I think this is the time I should do this! Remember what Alex told me. Raise her spirit and give her self esteem! This is my only shot so I better not screw this up! If I don't raise her self-esteem as Alex advised me then that'll be just terrible. She won't grow a backbone to even defend herself. I can't just leave her knowing that something like that would happen. That's so terrible!
"What do you mean you don't have a choice exactly?" I inquired her more on her statement. She sighed, brushing her hair softly before responding back to me.
"I remember back in high school. I was always that timid child that everyone would pick on. During high school, a lot of people heavily bullied me, burning me with their cigarettes, hurting me anytime they get. Sometimes even forcing me to strip off my clothes for their entertainment. I.. I tried to get them to stop but I never really had a choice. I don't want to be forgotten, I don't want people to not pay attention to me..."