The Visit

Today will be a hectic day for me and my team. I briefed the group on our short presentation and meeting with the CEO of Liberty Group, who happens to be my husband. Everyone seems so tense that they will finally meet the mysterious businessman. Despite being wealthy and influential in the business industry, he was very private that his name was never mentioned in any magazine or business news. Meeting him in person gives them makes them feel they are priviledged.

Though I am so tense to meet my husband in Pines Advertising for the first time, I have to act professionally for my team and my company. I don't want everyone to know that we got this deal because of my relationship with the CEO. Mr. Smith cam to my table from time to time to check on my preparations. He also asked some staff to order some drinks for the visitors.

Annie looks very busy as well. She looked at me once and smiled. With that simple smile, I already knew what she wanted to say. She is also excited to see him again and that she is happy and proud of me. I feel guilty for not telling her about me and Geoff. She is the only bestfriend I have and keeping a secret from her makes me feel like I betrayed her. If we have a chance to be alone, I will tell her about it.

At 11am, everyone became more tensed. No one knows what time the visitors will arrive which is more nerve-wracking. I don't want to ask Geoff about it since it will make the excitement lesser.

Before 12 noon, the visitors finally arrived. Three men came in the office, all are wearing black suit. They have an aura to be feared of. One is Michael, the other one is the lawyer who came here last time to represent Geoff and the other one is not familiar to me.

Michael smiled formally. "Good morning."

"Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Andrew Smith, I'm the owner of this company. I believe we have already met before Mr. Michael and Mr. Sullivan." Mr. Smith shook Michael's and Mr. Sullivan's hands.

"Yes. It was just like yesterday when I was here to announce the partnership between Liberty Group and your company. By the way, this is Atty. Harold Lambert. Before the CEO arrives, we want to secure a nondisclosure agreement with everyone in your team. We don't like the pictures or any rumor about our boss spreading because of this meeting." Mr. Sullivan explained.

"I understand. I will make sure everyone understands this agreement." Mr. Smith

"I'm afraid we have to spend a little of everyone's time to sign the documents we have prepared. Everyone can spend some time to read the contents of the agreement before signing. And since it is before lunch, our boss has prepared a packed lunch for everyone to enjoy." Mr. Sullivan continued.

The employees who heard what Mr. Sullivan said was amazed on how prepared Liberty Group is. Some of the women find the mysterious characteristic of the CEO very charming. All people in the company are anticipating to meet the CEO.

The documents are distributed to each employee. Some read the paper carefully while some didn't care about the contents and just signed at the last sheet. I was also given the same paper and signed it as quickly as I received it.

Some men entered next with the packed lunch for the employees. Everyone was surprised when they opened their lunch boxes. It has different kinds of cooked meat in large servings. It also has vegetable to complement with the meat. I can't help but admire my husband more, how can he think of everything in detail. The more I get to know him, the deeper I love him.

Everyone enjoyed the lunch preared by Liberty Group and the excitement in each grows bigger and bigger.

At exactly one o'clock, a group of men, maybe around 10 came. All of them are wearing black suit except the man in the middle who is just wearing a plain gray shirt and jeans. He looks very manly in his outfit and I'm sure all women who can see him now will take a second look and admire how good looking he is. This man is no other than my husband, the man I love so much.

Everyone in the office was quiet when the group of men arrived. They are shocked to find out that the CEO is still very young. No one would make a mistake that the man in jeans is the CEO, the mysterious boss of Liberty Group.

"This is Mr. Geoff Park, the President of Liberty Group." Michael spoke.

Mr. Smith bowed as a greeting and respect. All the employees of Pines Advertising present including copied what Mr. Smith did.

"Nice to meet you all. Please feel comfortable to have me around. I don't want to have an awkward athmosphere with the people I am working with." Geoff said.

"It is our pleasure to have you in our firm, Mr. Park and it is also an honor to finally meet you. Pines Advertising is such a lucky company even though we are a middle-sized company. We will do our best to make sure you will not regret signing with us." Mr. Smith

"I am sure I won't be having that regret Mr. Smith. I never do any decision without checking everything beforehand. And based from what I learned about your company, you can deliver beyond anyone's expectations." Geoff

"Thank you, Mr. Park. By the way, this is Miss Jessica Myers, I believe you already had a meeting with her in the past. This is her team and they are the ones dealing with your advertising campaign."

"Of course, I have met her before. How can I forget her? I saw a lot of potential in her during our meeting and with her skills, I'm confident everything will turn out as planned."

I blushed hearing these compliments from Geoff. I'm not sure whether he realy meant what he said or he only said them because I'm his wife and he wants me to feel good about myself but no matter what his purpose is, I feel happy. I am like a little child who is happy to get praises from her father.

I and my team presented the our plans for the ad campaign. He approved of some parts but also gave his suggestions on other things which I appreciate. We agreed to start with the creation of the posters and video ads next month. He also picked the location for the shoot and of course it is one of the locations of their hotel.

After the presentation, everyone was relieved. My team is so excited to start with the project.

"I'm happy that we finally agreed on the prpject contents but since this is a rare opportunity, I guess Mr. Park here will be willing to entertain some questions from us. I know everyone is curious about him and since we signed a confidentiality agreement, I'm sure whatever we talk about here will stay in here. Am I correct?" Everyone in the room said "yes" at the same time loudly. "Good. Is that possible Mr. Park? In that way, we will feel more comfortable with each other. I hope you don't mind." Mr. Smith continued. Everyone in the room looks so excited with this opportunity. For me, this sounds really exciting as well.

"Okay. I think that will be okay. I am game with everything." Geoff answered.

You can hear giggles in the room and you can see women raising their hands hoping to be picked to ask questions.

"Okay, Mary. What is your question?" Mr. Smith

"Do you have a girlfriend? Or are you already married?" Some women shouted in anticipation for the question.

"I don't have a girlfriend. Actually, I don't have time for that." More women shouted upon hearing this but the noise disappeared immediately when Geoff continued speaking. "I have a wife though. She is the most beautiful woman for me and making her happy and content is my priority in life. I can lose everything in the world except her."

Many women sighed when they heard it. Some smiled and envied the woman he loves.

I saw Annie's reaction. She was confused at first but then an expression of disappointment can be seen in her face. I can't blame her, I'm sure she misunderstood what Geoff said. Maybe she thought Geoff is married with another girl.

Hearing this words make me feel so lucky to have him as my husband. I wanted to cry but I don't want people to think I'm weird. I will love this man as long as I live. No one, even Regina, can separate me from this man. I can endure all the insults and hurt I get from other people as long as I am with him. He loves me so much, that is what's important.