Fifth Day/Second Pokemon

"Go! Haunter!"

[Haunter!] Haunter shouted along with a fit of laughter. It was ready to battle despite its goofy looks.

"What are you doing?! I can handle them both!" Eric didn't want to deal with this girl Lizzy, and yet it felt like she was going to be stuck with him.

"And I say you can't, and I'm interfering!" Lizzy smirked as she enjoyed seeing Eric suffer. "Haunter, use Shadow Ball on Ekans! Finish it in one blow!"

[Haunter!] Haunter shouted as it charged a Shadow Ball that was bigger than average, and shot it at Ekans.

[Ekans?!] Ekans didn't even get a chance to do anything before the Shadow Ball connected, causing a massive explosion. [E...kans..] Ekans immediately fainted after the attack.

"Ugh! Why you!-"

"Lady, why don't you scram before I give that freakish nightmare you call hair a trim!" Lizzy said while making a scissor with her fingers.


"It's two against one! It's unfair!" James complained.

Jessie stomped her feet before suddenly getting a great idea and picked up Meowth.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" Meowth shouted as it squirmed in Jessie's iron grip.

"Go use Fury Swipe!" Jessie tossed Meowth towards Lizzy like a baseball.

"Ahhh! You jerk!" Meowth didn't expect to be thrown, but it quickly accepted the result. "A Fury Swipe for ya!" Meowth said as his claws extended outward, and randomly started to attack the air.

"Hmph... Haunter." Lizzy didn't even give Haunter a command, and it easily caught Meowth by his face.

"Uh, oh..."

"Throw it back!" Lizzy shouted with a malicious grin.

[Haunter!] Haunter immediately threw Meowth back in the same direction he was thrown.

"Damn... I wanted to practice more... Pikachu show Koffing your Thunder Shock!" Eric said.

[Pikachuuu!] Pikachu immediately used Thunder Shock on Koffing just as Meowth was thrown back, shocking them both in the process.

"Yeeouuch, that smarts!" Meowth shouted in pain.

The attack sent them both flying into the fainted Ekans, which in turn sent them into Jessie and James.

"Finish this, Haunter! Use-"

"Pikachu, use ThunderBolt!" Eric quickly commanded.

[PIKA!...CHUUU!] Eric's Pikachu used all the electricity it could muster and sent the attack towards the stunned Team Rocket.


"That Pikachu is stronger than the twerps Pikachu..." James said with a nod.

"How dare they make fun of my hair!" Jessie growled in anger.

"We're blasting off again!" Team Rocket said just before they disappeared into the distance.

*Ding! Calculating exp due to interference.... 40 exp gain after defeating Team Rocket James and Meowth.

*Pikachu's exp raises moderately.*

"Grrr... I had that!" Lizzy stomped her feet as she glared st Eric.

"And I say you didn't, and I interfered!" Eric sneered while using Lizzy's own words.


"You two know each other?" Misty asked as she felt slightly threatened by the appearance of the cute brown-haired girl.


"This idiot couldn't watch where he was going and made me ruin my bike!"

"But..." Misty looked at Lizzy's bike, and it looked just like the one she had!

"I bought you a new one that same day!"

"Y-you did?! " Misty was shocked as she looked at Eric up and down. She remembered how much her bike cost.

That's 10,000 Pokedollars!

"Yeah, he did but I-" Lizzy caught herself before she said something she would regret and decided to keep her mouth shut. However, this little action didn't get by Misty.

"Whatever once we get to Pewter City, we go our separate ways. Come on, Pikachu." Eric placed his hands in his pockets and started to walk down the path leading to Pewter City as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

Lizzy watched the leaving Eric as tears formed in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. "Hmph... I'll show you. Haunter return." She returned Haunter to its Pokeball and hopped back on her bike, peddling after Eric.

"What was all that?" Ash curiously asked Misty

"A kid such as yourself wouldn't understand! Hey, Eric, wait up for me!" Misty ran after them.

"A kid, huh? Maybe it's time for me to grow up some more Pikachu?" Ash said as he hung his head down and slowly followed the group.

[Pikachu...] Pikachu didn't know what to say and followed its trainer in silence.


The group would have traveled in silence if it wasn't for Misty asking Eric questions about his life, and this would annoy Lizzy to no end.

