Fifth Day/Pikachu Vs Pikachu?

Eric yawned and stretched after long nights rest. The ground made his body quite stiff, but he quickly shrugged it off as it was something he had to get used to again.

"Come on, wake up, Pikachu! It's a new day!" Eric nudged Pikachu gently.

[Pikachuu...] Pikachu yawned, rubbing its eyes as it slowly woke up.

Eric walked out of the tent, stretching his limbs even more before pulling out his Pokedex.



Name: Eric LVL 2 (5/240)

Strength - 8

Vitality - 5

Intelligence - 12

Luck - 3

Inventory - (7/15) - Potion x20, Pokeball x50, Blue Clothes Set, Pajama Set, Pokemon Food x100, Food x29, Water Bottle x30 *Updated*

Pokedollars - 40,238 *Updated*

Current Pokemon

1. Pikachu Lvl 8 *Updated*


"Hmm... You know I wonder why I have stats. It's not like I'll fight in the future, right?" Eric thought out loud. He would know the answer to the question way later in the future.

[Pikachu!] Pikachu climbed up Eric's leg, and his arm to reach the spot it has now claimed. It gave it the illusion of being tall, and it quite liked that feeling.

Eric went over to his bag and pulled out a water bottle to drink. He would drink it halfway before sharing it with Pikachu.

"Alright, let's get day two started, Pikachu!" Eric quickly put everything up into his inventory and continued his journey through Viridian Forest. He would battle a few more Caterpie and even Weedles along the way. Pikachu swept through them all with no problem as Eric was more used to battling, and started to command Pikachu to use Thunder Shock.

* Ding! Total of exp earned 200 *

*Pikachu exp raised exponentially! Ding! Pikachu has reached level 10!*

The two didn't battle all of the time as they took appropriate breaks when needed, and Eric quite enjoyed watching Pokemon in their habitat. He would never imagine that he could see these fantastic creatures first-hand and even interact with them; it was extraordinary.

"Ok, let's get going again Pikachu. I want to reach Pewter City in two days." Eric quickly got off the ground, dusting himself off before walking away.

[Pikachu!] Pikachu leaped onto Eric's shoulder, and Eric didn't even need to look to know if it was on his shoulder. [Pikaaa] Pikachu poked Eric's cheek as its face looked dissatisfied.

"Heh~ I know. I'll wait next time." Eric chuckled softly.

[Pikachu] Pikachu nodded its head before enjoying the gentle breeze with a smile. [Chaa~]

"You know you-

" Get this disgusting bug away from me!" a voice screamed quite some ways ahead.

"Huh? Who was that?"


"Yeah, let's go check it out. " Eric started to run in the direction of the voice and was greeted by a familiar scene.

A cute orange-haired girl with a yellow tank top with red suspenders, light blue denim shorts, and red shoes with a yellow streak. "I know... How about you be friends with the creepy bug, and I'll be friends with Pikachu." She said as she placed a Pikachu into her lap, ignoring the Caterpie that obviously wanted attention.

A black-haired boy with a red hat, medium blue jacket worn open over a teal t-shirt with jeans, and black sneakers looked smugly at the girl. "Pikachu only likes me and zaps anyone who tries to...Huh?" The boy was surprised to see his Pikachu enjoying the petting from the girl.

Ash and Misty!

The two unlikely friends who would do anything for each other! In the future, of course. However, now they were always at each other's necks.

[Ree...] Caterpie was depressed from being ignored until it noticed the approaching Eric, and rushed over to him.

"Hey, wait! Caterpie, where are you going?!" Ash shouted.

"Oh, hey, Caterpie." Eric smiled, squatting down to pet it's head.

[Reee~] Caterpie was happy after the petting and stood upon its back legs.

"Oh, you want to be picked up?" Eric picked Caterpie off the ground, cradling as he tickled its stomach.

"Good riddance! Bug pokemon is one of the three disgusting things in the world!" Misty shouted with all her might.

"Aside from you, what are the other disgusting things?" Ash bluntly said with his arms behind his head.

'Damn, I forgot how savage some of the insults were in the anime,' Eric thought as he fought back the need to laugh.

"Very funny!" Misty said with a sneer as she got up off the ground. "Anyways, who are you?" She asked as she looked at Eric.

Eric quickly noticed something about the two, and that is that they looked older. Eric assumed they were around his age, and how does he know you ask?

(Author Note: Because I'm not writing about some age 10 kiddies! 15-16 is still a kid, but I feel more comfortable with this. Haha! Now back to the story!)

