Fourth Day/Training

The morning quickly came after Eric went to sleep, and a Chansey was going around waking people up.

[Chansey~] Chansey gently nudged Eric to wake up, but he wasn't getting up.

"Give me...ten more minutes..." Eric groaned, smacking away Chansey's hand in his tired state.

[Chansey!] Chansey quickly became angry and yanked Eric out of bed while using Double Slap on his face.

"Ouch! Ok! I'm up!" Eric rubbed his cheeks in pain.

[Chansey~ ] Chansey returned to its usual happy self, and let's go of Eric. It then started to walk out of the room.

"Damn it...I'm still so tired," Eric said as he climbed back into bed.

[Chansey?.... Chansey!] Chansey just happened to turn back around to see Eric get into bed, and raised its right hand in the air for him to see.

"O-ook.." Eric quickly got out of bed and started to put on his new clothes in front of Chansey.

[Chansey] Chansey nodded in satisfaction and eventually left.

"Jeez... That was actually scary..." Eric said, wiping away his imaginary sweat as he looked in the nearby standing mirror. "Hmm... not bad.."

The reflection in the mirror showed a handsome young man wearing a red shirt with white stripes, baggy red pants with tons of pockets, and red sneakers. Eric bought several different outfits, but this one was the one he'll wear first.

"I feel a bit off with these clothes, but I think I'm presentable, right? " Eric said while fixing his hair a little bit before putting on a black belt that also acted as his Pokeball holder.

"Please don't attack me.." Eric released Pikachu from its ball as he thought he could talk to it for a moment.

[Pika! Pikachu....] Pikachu was angry for a moment before it quickly became depressed, remembering the terrible loss from last night.

"Hey Pikachu," Eric said with a smile as he slowly got on one knee to get closer to Pikachu's level.

[Pika...] Pikachu turned around and continued to be depressed.

"Hey, come on. It wasn't that bad--I mean you did lose only after two mov-"

[Pikaaa] Pikachu growled softly as electricity leaked from its cheeks. [Pika!?]

Erick suddenly picked Pikachu up as he stood up, "But you can defeat that Haunter. I know you can. We'll train together, how about that? " He said as he stroked Pikachu's head.

[Pi... Pikachu!] Pikachu was surprised at Eric's actions, but it understood what he was trying to convey. [Pikachuuu] it smiled and nodded its head.


*New Options available. Please review menu *

"New options?" Eric pulled out his Pokedex and activated his menu.


Name: Eric LVL 1 (25/100)

Strength - 6

Vitality - 4

Intelligence - 10

Luck - 3

Inventory - (5/10) - Potion x20, Pokeball x50, Blue Clothes Set, Pajama Set, Pokemon Food x100 *Updated*

Pokedollars - 63,439 *Updated*

Current Pokemon

1.Lvl 5 Pikachu <-

Stats - Hp - 31/31

Attack - 15

Special Attack - 25

Defense - 16

Special Defense - 21

Speed - 28

Bond - 56%


"Oh, I can see Pikachu's stats now. Hmm, he's actually above average stats for his level.." Eric said as he raised Pikachu into the air.


"...Wait, does this mean Pikachu didn't consider me their trainer until now?" Eric thought out loud before sighing and placing Pikachu on his shoulder.


"I'll leave you outside your Pokeball for now, Ok? We're going to do training, alright?"

[Pikaa!] Pikachu pumped its little arm into the air.

*Ding! Pikachu Friendship Increased 1%*

Eric couldn't help but smile, seeing the little yellow mouse happy, and it made him want to get even closer to it in the future. He took one last look at the room before he grabbed his backpack to leave.

"Hey...?" A familiar voice said.

Eric's mood instantly plummeted after being greeted by the girl from yesterday, "What do you want?..." He asked.

"I... W-well..." The girl stuttered a bit as she didn't expect the guy she beat last night to be so good-looking. She was too angry yesterday to really take notice, but now it was a completely different story.

"What do you want?" Eric asked again as the girl didn't say anything for several seconds.

The girl's entire face instantly turned red when she caught herself staring at Eric, and quickly shielded her face with her hand. "Uwaa! Um! I just wanted to apologize! My name is Elize or you can call me Lizzy! Bye!" She quickly left as fast as she appeared.