"Grrr... Hey, don't you think Eric's had enough of your pestering?"

"Hmm, I don't know... Are you, Eric?" Misty asked as she turned to him.

"I think it's fine," Eric answered bluntly.

"Bleehh~" Misty mocked Lizzy by sticking out her tongue and holding onto Eric's arm.

'That little orange-haired bitch! Wait till I get you back!' Lizzy thought as she continues to watch Misty talk to Eric. She was also curious about his life.

"I still don't get what's going on..." Ash quietly said from the back of the group.

[Pika..] Ash's Pikachu shrugged its shoulders and shook its head, pitying its trainer for not understanding.

The day was nearing its end, and the group decided to camp for the night near a small lake. Eric pulled out pokemon food for his Pikachu, and it gratefully excepted it.

[Pika~] Eric's Pikachu started to chow down until Ash's Pikachu stopped it. [Pika?]

[Pika...Pikachu?] Ash's Pikachu was asking if it could have some food.

[...Pika] Eric's Pikachu hesitated for a bit, but it eventually moved to the side of the bowl to let Ash's Pikachu eat as well.

[Pikaaa~~] Ash's Pikachu ate with great relish and thanked Eric's Pikachu.

"So, how much longer till we are out of here on foot?" Misty asked Eric as she helped him put together a campfire.

"We should be there by noon at our pace. Here. " Eric reached inside his bag for a sandwich, handing it over to Misty.

"Ah! Thank you!" Misty smiled as she sat down to eat.

"Ash heads up!" Eric threw another sandwich towards Ash.

Ash instantly caught it, and immediately started to eat," Thanks!"

Lizzy looked on at the two with jealousy as the entire trip Eric ignored her, but he talked to those two. 'Am I that terrible..' She thought as she curled up into a ball, biting down on her lower lip in frustration.

"Here..." Eric held a sandwich in front of Lizzy's face.


"I said here! Take it already!" Eric placed the sandwich in Lizzy's hands.


"Don't mention it," Eric said before she could express her gratitude, and sat down near the warm fire to eat his own sandwich.

Lizzy was a bit ticked off, but suddenly she felt warmth seeping through her body that wasn't from the fire. She then silently ate with a smile on her face.

The night was then spent with Ash talking about his childhood and how he was late to choosing his first pokemon.

Everyone liked that, and soon each of them was telling stories of their own until the fire went out.


Everyone was sound asleep except for Eric, who couldn't get a wink. He then climbed out of his sleeping bag and took a walk quite a ways from the group.

[Pika?] The movement would wake Eric's Pikachu up as it was sleeping nearby, and it quickly followed after him.

"Hmm? Pikachu." Eric quickly noticed Pikachu after his short time with it. The stats he gained from the system also had something to do with it. He could feel himself changing and becoming stronger, although it wasn't by a lot.

[Pikachu?] Eric's Pikachu climbed up his body to reach his shoulder, and showed a face that seemed to be asking, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, I couldn't sleep for some reason, and I was hoping a quick walk would help. Nothing major." Eric said as he scratched underneath Pikachu's chin.

[Chaa~] Pikachu squeaked happily from its trainer's scratching.

[Chaa!] An unknown Pokemon flew down in front of the two, spreading its small wings as it gave off a faint glow.

A Shiny Pidgey!

"Wow, so cool... A shiny, Pidgey! Hey, there guy-"

[Chaa!!] The Shiny Pidgey flapped its tiny wings, and out came an Air Slash! The blade made out of wind zoomed right past Eric and sliced a huge tree right in half.

"Holy shit, this one already knows Air Slash!" Eric was surprised at the move, and even more surprised that he grabbed an empty Pokeball from his belt. "This is the one..."

Eric had plenty of chances to catch pokemon, but none of them caught his eye until now.

"Pikachu, this one is strong! Let's make it pokemon number two!" Eric said as he jumped back to gained distance from the Pidgey.

[Pikaaa!] Eric's Pikachu nodded its head and prepared its self to battle. It knew it had an advantage, but instincts were telling it that it wouldn't matter.

[Chaaa!] Pidgey took the air and stared down Pikachu as if it was asserting its dominance.

[Pikaa] Eric's Pikachu didn't quite like the feeling, and couldn't wait to thrash it. However, it would wait for its trainer's command.

