Chapter 29

At the Jin Residence, Jin Qingye walks up to his cousin Jin Zuhong. "Cousin, can you attend the Emperor's New Year's feast on my behalf?"

"But you know I dislike feasts…"

"Come on, I'll owe you…"

"Take me out for drinking another time, and we'll call it even"

"Fine." said Jin Qingye as he stepped into the carriage. "To the Dragon Festival" he informs the driver.

There is quite a lot of people at the Dragon Festival and the streets are packed. Qingye walks around aimlessly for a few minutes before reaching the food courts. He looks around, and out of the corner of his eyes, the face of Song Shie comes to view.

"If Song Shie is here, than that means Lai'er is here too," he thought, before hurrying to the spot he saw her.


Meanwhile, back at the palace, the prince sits bored amidst the nobles. He watches as noble girls and dancers perform various arts to entertain the nobles and royals. Most girls try to catch his attention through various means of seductive dances.

The dancer he was watching right now had a slim, sexy figure. The men around him were astounded by her beauty, and watched her as if they were in a hypnotic trance. Tian Mo, however did not find anything about her entrancing.

"She is only a common beauty, using her face and body as a way of climbing higher" he thought when he saw her dancing, "Absolutely vile" he thought disgusted.

He could not take this anymore, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and stood up. He made his way outside without anyone noticing as they were all watching the dancer.

His shadow, however followed him outside, into the garden.

"Ju Bai"


"Where is that idiotic brother of mine?"

"Does master mean the fifth prince?"

"Of course I mean the fifth prince, who is a bigger idiot than him?"

"The fifth prince was last seen heading to the Dragon Festival..."

"Hmm…get a carriage ready, I shall be joining him"

"Yes master…"

While he was standing there, waiting for Ju Bai to get a carriage, he felt someone else's presence behind him. He turned to see a beautiful woman standing behind him, with an innocent expression on her face.

He raised his eyebrows. "And who might you be?"

"Your highness, Crown Prince," she said sweetly, inching closer to him.

"I am Kewang of the Xin family."

"Hmm, and what are you doing here?"

"Your highness, I was the one that danced for you…"

"Hmm? Dance? I don't remember it" The crown Prince said disinterested.

Kewang was crestfallen, but she kept a smile on her face as she pouted. "Your highness, where are you going?"

"Mind your own business" he said, getting into the carriage. The carriage drove off, and the expression on Kewang's face changed to anger. She turned to her maid,

"Get a carriage, and follow him"

She had waited for the opportunity to make the Crown Prince her's, but he still wouldn't notice her. He had already forgotten about their meeting from a year ago. The look in his eyes is the look of a man who has a woman in his heart. Who is it that stole the Crown Prince's heart?

"Crown Prince, I will become your princess, if it's the last thing I do!"


"Sir Mulan?"

I turn towards the source of the voice, and standing there, with a shocked expression on her face, was Lady Biyu.

It is an awkward situation, we are all stone statues, with me holding a pair of chopsticks, about to feed Roqing, and Shie and Sui staring at me in confusion.

Suddenly, a huge crowd rushes through to get to one of the food stalls, blocking her view of me. Using this opportunity, I grab Roqing, Sui and Shie and run away from the food court. They shout in surprise, but never mind that.

By the time we reach the harbour, we are all panting, and I pull them behind a large tree.

"Lai'er wasn't that Lady Biyu?" questioned Shie,

"Why did she call you Sir Mulan?" interrogated Sui,

"How do you know Lady Biyu?" asked Roqing.

'Aish you guys, one question at a time…

I know Lady Biyu from one other time I dressed as a man-'

"You have dressed as a man BEFORE?!" shouted the three of them in unison. I tried to quieten them by putting a finger to my lips. What if Lady Biyu or someone else hears us?

"No wonder she's so experienced with this kind of thing…"

"Yes, she done this before…"

'Calm down…'

"But how does Lady Biyu know you?" asked Roqing,

'Ah well I was courteous with her, and I think she took it to heart…"

They take a moment to absorb the information, before Roqing looks at us seriously. "There has been news that Lady Biyu stopped taking clients. Rumour has it that she has fallen in love…"

"En, I heard that too" said Shie, looking at me, "I don't suppose that has something got to do with you?"

I scratch my head, embarrassed. Sui only tuts before lightly punching my arm.

"So we should call you Sir Mulan?"

'Well it is my male name, and it will be bad if people find out my true identity, so call me Mulan. Fa Mulan.'

'If we see her again, pretend to be my girlfriend or something. She should go away…'

We agreed on this (Shie reluctantly), and quickly came out from behind the tree. We were about to walk back to the festival, when we heard someone shout from behind us.

"Miss Song Shie!"

Me, Roqing, Shie and Sui instinctively turn around, coming face to face with Jin Qingye. He was running towards us, waving his hand to get our attention. He finally catches up to us, and looks at all of us with confusion.

My heart probably stopped, but then I remembered that I am in disguise. I quickly regain my composure and look to see what he will do next.

"Miss Shie, where is Lai'er?" he asks, "And I don't think I remember this young man from anywhere..."