
It was a cool, breezy night just like any other.

I was in my room, sitting at my desk and staring at my laptop screen.


Right then, an email notification popped up in my browser. It was from someone named 'Reincarnation Baba.'

Without thinking too much, I went ahead and checked the contents of the email.

[Congratulations! You've been selected out of a 107 billion to try out our Isekai Service… Please complete this quiz to finalize your preferences.]

With a slight frown on my face, I thought, 'What the hell up with email scams these days?'

First of all, there were approximately a total of 107 billion humans who have ever lived since our kind first inhabited this planet. Wouldn't this mean that I'm the only human to receive this weird email?

Whatever, time to get back to my homework…

Next, I clicked open another tab for my homework. There were a tonne of math and chemical formulas listed there.

I immediately rolled my eyes and muttered, "Hmm, maybe I should take a quick relaxation break and check out that mail."

In the next moment, I clicked on the link given in the email. This took me to a webpage with some text and a blank space to type out some answer it seemed.

The text read: [Your world for the service is pre-selected to be the 'One Piece' world. Please select three options from the randomly generated free power-ups for yourself… You can select none of them if you wish.]

"The fuck…?"

My nose wrinkled in confusion. What the hell was this Isekai service?

Also, it had been forever since I had stopped watching the One Piece anime. It wasn't that I didn't like it, it was just that I had become very busy with my college. In addition, I didn't like the fact that Luffy's 'Nakama' plot armor always won against true genius and effort. Who were they fooling…?

At any rate, I decided to continue and reviewed the 'free power-ups' available to me.

[ Devil Fruit Options (You can select a maximum of one) **

String-String Fruit-

Mochi-Mochi Fruit-

Smooth-Smooth Fruit-

Zushi Zushi no Mi (Fujitora's Gravity Fruit)-

Rumble-Rumble Fruit-

Cage-Cage Fruit-

Skills options**


Usopp's marksmanship-


Nami's navigation-

Iceburg's carpentry-

Special options**

Your character is born a celestial dragon-

Having Shirahoshi fall in love with you-

Your character becomes Sanji-]

I rubbed my chin in contemplation for a few seconds and then immediately typed, "Rokushiki, Haki, and the Zushi Zushi no Mi."

Becoming a celestial dragon or the Rumble-Rumble fruit was very tempting, but it would make this 'Isekai service' too easy from the start.

At the same time, what the hell was up with that Shirahoshi option? I mean she definitely had some great jugs… but can a human really do a giant mermaid?

I guess anything is possible in the One Piece world if one believes…

Anyways, I didn't have to take this list too seriously. I mean this wasn't deciding anything for real, right? It was just a stupid click-bait quiz.

As I was to quit this waste of time quiz and get back to homework, -Beep- a bright light blinded me and then my entire world itself.