Seventh Day/The Gift

Eric and company were found at a restaurant near the Pokemon Center as the group wanted to celebrate Eric's unexpected win.

"I can't believe that you won the badge! Say... do you think you could train me just for a little while? Please Please Pleaaassse!" Ash begged as there were still traces of food left around his lips.

"Ugh... Ash wipe your face." Misty said with a hint of disgust as she threw Ash a napkin.


" Anyways, the moves your Pokemon used were so powerful. However, I was most shocked about you, Pikachu~" Misty smiled as she fed Eric's Pikachu, who was sitting in her lap.

[Pika~] Eric's Pikachu was a bit embarrassed by the attention of another person other than its trainer, but it was still happy to be fed.

[Pika...] Ash's Pikachu was a bit jealous of Eric's Pikachu. It couldn't believe how strong it was, and it even stood up to that giant Onix.

Eric would notice Ash's Pikachu's depression and tried to cheer it up. "Pikachu, you can be strong too. You just need to train, and I'll help you do that along with Ash." He said as he stroked Ash's Pikachu's head.

[Pika?! Pika!] Ash's Pikachu was extremely excited and couldn't wait to train as it wanted to be strong for its trainer.

"Yes! Alright!" Ash was equally excited and pumped his fist into the air, but his excitement would quickly disappear.

"But only for a couple of days. I'll be headed to Cerulean City next ahead of you."

"What?! Aw man... I thought we'd travel together!" Ash said.

"Cerulean City, huh?..." Misty started to think about her three sisters and the gym. She didn't have a pleasant time living there, but sooner or later, she would have to face them.

"Misty? You ok?" Ash asked as he noticed the change in Misty. It was one of those odd times that he paid attention.

Eric knew exactly what Misty was thinking, but he wasn't going to say anything as that is a road that needs to be crossed gradually.

Misty noticed she went silence and tried to change the subject, "...O-oh yeah! I was just thinking about that battle with Onix. You really defeated him in seconds. I couldn't believe it."

"Yeah, it was pretty unbelievable..."Eric smirked as he remembered the battle. He thought it was pretty funny how his battle ended with Brock. No one would really expect a little Pikachu to take down a giant Onix, and yet it happened.

2 Hours Ago-----

"Let's Go, Onix!" Brock shouted, throwing out his strongest pokemon Onix

[Grooar] Onix roared into the air as if alerting everyone of its presence. The giant rock Pokemon has been known to crush the will of every rookie trainer trying to win the Pewter City badge.

"You're up, Pikachu. You know what to do!" Eric made a thumbs-up sign as he looked at Pikachu.

[Pikaa!] Finally, it could battle Pikachu thought as it leaped onto the battleground.

"So, you really are going to use a Pikachu against my Onix?" Brock said as he shook his head with disappointment.

"Yeah, what of it? Don't let the cute yellow mouse fool you. My Pikachu has a lot of power!"

[Pikaa!~] Pikachu agreed as it leaked electricity from its cheeks.

"Tch... Onix go! Use Bind on Pikachu!" Brock shouted as he wanted to end the battle, just like he did with the other trainer.

"Pikachu Dodge, and jump on it's back!"

[Pika!] Pikachu waited for Onix to get close, and dodged its attempt at catching it. Onix was a strong Pokemon, but it was too slow!

[Pika!!] Pikachu started to climb up Onix's back with great speed and agility, reaching near its neck.

"Shake it off, Onix!" Brock shouted as he started to have a bad feeling about that Pikachu.

[Groooar!!] Onix shook its body with all its might, causing the battlefield to tremor under its weight and power.

"Hold on Pikachu! And use ThunderBolt!"

[Pika!... Chuuu!!] Pikachu quickly latched onto Onix and used Thunderbolt, causing Onix to shake even more. The increased momentum threatened to throw it off, but it managed to hold on.

[Groaaar!!] Onix roared in pain as the unusually strong ThunderBolt attacked it. However, it didn't stop trying to shake Pikachu off from its body. The type advantage wasn't for nothing!

The bad feeling Brock was having wasn't going away, and he need think of a way to get Pikachu off, 'How can I get it to...Wait!' "Onix! Slam your body against the boulders!"

"Heh... You're too late! Pikachu jump using Onix's head as a stool and use Iron Tail!"

[Pika!] Pikachu immediately ran up to Onix's head and jumped high into the air as its tail glowed white before completely turning into iron.

"W-what?! Onix, use Bite and catch Pikachu!"

"That's a mistake! Spin now, Pikachu!" Eric shouted as Pikachu was still in the air.

[Pikachapii!!] Pikachu curled into a ball and started to spin mid-air as if it was a yo-yo, attacking Onix with its Iron Tail.

