Reincarnation and 2 year-training.

When I opened my eyes once again, I saw my body of a 14-15 year old boy.

I was lying alone on a bed, alone, in a small hut. The flooring and roof of the bedroom seemed to be made of timber and wattle, with no ducts for air conditioning. In addition, the window shutter was open, allowing me to catch the glimpse of a bright yellow sun.

"Huh… What the fuck?!"

I blurted out, still doubting the absurdity of the situation. No matter how hard I tried to 'wake up,' I couldn't ignore the life like feeling of the humidity in the air, and the feeling of my short-stubby limbs.

"Have I reincarnated…?!" A bitter smile formed on my face.

Beep… Beep… Beep…

Suddenly, an annoying voice started to resound in my mind. I tired to plug my ears but that didn't help at all.

[Congratulation for reincarnating into the One Piece world… Your rewards are now being transferred.]


All of a sudden, my body fell and wriggled uncontrollably from shock. I could literally feel my brain swell up and receive information in real-time. This continued for a few more seconds, after which I got up and felt in control of arcane knowledge unlike anything else.


Name: Magnus



{Constitution- 5}

{Dexterity- 7}



Current Stat Points Available: 10

*Stat points can be increased naturally by training.

Devil-Fruit Power:

{Zushi-Zushi no Mi}



*You need minimum 30 points in each stat to use Rokushiki. 40 points to use Rokuogan.


*Your Haki strength is proportional to your stats. You need 30 willpower, 30 strength, and 30 constitution to use Armament Haki. You need 30 willpower, 30 dexterity, and 30 perception to use Observation Haki.

Advanced Haki requirements: 70 Willpower

Conqueror's Haki requirements: ?????


"Woahh… what's this?"

My eyes flashed with excitement as I tested the limits of my new power: the Zushi-Zushi no Mi.

I immediately felt in control of an incredibly powerful gravitational force, which few things could withstand. The direction of these gravitational forces can be upwards, downwards, or sideways.

One interesting about these gravitational forces were that they had no effect on me, only the objects around me.

In addition, the range of this force was incredibly large, as I felt like I could even pull meteors from outer space if I wanted.

However, I was still a long way to train my Devil-Fruit powers to do that. I couldn't even use the Rokushiki or Haki skills I'd just acquired too.

Presently, the strength of my body was too low it seemed… Using Rokushiki and Haki would just be too physically and mentally draining for me.

I just needed the time now to build my strength and improve my stats from scratch it seemed.

"Mhm… Getting back to the topic of where I am."

After taking a deep breath, I decided to gather more knowledge about my circumstances first.

I gritted my teeth and walked out of the hut. It turned out that my hut was in the outskirts of a bustling city in a desert.

Upon reading a few signs and taking to people, I figured I was in the Rainbase city of Alabasta…

In a country ravaged by drought, Rainbase was the city that thrived because of its gambling industry. Due to this, it has been referred to as the "City of Dreams." It also had a moat of fresh water surrounding one of its largest casinos: Rain Dinners.

Rain Dinners was the casino that Crocodile used as his secret base in Alabasta. It was a pyramid-shaped building, which seems like a normal casino and even acted like one.

Of course, I knew what scheming was going on there behind closed doors by Crocodile…

The next thing I found out that the year was 1516… about six years before Luffy set sail.

Finally, I rubbed my chin in deep contemplation and thought, 'Should I try to become a pirate… or maybe do something else?'

I pondered about this for a long moment before deciding to shelf this discussion for the future.

Currently, I had only one goal in mind. It was to train my body and devil-fruit powers to its utmost limit.

Just like that, my training in the world of One Piece began…


2 years later…

In the middle of the scorching dessert, I was sprinting across the sand surface.

I now had a lean muscular body accompanied by a handsome masculine face with brown eyes and wavy, blue hair. My appearance gave people an impression of a wild-beast.

My stats had also improved heavily in these years…


Name: Magnus



{Constitution- 32}

{Dexterity- 36}



Current Stat Points Available: 0

Devil-Fruit Power:

{Zushi-Zushi no Mi}





The sprinting session was just the beginning of my workout today. It was followed by intense strength-training exercises, Rokushiki training, and Haki training. Then, it'd end with a session of Devil-Fruit training.

The hellish training would surely stress my body to its absolute limit, but I enjoyed it. In fact, I was addicted to the sweet feeling of my growth I achieved after it.

[Through perseverance in your training, all stats have been boosted by 0.02]

Soon the exercise session continued for another four hours, until I was completely exhausted and decided to get some food.

In time, I headed towards my favorite café to eat. It was known as Spider Café, which was about a very distant thirty minutes' walk from the city of Rainbase. It was in the middle of nowhere with not another building or soul in sight for miles.

Yet I really had my reasons to eat there. For one, the food was really good there. Secondly, the distance didn't matter, since I could now sort of fly in more than one way…


I changed the gravity upwards around a large piece of boulder in front of me, effectively levitating it. Then, I used it as my flying vessel.


Upon arriving at Spider Café, I opened the swinging door and entered inside.

Just like usual, it was completely empty. I went ahead and sat at my usual booth and began to read the articles on the 'World Economy News Paper' to pass time.

Every time I read one of these papers, I couldn't help but marvel at it.

In a world such as this, Morgans had somehow managed to distribute a newspaper like this globally, despite the possible interference from the World Government.

"Oh, welcome Magnus… Would you have the usual today?"

Right then, a young, slim woman of average height with curly dark-blue hair, and a curvaceous figure walked towards me. She was wearing a casual purple shirt along with a white apron.

If any manga reader saw her, they would instantly recognize her as "Poison Spider" Zala, better known as her alias Miss Doublefinger. Over here, she goes by another alias, 'Paula,' though…

"Yes, you know what I like."

With a wide grin on my face, I confirmed my order to Paula.

"I'll be right back then."

Paula nodded and turned around to walk towards the kitchen. On the way there, she walked in a funny manner, with an over-exaggerated "sexy" hip swing.

Quite honestly, my eyes still ogled Paula walking away anyway; she surely had a body worth staring at if nothing else.

Soon she came back with my large order of food consisting of all kinds of meats, veggies, and fruits. It was so much food that this meal alone had a much higher calorific content than all the meals I ate in a total of two days in my previous life.

Before Paula left, she took out a bill from her pocket and said, "Your tab has already built up a lot! You owe 30,000 Berrys to this café now…"

Hearing her, my lips pressed together into a frown. I was flat-out broke right now.

When I first came into this world, I'd found a solid three million Berrys to maintain myself in that isolated hut of mine. But the ridiculously large amount of food and medicine I bought for my quick muscle recovery had finally exhausted most of that money.

"Can you cut me some slack, Paula…? I'll pay it back eventually."

Paula put her hand on her hip and frowned slightly. "That's what you've been saying for the entirety of last month… Anyway, you look very strong. Perhaps, you'd be interested in joining a secret organization th-"

"Tch… I'm not joining any shady organization."

The organization she was talking about was surely Baroque Works. While I didn't care about the activities they did, I had no interest in joining them at least.

Paula nodded and accepted my answer without much insistence from her side. This wasn't the first time she had advertised Baroque Works to me after all.

"Sigh… Just get a job to pay the bill then. Otherwise, I'm recruiting you whether you like it or not."

Paula patted my shoulder and then left me at the booth. She had other work to do, as the Spider Café was nothing more than a disguised secret base for Baroque Works.

After she left, I began to gulp down my food very quickly.

"Well... maybe I should try my luck at the casino."

I needed to find a method to earn more money already, since the amount of food I bought and ate were somewhat relevant to my growth.