Chapter 20

"Master, from what I have gathered, a year ago Miss Song was missing from the manor."

Jin Qingye pondered thoughtfully, before asking, "What day did this happen?"

"The day you went to Master Tou's place, the dates match up."

"Okay good work, you are dismissed."

"Thank you master!"

That day, who did he meet? He first met with his father, then headed with his assistants and guards to Master Tou's place. He remembered clearly, that he saw a young maid weeping on the street.

"The maid!" he exclaimed, "Who was she? She was clearly a maid, I remember her voice, and her voice sounds very similar to Miss Song's!" he thought, "That's where I heard it before!"

"Dong Hin!"


"Remember that maid we encountered? On the day I visited Master Tou?"

The attendant racked his memory and suddenly remembered the maid. The maid was very beautiful, and had an air that didn't match her status.

"Master, I remember the maid, you had consoled her broken heart."

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

"Yes Master, I'm pretty sure I do. Her looks were too unordinary to forget."

"Good, I want you to make a painting of her based on your memory."

"As you wish Sir!"


The dining hall was already almost full when we arrived, so we quickly took our seats. What was surprising was that today, all the princes were also in the same room as us, as they usually eat in their own residences. But never mind them, I'm hungry.

Today's dishes were based on fish, and I love fish. As a Japanese in my previous life, half of my diet consisted on fish dishes. Oh how I would kill for sushi! I elegantly ate the delicious food and discussed it with Roqing who was also interested in it. I glanced at the princes and at least three of them were looking our way. I'm going to assume they were looking at Roqing, because she is such a pretty person.

When we were exiting the dining hall, Roqing said she was going to get something from the dorms, and that she will see us in class. We waved goodbye and headed off to our next class with Teacher Kang.

I was looking forward to this class, even though I didn't like calligraphy much.


The crown prince spots Wu Roqing walking away from her group of friends, alone. He decides to follow her to confront her about her clear disgust towards. He isn't attracted to her or anything, but his pride has been hurt, and he cannot stand that.

She is almost at the Purple Lily Courtyard, when he walks out in front of her, startling her. She almost bumped into him again.

"Crown Prince!" she exclaimed, before respectfully bowing her head. "This servant apologieses for not recognising your Highness."

He observed her mildly scared expression, and frowned. He looked down at his fancier than usual clothes.

'Why isn't she noticing it?' he wondered, 'Dont girls like extravagant and clean things?'. He squinted at her and asked, "Who do you admire the most?"

The problem with this light novel's heroine was that she was too truthful at times, and in this way, trouble seemed to approach her from all sides.

Wu Roqing looked slowly looked up to the prince's almost picture perfect face with surprise. She blinked before saying, "Your highness, I admire Miss Laing the most…"

Tian Mo's face contorted, and he looked super pissed off. Roqing noticed this, and quickly knelt.

"I apologize your Highness, but it is the truth!"

Tian Mo huffed before rudely turning away and huffing off.

Oh no, what have I done? Thought Roqing, before slowly getting up after seeing the prince disappearing into the distance. Frightened, she ran back to her class where Laing was just taking her seat elegantly, and Teacher Kang wasn't here yet. She sighed and tried to forget about the entire incident.


I saw Roqing at the door and waved her over to sit next to me. She happily sat next to me while Teacher Kang took his time to arrive.

Teacher Kang was hands down the hottest teacher out of the whole bunch. He was all smiles as he walked in to the room, and I literally could not stop myself from checking him out. He was wearing his light yellow scholarly clothes, and his hair was in an elegant bun.

It took the greatest effort not to drool over my desk. While the girls probably fantasized about those princes, I am all over the moon for this dude. Even though I saw this guy yesterday, it didn't stop me from sharply intaking a whole bunch of air at his beauty.

He introduced himself, but I wasn't listening to that, I was busy trying to stop the nosebleed that was threatening to burst from my nose. He had perfect bone structure, and these amazing eyes.

When he began his lesson, I was paying the fullest attention to every word he said. He walked around the class when he talked, and me being the creep I am, even took note of his smell.

'Was that cinnamon and honey? No that has to be chamomile and rose.' I thought to myself, 'What a clean scent…'

I had a hard time comprehending how the f**k Laing managed to be mean to such a cinnamon roll of a man, in the novel. He began to teach us how to write more complex characters we have never seen before. I however had previously saw these in my father's library and knew how to read and write them.

The rest of the lesson went by like a breeze, except for the occasional mini strokes I had when I saw his face at certain angles that made him look like an angel.

Roqing was probably getting concerned at the amount of times I sighed during the lesson.