"Pikachu, let's do what we did earlier! Double Team then into a Quick Attack!"

[Pikachu!] Eric's Pikachu nodded it's head and started to make copies of itself before speeding towards the Pidgey who was flying comfortably in the air.

Pidgey looked at Pikachu as if it was a child and simply dodged to the left, causing the attack to miss.


"Damn, I wish it worked... Forget it! Pikachu use Thunder Shock!"

[Pikachuuuuu!] Eric's Pikachu quickly turned around mid-air and used Thunder Shock on Pidgey. However, the attack was met with one of its own!

Pidgey used another Air Slash, colliding it with Thunder Shock, causing an explosion in the air.

"This Pidgey already has a great sense for battle... Where did it come from," Eric muttered softly.

Pidgey took its eyes off Pikachu and glared at Eric as if it was saying, "Is this all you have?"

"Grr... We aren't done yet! Pikachu use Quick Attack one more time and try to latch on its back!"

[Pika!] Eric's Pikachu nodded and used Quick Attack again.

[Chaa!] Pidgey would see this attack a mile away and used Sand Attack to blind Eric's Pikachu.

[Pi?! Pika!...] The burning sensation caused Eric's Pikachu to miss its attack completely as it rolled across the ground.

"No! Pikachu!" Eric wanted to rush over to Pikachu, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't like seeing Pikachu being hurt.

[Pika...Pikachu!!] Eric's Pikachu quickly shook off the Sand Attack and growled at Pidgey, who only gazed at it with indifference.

[Pika... Pikaaaa] Electricity started to pour from Eric's Pikachu's cheeks, coating its entire body with it, and it was at this time everyone else ran over to the noise.

"What's going on?!" The three asked at the same time.

Eric turned to look at them and smiled before locking his eyes back on the battle. " Catching a new friend."

*Ding! Pikachu temporarily learned Volt Tackle. Move disappears in 60...59...58..57..*

"Pikachu! You only get one shot! Let's make this count!"

[PIKAAA!] Eric's Pikachu shouted as it prepared to move.

"Use Thunder Shock!" Eric commanded even though Pidgey would counter it, but its what happens next that ends it.

[Chaa!] Pidgey counters with another Air Slash, and it started to get bored. "Maybe this trainer isn't the one it's seeking." It thought. [Cha!?] It suddenly notices that Pikachu was behind it. However, it was too late!

Eric smirked, "Heh~ got you! Pikachu use Volt Tackle!"

[Pikaa! Pikachuuu!!] Eric's Pikachu leaped from the ground like a speeding bullet, and slammed against Pidgey with a powerful Volt Tackle!


The impact caused a sizable explosion that sent Pidgey flying through the air in pain. Pidgey tried to move, but the attack also paralyzed it.

"You're mine!" Eric threw his Pokeball extra hard, knocking Pidgey directly in the head before the Pokeball captured it. He could have thrown it softer, but he wanted to vent his frustration out on it a little.

The Pokeball with the Shiny Pidgey wiggled around quite a bit before the sound of a successful catch rang true.


*Ding! 300 exp gain from beating and catching wild Shiny Pidgey *

*Pikachu's exp raised... a lot! Ding! Pikachu has reached level 13!*

Eric pulled out his Pokedex to look at his menu.



Name: Eric LVL 3 (300/580)

Strength - 10

Vitality - 7

Intelligence - 14

Luck - 3

Inventory - (7/15) - Potion x19, Pokeball x49, Blue Clothes Set, Pajama Set, Pokemon Food x98, Food x25, Water Bottle x30 *Updated*

Pokedollars - 40,238

Current Pokemon

1. Pikachu LvL 13

Stats - HP - 30/44

Attack - 26

Special Attack - 42

Defense - 27

Special Defense - 35

Speed - 50

Bond - 63%

2. Pidgey LVL 15 <-

Stats - HP - 20/59

Attack - 35

Special Attack - 28

Defense - 24

Special Defense - 30

Speed - 57

Bond - 78%


'Wait, I just caught it, and it already likes me that much?!' Eric inwardly screamed as he looked at Pikachu.


The group bombarded Eric with questions after Pikachu's last move, and after vaguely answering all of them the night officially closed.

Next stop Pewter City!