Chapter 28

"A MAN?!" gasped Sui,

"Lai'er, I swear to god…" sighed Shie, shaking her head,

"Wouldn't people recognise you Lai'er?" asked Roqing.

'You guys worry too much, trust me it'll be fine. Now watch as I transform…Chi Lou! Get me a more simple male outfit!'

"Are you sure Milady?"

'Yes, yes! Off you go…You guys should change too' I say to my friends, who then begin to dress.

While Chi Lou got the outfit, I rummaged through my belongings and fished out the small container of putty. We were all busy with our own dress up, and Chi Lou arrived with a beautifully designed male outfit. It was dark red colour, as everyone wore red on New Year's and had simplistic, yet elegant designs on it. Damn, Chi Lou really knew me quite well…

After binding my chest (even though I barely have any) I put on my male clothes. I put my hair into a male hairstyle and shape my cheek bones, jawline and nose with the putty.

After applying makeup to make sure it all blended naturally, I checked myself out and was about drool over my manly hotness. I wore higher shoes to make me seem taller and with some final touch ups, I was ready.

I peeked into the room where Shie, Sui and Roqing were changing and-

My goodness did they look beautiful. Shie had an elegant red and gold dress with intricate silver designs. Her makeup matched her outfit, with rosy rouge on her eyelids. Sui wore a matching outfit with identical makeup.

Roqing wore a bright red and cream coloured dress, with gorgeous gold designs. They all looked so beautiful and were waiting nervously for me to dress up.

I cleared my throat and walked into the room. At the sound of my cough, they all turned towards me. Immediately, shock filled their faces, as they stood in front of me. It didn't surprise me that they were all flushed was slightly blushing.

"Lai'er?" Shie spoke first, her cheeks slightly red, which made her look cuter than ever.

Sui's mouth was open, and Roqing was fiercely blushing. Omo my friends are so cute!

'You guys, it's me! Aren't I so handsome?' I say cheerfully, this made Roqing blush harder and my cousins remained speechless.

I put my hands on my hips, 'Come on guys, say something…'

"L-Lai'er looks very handsome…" says Roqing timidly,

"Cousin… you really look like a man..." says Sui, shocked,

I give them a big smile, 'You guys look beautiful too, that colour brings out all of your smiles…'

They don't say anything, just they get get increasingly bashful. This won't do will it? 'Ah you guys, just imagine me as myself…' This face of mine is really too dangerous right now…

My mother walks in to see what we are doing, "Girls are you ready-"

She sees me and clutches her chest, "Oh my, what is a man doing here? Where is Lai'er?"

'Mother, it's me Lai'er!'


She looks like she is about to faint, and I quickly take her by the arm and make her sit down.

"Lai'er what is going on?!" she asks, sounding like she was going to cry. Ah, my poor weak hearted mother…

'Mother, since father and brother can't supervise us, I decided to dress as a man to act in as supervisor…'

"Lai'er! It is still dangerous!"

'Mother, even you couldn't recognise me, how do you think other people will?'

"I suppose if you put it like that…"

"Please Madame Song?!" exclaimed Shie, Sui and Roqing in unison. She can't resist the cuteness, can she?

"Ah, go on, go on…but make sure you all stick together…"


We gather our belongings and get on to one single carriage, and waving at my mother, the carriage drives away.

The streets are already lined with colourful lanterns and flags, and I see carts of fireworks being set along the harbour. It's a beautiful clear night, and the stars are twinkling with the cresent moon brightly shining.

Vendors had already set up their stalls and the roads were bustling with people, noble and commoners alike. Everyone was wearing something red and there was a lot of children running around, and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It reminded me of the time my mother took me to the Chinese New Year's festival in Tokyo. Ah, that was quite some time ago…

I hope off the carriage first, and me being a "gentleman", I hold out my hand for my friends and assist them off the carriage. Roqing blushes, and my two cousins only laugh as we make our way towards the stalls.

We first go to one of the many jewellery stands, and I am immediately bombarded with vendors shouting for me to come see their stalls.

"Young man!" one shouts, "Look at these beautiful necklaces! You could buy them for those beautiful consorts of yours! Buy three for two pieces of silver!"

Roqing blushes at the mention of her being my consort while Shie rolls her eyes and Sui tries not to burst into laughter.

'They wish…' I say, winking at them,

"Aish, this cousin of mine has got quite the ego..." mutters Shie,

"Who wants to be your consort?…"

I only chuckle and turn to another stall that was selling earrings and bracelets. We have a great time looking around and I buy each of them a lot of jewellery as I am dressed as man.

There is still quite a lot of time before the fireworks and we all feel a bit famished after all that strolling around, so we head off to the food vendors.

As soon as we reach the area where all the food vendors are, a mixture of different delicious smells waft into my nostrils. Was that meat I smell? Ah the mouth watering smell of some sort of dessert…

My eyes are glittering stars at this point, as I drag my friends all over the place, getting a bit of everything. Finally, we sit down in the arranged tables, and enjoy the food. I try not to drool as I indulge myself with all the different types of dumplings and hotpots I had bought. I eat away, like a ravenous monster, and halfway through I look up to see what my friends are eating.

They look back at me with a worried expression, in the middle of eating their rice cakes.

"Lai'er really does eat like a man…" mutters Sui,

"So unladylike…if Madame Giu saw you like this…" says Shie,

I grin at them and notice that Roqing isn't eating any of the delicious meat buns.

'Ay, Roqing try these meat buns, they are really good…' I say picking one up with my chopsticks and putting it in front of her mouth. Blushing, she opens up to receive it, when-

"Sir Mulan?"