Chapter 30

The Crown Prince steps out of his carriage, and calls over his head guard.

"Make sure to only show yourself if I seem like I am in immediate danger," he says, "I don't want anyone to find out that I am here"

"Understood your highness!"

"Ju Bai!"


"Where is he?"

"He is chasing after Lady Biyu again…"

"That idiot! Lead the way!"

Behind them, Kewang elegantly stepped off her carriage with the help of her maid. She looked around with a sneer. "For what reason has the Crown Prince decided to come to a place brimming with commoners?"

"Mistress, he is here to find his brother, the fifth prince…"

"Hm! He could of just sent guards…"

Saying that, she and her maid discreetly followed after Tian Mo.


"Lai…er?" said Shie nervously, trying not to look at me, "Oh, hehe, she was feeling a bit unwell, so she didn't come…"

"But she sent her friend to accompany us…" she said indicating to me, "This is Fa Mulan…"

"Fa Mulan..." said Qingye, suddenly looking crestfallen. I was surprised to see his saddened face and wondered what was wrong.

His expression turned to one of heartbreak as he turned to me and said quietly, "You are Song Laing's friend?"

'Oh, uh, y-yes?' I said nervously to my idol. Please believe me. Please.

"Lai'er has male friends…?" I hear him mumble sadly, "This person is very attractive…Do I have competition now?"

DO MY EARS DECEIVE ME? No way. He did not just say that. I stand there frozen, watching my precious idol mumble sadly. My idol likes me? No that can't be true…Oh my gosh, my eyes are getting teary…

I feel the happy tears and fan my eyes to stop them. My friends, who didn't hear what Qingye said looked at me strangely. Oh you guys wouldn't understand, this is literally the happiest day in my new life!

While I was enjoying the bliss of that moment, I completely forgot about something important.

"Sir Mulan!"

Oh sh*t.

We all turn to face a very sad Lady Biyu. Her light pink dress was fluttering in the wind, and making her look like a crestfallen goddess. Roqing instinctively clutched my arm, and at this action, Lady Biyu elegantly walked over and stood in front of us. She looked at Roqing holding my arm, and gave her a death stare.

"Sir Mulan," she said sweetly, smiling at me, "I do wish we can talk. Alone..." she added giving Roqing yet another angry glance.

Sigh. Let's go fix this mess shall we?

"Guys, I'm just going to talk to her for a minute…" I say to my friends, Roqing especially since she was looking very defensively at Lady Biyu.

I walked over to Lady Biyu who was standing at the side. As soon as I reach her, she pulls me into a hug. I am so caught off guard, that I just stand there. When I realise that my friends are watching, I try to pull away, but she just hugs tighter.

"Sir Mulan?" she says, her voice breaking, "Did you forget all about me? Do you not remember our time together?"

"Lady Biyu-"

"I've fallen in love with you, Sir Mulan. That day when you visited me, you showed me a kindness no other man has shown me. Then you disappeared, and I have been searching for you…for so long, hoping that I'd find you again…"

Oh my. What is this situation? This is just awkward for me. Oh my poor dear Biyu, if only you knew the truth…but it is best if I cut my relationship with her as soon as I can. I do find her beautiful, but I'm afraid I am currently in favour of my idol Jin Qingye…

I am about to tell her that she's got it all wrong, when I hear an angry yell from behind me.

"Biyu! What are you doing in another man's arms?!"

Okay, who is it this time? I am seriously getting tired of all this drama. So much yelling, if I had known that being nice caused this much trouble, I'd very much rather be the Evil Queen.

Before I can turn around however, a strong pair of arms push me aside, and grabs Lady Biyu. The pair of hands are attached to Tian Chang, the fifth prince. I am surprised that he is here. What was this annoying person at the Dragon Festival? Isn't he supposed to be at the Emperor's Feast?

"Let me go!" shouted Biyu, snapping from my thoughts. My friends were running towards me, with Jin Qingye right behind them and out of instinct, I found myself pulling Lady Biyu out of the fifth prince's arms.

I pull her into my arms to protect her and notice that the fifth prince looked extremely drunk, and reeked of alcohol. Jin Qingye got involved as he tried stopping Tian Chang by pulling him backwards.

Chang suddenly stopped and looked dead into my eyes, "I remember you…" he said, stumbling forward, "You're that Fa Mulan guy…"

Shie, Sui and Roqing who were hiding behind me and the now scared to death Lady Biyu, looked at me in surprise.

"How did you manage to anger the prince?" whispered Shie in disbelief, "The fifth prince…"

"At this point if you told me you murdered someone, I wouldn't be surprised…" said Sui rubbing her head.

'Aiya, you guys, can't you be a bit more serious here?'

Jin Qingye was doing his best to calm down the fifth prince, I didn't notice that the crown prince, Tian Mo was angrily walking our way, until he did.

"Fifth Brother!" he shouted from beside us, making all of us; Me, Shie, Sui, Roqing, Qingye and Lady Biyu, who was still in my arms for some reason, turn towards him.

Sigh. Another royal…

This is going to be a long night…