"Yeah! And what are you doing to my Caterpie! Pikachu use Thunder Shock on that guy! He's trying to take Caterpie!"

Eric looked dumbfounded for a moment, "Wait you're kidding righ-"

[Pikachu!] Ash's Pikachu leaped from Misty's lap and immediately used Thunder Shock on Eric.

[Pikkaa!] Eric's Pikachu leaped into action and used Thunder Shock to block Ash's Pikachu's move as it gracefully landed on its feet.

[Pika?] Ash's Pikachu looked surprised for a moment and looked to Ash for directions.

"Ah, look, he also has a Pikachu!" Misty said, pointing at Eric's Pikachu.

"Well, my Pikachu is better! We'll get Caterpie back!" Ash said.

"Wait Ash maybe he isn't trying to take your creepy bug-"

"Pikachu, use Tackle!"

"And he's not listening..."

Eric could have spoken up at any time, but ever since he started to battle with Pikachu, he wanted to fight even more opponents! 'Pikachu vs. Pikachu? I'll take some of that action!'

"Pikachu Dodge it and use Tail Whip at the same time!" Eric commanded with a swipe of his right hand.

[Pikaaa~] The electricity leaking out its cheeks and smile made Eric's Pikachu look confident. The countless battles made it that way, and it had a right as it performed the command without a hiccup.

[Pika!] Ash's Pikachu became momentarily stunned as its attack missed, and soon after, a tail attacked it's side, sending it rolling across the ground.

"Ah, Pikachu! Get back in there! Use Thunder Shock!"

"Not so fast! Pikachu use Quick Attack!"

[Pika! Pikachapi!] Pikachu instantly sped across the field, leaving a blur as it heads straight for Ash's Pikachu.

[Pi?!] Ash's Pikachu couldn't even use it attacks before Eric's Pikachu slammed its head against it, sending it flying into a nearby tree.


[Pika...chu..] Ash's Pikachu fainted soon after as it was still inexperienced along with its trainer.

"What? How could I lose!" Ash frowned as he ran over to his Pikachu to check up on it. "Are you alright, Pikachu?"

[Pika...] Pikachu was still dizzy from the impact, but it still managed to nod its head.

*Ding! 35 exp won from winning against Rookie Trainer Ash. Ding Lvl up! *

*Pikachu's exp increased moderately*

"Hahaha! You did great, Pikachu!" Eric said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

[Pikachu!] Pikachu used its tiny fingers to make a V before climbing back on Eric's shoulder.

"Here, sorry about that." Eric pulled out a potion from his bag and handed it over to Ash. Ash was a bit surprised, but he used the potion making Pikachu feel better almost immediately.

[Pikachu~] Ash's Pikachu finally stood up and twirled around to show that it was better.

"That's great! Sorry, I thought you were taking Caterpie. We had to deal with some idiotic trio not to long ago."

"I completely understand. " Eric placed Caterpie on Ash's shoulder, which made him happy.

"My name is Ash from Pallet Town, and I plan on becoming a Pokemon Master," Ash said as he pounded his chest. "And this-

Misty kicks Ash out of the way before he could speak, "I'm Misty! I'm trying to be the best water Pokemon Master!!" She said with slightly flushed cheeks as she shook Eric's hand.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Ash shouted after he stopped himself from falling on the ground.

"I can't let a child introduce me! Especially since I'm a lady." Misty said with a harrumph.

"You're no lady! You're more of a Rattata. You can't keep your mouth closed!"

'Holy shit, how do I keep myself from laughing?!" Eric thought as his mouth constantly twitched from holding back his laughter.

"Well, at least I didn't lose a Pokemon battle! I've seen babies battle better than you!"

Eric watched them insult each other for the next five minutes before introducing himself.

"You're also from Pallet Town?! That's amazing, but I'm sure I never met you before..." Ash scratched his head as he tried to remember anything about Eric.

"I usually didn't hang out with other kids, but now with Pikachu, I plan on being a Pokemon Master. So, I'll have lots of friends in the future." Eric made a thumbs sign with his right hand.

"Oh yeah! I feel the same way!" Ash furiously nodded as he pumped his fist.

"Anyways, let's talk about something more important... Like calling that slimy bug back into its Pokeball!"

[Ree....] Caterpie squeaked softly as it looked ready to cry at any moment until Ash's Pikachu came over to console it. [Pikaa...]

"Misty! You-"

"Let's all be calm for a moment. Misty, I understand your dissatisfaction with bugs, but unfortunately, all Pokemon have feelings. What would you do if someone called your water pokemon disgusting?"

"That!... I'm sorry..." Misty wanted to argue, but she quickly understood and apologized for her actions.