[Groooaaar!] Onix roared with its mouth open to Bite Pikachu, but it didn't think that it was making a huge mistake. The position it was in made it perfect for Pikachu land Iron Tail.

"No! Onix!" Brock could only watch as his Onix was hit directly with the Iron Tail.


[Groooar!!...] Onix roared in pain as it fell down onto the battlefield, causing the entire field to shake under its weight. The attack immediately made it faint.

"Onix! Get back up!" Brock shouted even though he knew it was impossible as his Onix had already fainted.

"...How could I looose!!"Brock gripped his hair tightly.

*Ding! 1000 exp earned for beating Gym Trainer Brock! Ding! Level up*

*Pikachu's exp raised by... a lot! Ding! Pikachu has leveled up to 15.

*Pidgey's exp raised by... a lot! Ding! Pidgey has leveled up to 18!*

*Ding! The trainer is almost level 5 and will receive a gift. Please do your best!*



At the time, Eric was surprised Brock's siblings didn't come out to distract him like in the anime, but he was glad they didn't distract him. However, he was more surprised about what the system told him.

'A gift? I wonder what will it be?" Eric thought as he continued to eat his food. He was quite excited about the future.

Soon after, the group left the restaurant with satisfied stomachs as Eric explained the training plan for Ash.

"We are going to have another battle first before training and then again after the last day of training. You up for that, Ash?"

"You bet I am! Let's battle!"

"I think every town or city with a gym has practice areas for trainers. You could battle there?" Misty suggested as she was technically a gym leader despite being away. She had information normal trainers wouldn't know about.

"If they have some targets to practice on, then that would be great." Eric smiled as he was happy about the new information. He wanted to go back to Viridian Forest to train, but Misty's suggestion was better.

"You're going to train the newbie?" A familiar voice asked

"Wah!!..." Ash jumped from fright. "..Oh, it's just you, Flint."

'Was this guy just waiting around for Ash?' Eric thought as he looked at the man strangely.

"Hehehehe... So, training huh? It certainly would be more beneficial. I thought the two of you would lose, but it would seem that only one of them did." Flint said as he turned to Eric.

" we are going to go do that..." Ash was a little creeped out by the man and started to walk away as the other two followed.

"Was that a bit weird? That guy seemed a bit too interested in you guys... especially with Ash." Misty said once they were far away enough.

"Eh... It was a bit creepy, but I can't help but feel a little sad for the guy. I don't know why?" Ash stroked his chin in thought.

"Sad for a creepy guy who sells rocks?" Misty sighed as she couldn't see what Ash was seeing.

'Well, he is pretty sad, but they won't know until later, I suppose? Would he still step up to let Brock leave after though?' Eric thought as rubbed under Pikachu's chin who was on his shoulder.


-------------- 3 Days Later

Eric had finished training Ash and it was time for the two to battle once again so Eric could see if he improved.

Ash was a newbie, but seeing him command his Pokemon in the future told Eric that he had potential.

The two would battle in the practice area where they were observed by passing by trainers. A few of the girls were practically drooling at the sight of Eric, and it made someone angry.

It was Lizzy.

The ghost pokemon trainer who followed after Eric on a whim, and got her heartbroken to pieces. However, why was she so focused on the boy as the only good thing about Eric was his looks.

'And his smile....face...body... Wait! What am I thinking?! I don't like anything about him!... But he just seems so familiar...' Lizzy wasn't quite sure how to feel about Eric after what he said, but she couldn't bring herself to forget about him truly.

"I'll show you, Eric... I'll accomplish my dream, and then I'll come back to make you fall in love with me." Lizzy muttered underneath her breath, glaring at Eric before she disappeared from the crowd.

"Huh?!" Eric felt a shiver go down his spine, and somehow the feeling made him feel scared. "What the heck was that?"

"What was what?"

"Eh... nothing, let's just get this battle started!"

"Go, Eric! Kick his butt!" Misty shouted from the crowd.

"Ugh... Why do we even have people watching?"

"Well, this is a public area, Ash. Now shut up and battle!"


"Aw man, I still lost..." Ash said as he started to sulk.

"I could have told you that, and we wouldn't have to watch that embarrassment."

[Pika...] Ash's Pikachu sulked along with its trainer.

"Noo... Cheer up, Pikachu. You actually did good." Misty picked Ash's Pikachu up and tried to console it.


"I was talking to Pikachu!"

Eric suddenly laughed at the display as he was feeling particularly good for some reason. 'I wonder how my friends are doing?'

The group would retire at the Pokemon Center after Misty fought off several girls that tried to talk Eric, who greatly appreciated it. However, she was a bit too predatorial.

'Am I being claimed?'


