Sixth Day/Separate

"Finally, civilization!" Misty shouted as she danced with joy at the entrance of Pewter City.

"I thought we'd never get out of there..." Ash sighed as he sat down on an unusually large rock.

[Pika...] Ash's Pikachu felt the same and sat down by its trainer.

Misty rolled her eyes, "Well, we probably would have been in there for longer if it wasn't for Eric," She said as she grabbed hold of Eric's arm.

"H-hey!" Misty shouted as she was pushed away by Lizzy.

Lizzy shrugged her shoulders and looked at Eric, "So, what's on the agenda?".

Eric only glared at Lizzy, but even after several minutes, she didn't budge. "Tch... I'm go to Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon and Tell Professor Oak I made it to Pewter City..."

"Yeah, I should do that too-"

"You're resting on my merchandise!" an aged voice said.

"Oh, sorry... Wait, your merchandise is a rock?!" Ash looked around until he saw a strange older man sitting on the ground. He was wearing a red beanie that covered his eyes, ripped yellow shirt, green pants. The strangest thing about him was his brown beard that looked as if it could poke an eye out.

The group then looked around to see several different sized rocks, and they all had prices on them.

Who would buy these?! They all thought.

'Ah, that's...Brock's dad. Flint right? Man, this guy was a tool, but at least he made it up to Brock.' Eric thought as he nodded his head.

"They are Pewter City souvenirs... Would you like to buy one?" Flint asked without looking at the group.

"Uh... no, thank you, but if you could show us the way to the Pokemon Center, then we would be grateful," Misty said.

"Hmm..." The older man looked at Eric's Pikachu, who was filled with energy and then looked at Ash's Pikachu, who was taking a breather on one of his rocks. "Heh... I'll show you the way. The name's Flint, by the way." He said as he got up on his feet.

"Well, he's strange but nice.."Ash said with a smile.

Flint suddenly turned around with his hand out, "Also, that will be 10 Pokedollars charging fee for resting on my rocks."



Flint would lead the group to the Pokemon Center after calling him out on his scam. The man didn't deny it, but he was still nice to show them the way.

Ash placed a tray filled with his Pokemon and Pikachu onto the front desk, "Huh? Nurse Joy? How could you be here?"

"Ash, there is more than one Nurse Joy, and they are all related," Eric said.

The pink-haired lady known as Nurse Joy was stunned as that information isn't entirely known.


"Yes, the Viridian City Nurse Joy is my younger sister." Nurse Joy smiled.

"Please take care of mine two Nurse Joy," Eric said as he places his one Pokeball onto Ash's tray. "Pikachu, go get checked out too."

[Pika~ ] Eric's Pikachu hoped on the tray along with Ash's Pikachu before Nurse Joy disappeared in the back.

"Hey, look at that poster," Misty said, pointing to a massive poster on a nearby wall that advertised the Pokemon League.

Ash started to daydream as he looked at it, "Wow... And I'll be the one to be the champion!"

"You? Puh-lease! You'll never get all the badges. Gym Leaders are way stronger than the average trainer, and last I checked you aren't even the average."

"It doesn't matter. I'll just knock them down one by one! Starting with the Pewter City Gym." Ash shouted as his eyes burned with the will to win.

"You'll beat him? Hehehehe..." Flint randomly commented before leaving the Pokemon Center. He had stayed back to observe Ash as he reminded him of himself, but he knew that the kid couldn't beat his son. 'However, that other kid... Why do I get a strange feeling from him?' Flint thought as he retired to his house not far from the Pewter City Gym.

"What's that guy's problem? I know I can beat the gym!"

"I don't think so... But if you ask nicely, then I may be able to help~" Misty said as she wanted to take this chance to show off a little.

"You help me? ..." Ash thought about it for a while before shrugging his shoulders. "How bout no."

Misty gritted her teeth as she shook her fist in the air, "You--Well, see if I care when you cry over a loss!"

Ash and Misty then proceeded to get into it again. The growth of these two will be shocking in the future. However, how much will it change with Eric around?

Eric smiled at their interaction before he sat down on a bench to wait for his Pokemon. 'I wonder how far I'll go?'

Lizzy saw that Misty was distracted with Ash and took this chance to strike up a conversation with Eric. She'd sit down beside him and showed the best smile possible. "Hey-"

Eric's previous good mood was quickly soured by the arrival of a certain annoying girl, "Look, Lizzy, you're cute. I give you that, but I'm not looking to hold hands. I think we should just go our separate ways."

"I'm not--I mean... Am I that much of a bother?" Lizzy asked, but she would never get an answer as Eric simply ignored her.

Lizzy instantly stood up, glaring at Eric until tear slid down her eye, "Fine! Who cares?! I'm just stupid and annoying, right?!" She screamed, causing everyone to notice before she stormed away.