"And you Ash should be more considerate with your companion."

"Companion? She's only following me because I accidentally destroyed her bike!"

"And I want a new one sooner than later! I would have been out of here if I had one!"

"And I said I'd pay you back one day!"

'Oh god here we go again...' Eric thought with a sigh, and even his Pikachu was getting annoyed by the constant bickering.

Soon after, they all decided to travel together through Viridian Forest. Misty was more than happy to let Eric join for some reason, and Ash was just glad to have another boy around.

The group then came across a wild Pidgeotto, and immediately Ash took the lead. "This one's mine! Go, Caterpie!" He threw out Caterpie to battle.

"What are you doing?!" Misty said, gripping her hair, and even Ash's Pikachu was surprised at his choice.

"What's wrong? I know what I'm doing!" Ash snapped, but before he could do anything, his Caterpie was under attack by the Pidgeotto.

[Reeee!] Caterpie squeaked loudly as tried its best to run away, but the Pidgeotto was too fast!

"Caterpie! Counter-Attack!"

[Ree?] Caterpie suddenly stopped as Counter wasn't a move it could use, unfortunately stopping so sudden was a huge mistake.

[Chaa!] The Pidgeotto slammed into it with its powerful beak and sent Caterpie flying into a tree.

"What are you doing?! Recall it!" Misty shouted as the Pidgeotto made a beeline towards the injured Caterpie.

"Oh, right! Caterpie return!" Ash recalled Caterpie into its Pokeball with moments to spare. "Pikachu! You're up!"

Eric knew that Ash would catch the Pidgeotto. So it wasn't surprising that he caught it. However, Ash couldn't even celebrate without Misty laying on some basics about Pokemon.

"At this rate, it will take a million years before you're a Pokemon Master! A trainer's judgment is more important than anything else. And unfortunately for you, a trainer has to have a brain! "

Ash looked really disheartened after Misty's outburst and started to rethink his actions.

'Yikes...Wait, why do I hear boss music?' Eric started to look around for the source of strange dramatic music.

*Dramatic music intensifies*

"We meet again!" A familiar voice said.

"Oh, boy..." Eric groaned and facepalmed himself.

"I know that voice..." Ash groaned along with Eric.

A woman sporting a team rocket outfit and impossible sized red hair started to speak, "Prepare for the trouble we're in your face!" She then posed as if she was some model.

"And Make it double my names not Chase!" A purple-haired man said after the woman as he posed right next to her. He also wore a Team Rocket outfit and even had a rose inside of his mouth.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love "

"To extend our reach to the stars above! "



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!

"Meowth! That's right!" A Meowth said just as it did a front flip in front of the two.

"These clowns are here too?"

"Who are you calling clowns?!"

"Obviously, you three. Why don't you get out of here before we make you!"

[Pikaa~] Eric's Pikachu could sense its trainers will to battle, and it too was itching for a fight.

"Grr! Why you!" Jessie gritted her teeth and wanted to pummel the good-looking boy. However, she was stopped by Meowth.

"Hey! Look! There are two Pikachus! Why don't we take it too?" Meowth said with a malicious grin.

"Yeah, The boss will be especially happy. I wonder if it's special like that other twerp's Pikachu." James wondered.

Jessie furiously shook her head while stomping her feet, "Ugh! Enough talking and more stealing! Hand over your Pikachus!"

"Jeez, how much hair spray do you put in that hair? " Eric thought out loud as he watched Jessie's hair keep its shape even after all her movement.

"Do you really think its the time to think about that?" Misty asked with concern.

"Go Ekans"


Team Rocket threw out their trusty Pokemon, and before Ash could make a mistake, Eric quickly stepped n.

"Pikachu, show them we mean business! Use Double Team and follow it with a Quick Attack on Koffing!" Eric commanded.

[Pikaa!] Eric's Pikachu jumped onto the ground, and immediately moved so fast that it made several copies of itself.

"Which one is the real one?!" James held his head with his hands and tried his best to keep track of Eric's Pikachu.

[Pika!!] Eric's Pikachu immediately used Quick Attack after the Double Team, catching Koffing off-guard as it skidded across the ground.

"Grrr! Whatever! Ekans, go get your dinner!"

[Ekaaans!] The purple snake Pokemon charged at Eric's Pokemon.

"Koffing, get back in there and use Sludge!"


Ash looked at the battle in disbelief, "W-hat?! Two against one?! That's not fair! The League officially states that-"

"You're information is outdated, just like your sense of fashion!" A familiar voice said. "Go, Haunter!"

"No way... She followed me?"