"Ah, so you got the Boulder badge aye? You took your first step towards your dream of being a Pokemon Master." Professor Oak said through the videophone after Eric had called him.

"Yeah, Ash didn't win unfortunately, but I believe he will easily now."

"Haha, that confident?"

" Yes, I'm certain. You agree, right Pikachu?" Eric said as he turned to his Pikachu.

[Pika!~] Pikachu smiled as it made the victory sign with its small fingers.

"Well, it's getting late, and I'm sure you need tons of rest before your trip to Cerulean City. You have to pass through Mt.Moon. Be careful not to get lost in there."

"I won't. Goodnight, Professor." Eric said as he ended the video call. He then laid down in his bed and cuddled up next to Pikachu. "Goodnight to you too, Pikachu."

[Pika...] Pikachu smiled and nodded its head before drifting off to sleep with its trainer.

Eric then looked up at the ceiling and grinned like a giant fool. 'On to the next one Eric.'

The next day quickly came around, and Eric snuck out of the Pokemon Center. He wanted to avoid Ash and Misty as he didn't want to deal with their long goodbyes.

You want the real reason?...

Eric knew that he would be hounded to stay around, and he couldn't do that as he quite liked traveling alone. He enjoyed their company, but there was a certain charm to just being alone.

"So, you're leaving them behind?" A familiar voice asked.

"Eep!!... Eh, Flint?" Eric was surprised to see Flint, but he was more surprised at how he couldn't sense him.

"Yeah? What are you going to judge me? You have no right-"

"Hmmm... So you knew?" Flint said as he removed his fake beard and hat, revealing a face that looked like an olde version of Brock.

"Yeah, it's such a bad disguise for the former Gym leader."

"I didn't want to end up like this... But I was too afraid to face my children... Especially my oldest son Brock." Flint sighed as he glanced at the ground.

At least that is what Eric thought..

What?! It's hard to know with their eyes!

"I don't really have a right to say anything but... Do you really think that your kids care about that? I'm sure they only care about having their father around... after beating you up a little." Eric said.

"Heh... Hahahaha!" Flint laughed as he imagined the scene and held his hand out towards Eric. "Thank you. I know what to do now."

"You're welcome?" Eric said with a raised eyebrow as he shook Flint's hand before he turned to leave.

Eric shrugged his shoulders and continued his journey to Cerulean City. Mt.Moon was quite far from Pewter City so he decided to buy a bike to make the trip quicker.

The feeling of the cool breeze and warm sun above his head as he rode his new bike was quite relaxing.

[Pika~] Pikachu even liked the feeling as it held onto its trainer tight to avoid falling off.

"Alright! Mt. Moon here we come! I wonder if I'll catch my third Pokemon. I should get one that is able to take on attacks. " Eric thought out loud as he continued to ride his bike to the mountain where a meteorite fell down in prehistoric times, and a place swarming with Zubats.

"Hmm?" Eric suddenly stopped his bike and looked around as he had a feeling that someone was following him.

[Dramatic music plays]

"God fucking damn it... You fools are supposed to follow the other guy with a Pikachu!"

It was Team Rocket again!

Jessie smirked as she thought the guy was afraid of them, "Prepare for trouble we-"

"Pikachu, use the strongest ThunderBolt possible!" Eric quickly said.

[Pikaaachuuu!!] Pikachu leaped off its trainer's shoulder and used ThunderBolt, striking the trio before they could even get another word in.


"We didn't even get to say our intro!" Jessie screamed.

"I told you we should shorten it," Meowth complained.

"We're blasting off agaiiin!" They screamed in unison as they disappeared into obscurity.

"Tch... Their vitality stats must be off the charts to keep on surviving. Well... whatever good going, Pikachu."

[Pika!~] Pikachu climbed back onto Eric's shoulder before they continued to Mt. Moon


*Ding! Total exp gained 1200!! Level up to 5!

*Pikachu's exp raised moderately*

*Pidgey's exp raised moderately*

*Congratulations on reaching level 5! A Random Pokemon Egg has been sent as a gift! Please review menu*

"Ah! Finally, we are out of that cave! The Zubats were so annoying." Eric complained.

The trip through Mt.Moon only took several hours, but he was attacked continuously by Zubats and the occasional Geodude.

"However, I wonder what Pokemon this is going to hatch into?" Eric glanced down at the large incubator that held a strange Pokemon Egg. The egg had red spots instead of the usual green and a peculiar symbol on the front.

Or was it the back?

"It kind of looks like a dragon with large teeth or maybe it's a dog? Well, whatever you are welcome to the crew." Eric said as he hopped onto his bike and rode towards Cerulean City.

The place where he would face a far worse problem than Team Rocket...