Chapter 16

The room was dark with an unexplainable mixed odors in the room.

Tap. Tap.

There was a series of taps that could be heard outside the dark room. Each step seemingly like that of a note in a score. The rhythm gave the person inside the room a frightening foreboding, one that creeped into her heart. But that wasn't the one that gave her fear. No, it wasn't. For a sound that comes from another source clenched her heart in fright.

The low pitched sound was sinister that gave her a swift eerie sound in which each note were alike that of a signal of the coming devil itself.

The sound stopped and the tapping ceased. A sharp tick reverberated inside the room as the door was unlocked.

"Please...Please...I won't tell anyone." The girl begged. Her blonde hair was disarrayed with smudges on her face mixed with tears and saliva. Her eyes were hidden beneath a black blindfold, making her sense of eyes useless in her situation.

She was bounded on a metal chair, with her arms behind the chair's back. She was wearing a white dress which made her look more innocent and vulnerable in the eyes of her captor.

There was a creak sound of the door and then a bang as it closed. She heard footsteps coming nearer and nearer, it sounded heavy signalling the weight of the person's body, which made it seem as if her captor was a man.

The sound stopped. She waited. It felt like a lifetime and that made her more nervous. Fearing the worse that could happen with scenarios playing in her head.

She felt a hand on her cheeks as her captor cupped her face on one hand and its thumb caressing her cheek.

She heard a swish and then she felt a hard, painful ache on her cheeks as palms kept getting in contact with her face. It continued for a while until his captor stopped once blood poured from her mouth. Her blindfold was painfully ripped out of her.

She sobbed silently as if in a whisper, knowing her kidnapper's dislike on crying loudly. She remembers the pain of her nails being ripped off her harshly with a pliers. And the sharp pain of electricity as it let out a high-pitched, barely audible hum. She remembers the pain. The sound of a shrill scream echoing in the dark room.

Every now and then she sees faces in front of her. Her family. Friends. Schoolmates. She regrets her life and asks for forgiveness for her sins.

'Is this my punishment?' She asked in her mind as her breathing became shallow and faster.

/Once upon a time, there was young boy./ The voice sounded that of a child.

Everytime. After her kidnapper leaves the room, leaving her bound, hungry, thirsty. Leaving her with fear. Everytime the whispers talk to her. Telling her stories. Stories that seemed real but at the same time a fantasy. But It happens when he is gone. Only when he IS GONE.

' Why is it starting? It's supposed to be later.' She wondered tiredly. But she couldn't seem to think more as her tired body seems to fail each of her system. Making her weak.

/He lives in a castle. With knights and maids on his calling. People love him. For his cheerful character had made people's heart warm./ The childlike voice slowly said.

She looked at her side as the man turned and kept himself busy on touching the tools laid on the metal table. She waited for her demise and her unavoidable death.

/But, one time, something happened. Something bad. One group of people have always been jealous of his kindness and so they want to take it away and to have it to themselves. They took the young boy and laid out a ritual written in his blood. The people were sad and angry. They became so angry, that they planned for a revenge.../ The childlike voice became heavy laced with anger and sadness.

' Is this? No, that's impossible.' She rejected.

She noticed the man turning his back to her with a tool in his hand. A knife. Her heart pounded in fear, she wants to fight back but there was no choice other than to accept it. Fighting back will only put her in more pain. And she knows she'll regret it.

/The people relished on their screams as they killed them slowly and their bloods pooled on their feet and covered the written ritual./

The man walked to her direction and time seemed to slow as sounds became silent with only her pounding heart that could be heard.

/But they were caught. And then.../

The world seemed to stop as the man stopped in front of her. She looked at the knife turning and turning in his hand, as if playing with it. The knife came nearer as he bent forward and plunged the knife in her stomach in one push. She whipped her head to the ceiling and let out the most painful scream as she clenched her hands on the armchair.

He turned the knife making it more painful for her as he continued to stab her and blood seeped out faster than any wounds she had before.

He placed his finger on her lips, signalling her to be silent. But it didn't work as she seemed to choke on her own blood, making gurgling sounds.

He straightened in front of her as he took out the knife in one pull. Letting more blood out. She let out a loud scream as she looked down at her bloodstained dress. Waiting for her inevitable death.

She looked up as she saw movement, thinking that he was gonna make another move. Her eyes were hazy and her head pounding. Anytime now. And her life would leave the world.

With her last strength she let out a cry.

"Why?" She let out weakly and tiredly as if that one word was the last of her strength.

"Why?" The man in front of her tip his head on the side as if confused. "Too noisy."

Then there was a swift movement as he slashed her neck in one move. Blood seeping out of her neck.

Her eyes were wide in disbelief, mirroring her captors revealed face, his mask lying on the ground. With specks of blood on his neck and near his eyes and mouth.

"Bye bye Beverly." He smiled, revealing great happiness.

/Then they were cursed. For eternity./