"You don't even like me, you just find it weird for someone to ignore you and decided to latch onto that feeling," Eric said with a sigh. He may have been treating her bit harsh this entire time, but he didn't want someone liking him when he doesn't understand his situation.

It looked like Eric was having fun in the world of Pokemon, but he was very aware his situation isn't normal. "I just wish going in this direction will lead me to answers... I mean, I don't even look like me... I hope this body doesn't have a family, or I'll be really in trouble."


In another region miles and miles away was a forest where a secluded mansion stood. A beautiful woman with long red hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a face that could steal anyone's heart. The woman also had a fantastic body that'd make anyone want to have touch, but everyone knew better not to touch this woman. "Have you not found him yet?! Where is my son Alan?! You told me you would find him!" She shouted with anguish at the golden-haired man.

The man was extremely handsome with spiked golden hair, deep green eyes, and a body fit for a model. However, do not let his handsome face fool you as he is quite dangerous. "Alicia, I am doing everything in my power to find him, but it looks like he's not even in this region. Our men can't sense him anywhere." He said as he tried to wrap his arms around his significant other.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Alicia asked in disbelief. Alan?! What do you mean not in this region?!" She asked again while gripping the collar of Alan's shirt.

"Alicia..." Alan knew better than to throw a fit at his wife's action and held onto her hand as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"A-Alan... Hic... My b..aby.." Alicia's voice started to crack as the realization of her child not being in the region. She then began to cry horribly on her husband's chest, bawling her eyes out like a baby.

Alan wrapped his arms around Alicia, squeezing her tight as he vowed to get the one responsible for his son's disappearance.

The incident came with no warning, and Alan could only watch his son fade into thin air as he screamed in pain.

'Whoever you are! I won't let you get away with this! I want every single Corviknight user searching for my son this instant!" Alan shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Yes, sir!" A group of men and women in black answered before they scattered.

No one messes with my child!

No one!


Eric and company were making their way to the Pewter City gym. Lizzy was nowhere to be found, but Eric assured them that it was fine to leave.

Ash couldn't wait to battle the gym leader named Brock even if he didn't have a type advantage.

Eric knew that if the move was powerful enough, then it could potentially injure a Pokemon even with its type advantage.



"Pikachu! What are you doing?! I chose you, not Pidgeotto!"

Ash hasn't properly trained his Pikachu to battle as Pokemon aren't born to fight each other. Pokemon are just creatures living alongside humans, and what we are doing is pretty darn close to slavery.

'But...when did the concept of catching Pokemon became the norm that even some pokemon know about it? Pokeballs can catch Pokemon, but it has been proven that they can come out at any time they want to...' Eric seriously thought before be shrugged his shoulders. He then continued to watch Ash lose both of his battles, which didn't take long.

"You're foolish and unfit to be a trainer. Did anyone teach you about type advantages? Both your Pikachu and Pidgeotto is weak to Rock-Types." Brock said after the battle, he was pretty angry at Ash because he's a Pokemon Breeder. 'Or at least I want to be..' He thought as he gripped his fists.

"I... know that I have too much to learn... Maybe Misty was right. I am just a kid.." Ash said as he pulled down his hat over his face.

"Oh, Ash..." Misty seemed to be a mean girl on the outside, but she did indeed possess a heart.

[Pika...] Ash's Pikachu wanted to console its trainer, but it was too weak to move.

"Pikachu..." Ash muttered softly as he picked it off the battleground and cradled it softly.

"Here Ash use this potion. I want you to watch my battle. " Eric said as he pulled a potion out of his bag for Ash to use.

"But... You have the same type of Pokemon I do... You'll lose!"

Eric smirked, "Heh...Don't you worry about that. We got this right, Pikachu?"

[Pika!] Pikachu nodded its head and pumped its fist as electricity leaked from its red cheeks.

"Huh? So, you're a newbie too?" Brock asked with a sneer as he happened to overhear Ash talking.

"Yeah, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve!" Eric said as he assumed the position on that the battleground.

"I'll be the judge of that. You know this will be two pokemon battle?"

"Yeah, let's get this over with."

"Go, Geodude!" Brock threw out his Pokeball, and out came the literal rock pokemon with arms.

[Geodude] Geodude shouted as it banged its arms against the ground to show off its power.

[Pika!] Eric's Pikachu was excited and jumped off Eric's shoulder. [Pika?] However, it was caught mid-air by Eric.

"You hang back. I'll need you for his strongest Pokemon." Eric smiled as he placed Pikachu back on his shoulder. He was happy that Pikachu was confident, but it's best to keep it's moveset a secret.

"Alright, go, Pidgey!" Eric throws out Pidgey from it's Pokeball.

[Cha!] Pidgey screeched as it spreads its tiny wings before taking flight. The light that it gave off was faint in the day, but people could tell that it was a shiny Pokemon.

A lucky encounter!

