I write it down as best as I can remember it. Teacher Pei claps his hands, "Alright, when I call your name, stand up and recite your poem. First to go, Prince Sanghue."
Jin Qingye was deep in thought. Why did Xier's sister remind him so much of someone? He felt like he had seen her somewhere. Where had he heard that voice before? He sat his office and was pondering this for almost an hour now. His attendant, who was sitting in front of him, stared at his master's strange expression.
"Master, is there anything that is troubling you?"
"Say, have you seen the eldest Miss Song outside of the palace?"
"No Master, she hasn't come out to the public yet."
"I keep thinking I saw here sometime else…"
"Shall I send my spies to gather information?"
"Yes do that…"
He gets up and heads towards Teacher Pei's building, to see Laing. He stands outside her window, and he could hear her speaking. It seems like she is reciting some sort of poem.
The prince's poem was something about nature, and was totally boring. While everyone enthusiastically clapped, I just gave him a slow clap. Everyone else's poems were also nature based, and some even about the kingdom. However I clap extra hard when my cousins and Roqing present because I'm a great friend.
"Song Laing!"
I stood up to present my plagerised poem. I clear my throat and begin.
'Sometimes, when one loves,
Their love is destined to end in pain.
But when I see her face,
I can somehow tell,
We were meant to be.
But even love that was meant to be,
Was never meant to be.'
When I finish my poem, everyone is silent, and even Teacher Pei doesn't say anything. I clear my throat and sit back down. I guess people don't do depressing stuff. I look a the person next to me, to only catch him staring at me thoughtfully. I freeze and frown, and look away. Why is this guy looking at me? What a creep…
The rest of the lesson is spent in silence as Teacher Pei explained things to us. After class, I quickly ran towards Roqing and my cousins.
"Wow, Miss Laing, that was such a deep poem. How did you come up with it?"
'Oh you know, I just reflected my feelings like teacher was telling us to do.'
"My cousin is really talented, ah!"
'You guys a really too much…'
We laughed all the way to the food hall.
Jin Qingye was a bit shocked after hearing her poem. It sounded so sad, and heartbreaking. He wanted to know who on earth dared to hurt this girl. After the lesson had ended, she ran towards her friends and listened as she explained she had written from her feelings.
Seeing her happy face when she talked about something so sad made him feel extremely strange. He remembered the sad tone she narrated her poem in.
"Where have I heard that tone before?" he thought to himself.
He needed to ponder on this a bit more.
Prince Sanghue looked in surprise as the girl named Song Laing ran off towards her friends. What a strange girl. Normal girls would shower him with the utmost respect and importance, but this girl she didn't even attempt to speak to him the entire lesson.
What surprised him was the quality of her poem. He didn't want to admit it, but her poem's quality rivals those of the poets in the high courts. It was better than his in every way.
The way she narrated it also dumbfounded him. The pain in her voice could clearly be heard. It sounded so genuine, like she had been through quite something.
He walked back to the prince's residences pondering thoroughly about many things.