"Uh...Ok." Eric shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Pikachu.

[Pikachu? Pika] Pikachu returned his gaze and shrugged as well.

"Heh~ Ok, let's get out of here."

Eric quickly left with Pikachu and bought a few supplies before leaving straight for Viridian Forest. The trip was going to take several days, so he wanted to be prepared to camp in the wild. He wasn't that afraid as he camped outside a lot as a kid, but it'll be a bit different in the Pokemon world.


"Alright, Pikachu, you're up !" Eric shouted as several Caterpie surrounded the duo.

[Pika!] Pikachu shouted with a grin, leaping off Eric's shoulder, gracefully landing on its feet before assuming its battle position.

The world of Pokemon was quite weird as sometimes you can ask wild Pokemon to battle.

"The world is basically run by evolution. So they must want to get stronger too..." Eric muttered softly as one Caterpie stepped up to fight. "Huh? Do some even know fairness?"

"Well, whatever... Pikachu start out with a Tackle!"

[Pikachu!] Pikachu started to run towards Caterpie to attack it.

[Reee!] Caterpie dodged Pikachu's attack and used String Shot, spitting the string of silk like a bullet.

"Dodge it, Pikachu! Then use Tackle again!" Eric shouted just before the impact, and Pikachu followed the command flawlessly.

[Chu!] Pikachu's head slammed directly into the side of Caterpie, sending it rolling across the forest ground in pain.

"Alright, finish this with another Tackle!"

[Pika!] Pikachu dashed towards the slightly stunned Caterpie and used Tackle against its head.


And with that, the battle was finished!

*Exp gained 20 for winning against wild Pokemon*

*Pikachu's exp increased slightly*

The battle with the other Caterpie went in a similar fashion with Eric repeatedly using Tackle. He could have finished the battles with a single Thunder Shock, but it wasn't what he wanted.

"I wanted to see how I would fair commanding a pokemon in real-time... It's more difficult than I thought." Eric sighed before running toward Pikachu with a huge grin. "Although you made it easy, Pikachu! You did great!"

[Pikachu~] Pikachu pounded its chest with its little hand before climbing up to Eric's shoulder as it quite like the spot now.

"Alright, let's do some more battling!"

[Pikachu!] Pikachu shouted with a confident grin as electricity leaked from its cheeks. It wanted to show off more to its trainer.


*20 exp gained for winning against wild Pokemon*

*Ding! Level up*

*Pikachu's exp increased slightly... Ding! Pikachu has leveled up to 8*

"Phew... Why do I feel tired when Pikachu is doing all the work?" Eric said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

[Pikachu...] Pikachu laid on the ground as it was too tired to move another muscle.

The two spent all day battling until the sun started its journey back down past the horizon. Eric thought it was an excellent time to stop, and the area was wide enough to make camp. The inventory part of his menu was quite weird as he only had to think of the item before miraculously pulling it out of his backpack, and even the size of said item wasn't an issue.

Eric bought an entire camping set before the trip into Viridian Forest, and it took several minutes to put the tent up. "Hey, Pikachu, come here."

[Pika...] Pikachu didn't want to move, but it decided to listen to its trainer. [Pikachu!] It was pleasantly surprised by a bowl piled with Pokemon food, and it quickly went over to chow down.

Eric laughed at the scene, " Is it good?" He asked as he ate a simple sandwich.

[Chu~] Pikachu answered with a nod as its face was covered with crumbs from the food, making it look quite cute.

*Ding! Pikachu Friendship increased 5%*

Eric continued to eat until he heard a loud burp, and immediately burst out laughing as even that was cute*

[Chaa~] Pikachu patted its full belly in satisfaction, and rolled over to sleep*

"Heh... Have a good rest Pikachu..." Eric smiled as he gazed up at the darkening sky. Stars would show up one by one, making the night sky look stunning.

"Well... Time for bed.." Eric turned the lamp he used off, and gently picked up Pikachu, carrying it into the tent.

Eric didn't know it, but someone or something watched him almost the entire day.

[Cha!~] The Pokemon cried out before flying away under the night sky.