Brock was surprised but quickly returned to his usual demeanor, "Shiny or not. You still won't be a match for my Geodude! Geodude Rock Throw! Take that Pidgey down!"

[Geo!] Geodude roared as shining rocks about the size of baseballs appeared over its head before they hurled towards Pidgey.

"Pidgey! Dodge it and use Sand Attack!"

[Chaa!] Pidgey effortlessly dodged the rocks, and dived towards the Geodude, stopping a mere inches away before flapping its wings to send a Sand Attack!

[G-Geo!] Geodude howled in pain as its eyes were momentarily blinded by sand.

"Geodude! quickly shake it off!" Brock shouted.

"Don't give him a chance! Use Air Slash!"

[Cha!] Pidgey screeched as it flapped its tiny wings to send a powerful Air Slash towards Geodude with amazing speed!

[Geo!... Geodude!] Geodude was pushed back by the attack, but unfortunately, it only did little damage. However, it did manage to make it angry.

"I admit you're more skilled than the other guy, but you aren't going to get by my Geodude with your little Pidgey! Geodude, use Rock Throw, and don't stop!"

[Geo!] Geodude used Rock Throw over and over as if it was a machine gun.

The strategy was pretty sound, but you could wear out your Pokemon that way.

"Dodge it all, Pidgey!"

[Cha?! Cha!] Pidgey was surprised by the sheer amount of rocks, but it quickly started to dodge them almost effortlessly.



Pidgey was hit!

[C-Cha!] Pidgey screeched in pain as it fell to the rocky surface, causing it even more pain. [Cha!] However, it wasn't going to let itself go down now, and it immediately took back to the air.

'That Pidgey is tough!' Brock thought, but he could clearly see that it was hurt from the way it was flying. "Geodude!...Geodude?" He noticed his Geodude wasn't doing so well after that assault of Rock Throw.

[Geo...Geodude!] Geodude was tired, but it decided to stay strong for its trainer!

"Geodude...Let's do this! His Pidgey is in a worse state! It's all or nothing... Geodude, use Rock Slide!"

[Geo!] Geodude roared as giant pieces of rock the size of small pillars appeared around it. It then balled its right hand into a fist and punched straight up towards Pidgey as if it was commanding the rocks to attack.

And attack they did!

[C-Cha?!] Pidgey was frightened by the oncoming attack and looked for to its trainer for a command. It didn't think it could dodge all of the giant rocks heading straight for it!

"Stay calm, Pidgey! Dodge it and use Air Slash on my command!" Eric shouted just before Geodude's Rock Slide reached Pidgey.

[Cha!!] Pidgey was still afraid, but something was telling it to believe in its trainer. It would try its best to dodge the onslaught of rocks, but one of them would find its mark.



"Hold on, Pidgey! You can win this!" Eric shouted through his teeth. He knew Pidgey was hurt really bad, but he knew it could press on. However, it didn't make him feel any better seeing his Pokemon injured.

"Just recall it, Eric! You've already lost..." Ash said as he glanced at his Pikachu. It was doing much better than earlier, but it still wasn't completely healed. A potion could only do so much.

*Ding! Pidgey has temporarily learned Steel Wing! Move Disappears in 60..59..58..57*

It's here!

"Now, Pidgey! Dive and use Steel Wing!" Eric shouted with a wave of his hand.

[Cha...CHAA!] Pidgey's eyes widened as it suddenly learned a move it didn't know and wondered how did it happen. But it wasn't going to waste this chance! It pulled itself together after being hit by Rock Slide and screeched loudly as its wings turned to steel.

"Steel Wing? Oh, no... Geodude use-"

Brock wouldn't be able to command Geodude in time as Pidgey swooped down like a rocket, and attacked the fatigued Geodude with its wings.

[G-Geooo!] Geodude felt intense pain as it was sent flying across the field until it slammed into nearby rocks, crushing them into dust from the impact. [G..eo..dude] It glared at the Pidgey as it couldn't believe the weak bird did so much damage.

[Cha~ ] Pidgey's beak curved into a smile as it looked like it was mocking Geodude.

Geodude then proceeded to faint after that moment.

[Ch..aa] Pidgey immediately fainted and started to fall mid-air. The fall would have hurt a lot if it wasn't for Eric running onto the field to catch it.

"Pidgey, you did great!" Eric said as he stroked its head.

[Chaa..~] Pidgey weakly chirped as its trainer praised it.

Eric then returned it to its Pokeball before running back to his position. "Next Pokemon, Brock!"

Brock was too shocked to answer as he couldn't believe his Geodude lost.

To a Pidgey?!

'Just how?! How?!... Wait! Calm down, Brock. You're a gym leader. Just relax... Onyx will crush that Pikachu, and it will end the battle in seconds." Brock thought.

He was right about one thing. The battle will end in seconds.



"How could I lose?!!"