Chapter 77: Lowly Girl Sitting In The Bench

"I was gone for the whole afternoon so I wasn't able to get anything to eat since Damien was very strict." I giggled, hinting at how Damien had this ruler and smacks it when we get the question wrong. Just remembering it again gives me the chills.

"Wait? What?!" Rose's eyes widen. "You.. you were out the whole afternoon?!" She looked me in complete bewilderment, I stepped back confused at what she muttered out. 

"Huh? Why are you so surprised that I was outside?" I asked her as she continued to scratch her head and think carefully. She arched her body downward, squinting her eyes at me. "Well... when I decided that I was going to apologize to you. Instead of actually texting you, I wanted to talk to you directly so I went to your house.