Chapter 27

It is finally the Big Break, a time where students can go home to celebrate the New Year's with their families. We are only having a two week break, but my friends were over reacting and sorrowing over not seeing each other.

"I'm going to miss you Roqing!" exclaimed Shie,

"Stay safe, yes?" added Sui,

"Thank you guys for caring!" Roqing replied, also sad that she had to leave us.

'Ah you guys are being too dramatic,' I interject, 'You know we can meet up at the Dragon Festival right?'

"Oh yes! The Dragon Festival!" remembered Roqing,

"I guess we should meet up then!"

'You should come to the Song Manor,' I suggest, 'We will go together from there, it is more safe…'

"Ah, okay, if that is what you suggest Lai'er…"

"See you cousin!"

'Stay safe!'

After saying our farewells, we leave for home. I have been feeling homesick for a while now, and I miss those two bratty brothers of mine. I haven't seen mother in such a long time, and was excited to see how she was doing. I even miss father's stone face.

Xie'er is going home after running some errands for the Emperor. I look out from my carriage window, and I can see the Song Manor from here and it looks majestic as ever.

When my carriage finally stops, I excitedly jump out, and seeing my mother walking towards me, I run and give her a big hug.



She returns the hug with a smile on her face. I straighten up and see my two brothers Hui and Bin coming towards me, Bin running and Hui walking as elegantly as he could. Bin reaches me first and because he is a lot smaller than me, I easily lift him into my arms and give him a hug.

Hui came up to me in his usual proud self and I just patted his cheeks. This seemed to put him off for some reason.

'How is everyone doing?' I said, with Bin still in my arms, 'Did you all miss me?'

"Of course we missed you!" exclaimed Mother, "Say Lai'er, are you hungry?"

'Oh my, I am famished! I could eat a horse…'

"That's not very lady like sister…" said Hui seriously.

'Aish, this kid… it's only an expression,'

My mother laughs as she leads us inside.


The crown prince was in the middle of filling out some documents. He elegantly wrote on the paper sheets and sighed.

"I wonder what that irritating girl is doing now…" he thought subconsciously, "She should be home now, with her family…"

"Hold on…" he suddenly thought, "Why am I thinking about HER?"

He abruptly put down his brush and looked around. Ju Bai was out running errands, and looking at the sun, it is noon. An attendant walked in, bowed and said, "Your highness, Sir Song has requested to see you".

"Xie'er is here? Allow him in…"

"Yes your highness!"

Xie walks in with a stack of scrolls in his arms and his head can barely be seen over them.

"Greetings your highness," his muffled voice came from behind the pile. "His Majesty, the Emperor, wishes that you look through these and see that they have no errors…"

"Ah, so father sent them…put them down, put them down. I'll deal with it later."

The attendants help Xie put down the enormous pile of scrolls. He straightens up and bows, "Well then, if my duties are finished your highness, I shall take my leave…"

"Go on…" the prince sighed as he put his head down to finish the paperwork, then remembered that he should ask about that pesky girl, but looking up he found that Xie'er already had gone away.

"Why do I even want to ask about her?" he said to himself, frustrated, "What is wrong with me?"


'Ah, my dear friends,' I say to Shie, Sui and Roqing inviting them all into the manor, 'It is so good to see you, welcome to my home…'

"Ah, you have a beautiful home Lai'er!" exclaimed Roqing excitedly.

"It has been quite a while since we came here," said Shie thoughtfully,

"Oh yes, we were very young!" replied Sui,

'Come in, don't just stand there,' I say leading them towards my room, 'We have to get ready…'

"Ooh, I got my outfit with me!" said Sui holding up a large bag,

"And I too!" said Shie holding her own bag,

"Me too!" said Roqing.

'Perfect, we could just put our makeup on then!'

We almost reach my room, when my mother hurriedly walks up to us. Not forgetting their manners, the three of them gave a small curtsey and greeting to my mother.

"Greetings Madame Song!"

"Greetings girls, welcome to our home…"

'What happened mother?' I say.

"Oh well, Lai'er, your brother and father are to attend the Emperor's New Year's feast, so they can not take you to the Dragon Festival…"

'But mother, we can just go by ourselves…'

"It is too dangerous for a ladies like yourselves to go out by yourself!"

'Worry not mother, I'll think of something…' I say to her, before leading my shocked friends inside my room.

Inside, my friends are beginning to freak out, because they really want to go to the festival. I pace around my room when I spot something bright under my bed. I get on my knees and pull it out and immediately a huge cloud of dust puffs out.

Coughing, I can see that it was my brother's clothes from the time I went out, disguised as a man. The idea popped in my mind and I excitedly looked at my friends. They looked back at me with curiosity, wanting to know why I am holding up a male outfit.

'I am going to dress up as a man…'

"Ehhh?!" exclaimed the three of them in unison.