Chapter 19

Part 19

Day thirteen

"Hey Sam!"



"SAM!!!!" and someone hit me

"What the HELL?" and get up

"I've been waking you up seriously Sam"-maris

"What is it... Im still sleepy?" then lay down again at my bed.

I feel her sitting on my bed while giggling.

"*giggling* " what the hell is her problem.

"Damn maris Jane Im tired" then cover my face using my blankets.

"Yieee... *giggling*"

"DAMN IT" and throw my blankets.

She's just smiling ear to ear. I look at the clock on the edge of the bed and its already 6am I still have an hour to sleep tss.

"What's your problem JANE?" I sarcastically said her second name hihihi

She get up and stare at me angrily.

"Damn you Sam tss" then walk out ahahahahaha.

At last I could go back in be-

"By the way your boyfriend has been here if you didn't know hmmp"

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" I get up and said it loud.

"Why his so early?. Damn that guy."

I do my daily routine when going to school fast.

"Damn why am I so in a hurry? As if I ask him to fetch me early than what he said tss."

I keep myself calm and do clean my room while arranging my things in my school bag calmly as if there's no people waiting at me downstairs.

"Wait! Speaking of people.. Did they see each other, did they talk or something?"

Tss as if someone would answer me here.

"Haysst" I quickly grab my phone with earphone and bag then go downstairs until I stop in my second steps.

"Hahaha your still the same James" ouch is that his second name.

*dug dug dug*

I taught it was because i saw him, but it was the other way around.


At school



"Why don't you want me to call you on your second name?" Curiosity kills me

"Hmm... I just don't want to"

"Why is that, I like to call you James?"

"Because there's someone calling me on that name, who are so special to me. Did I already answer your question baby?"

"Baby!.. My name is not baby its samantha okay?"

"Hahaha okay" then he pinch my nose huhuhu

"Your bad huhuhu"

"Sorry my baby" then he kiss me on the cheeks and hug me tight.

This is the moment that i don't want to stop anymore.

*the end of flashback*

maybe for now that would be the moment that I want to forget.

"Sam" she smiled at me as if we didn't fought big time.

So I just need to pretend as a civil.

"Good morning" I said and go down stairs.

"Good morni-" before he finish his sentence I straight to go in our dining room.

Tss why can't he just continue talking to her, because it looks like they're enjoying each others company tss. As if I care.

"What's the menu yaya maris?"

"Mam there's a lot in the menu" yaya maris said in a lovely way

"Really?" then sat on my seat and get a food.

"Are you not going to invite your visitor? "-chasie ask

"Elsa can invite him hehe" I was talking to her while there's a lot of food in my mouth.


I didn't bother to stare at them but I know they are observing every move I do.

"Sam I invite James here, maybe you just forget that you have a visitor" elsa said and i just nod while eating my breakfast.

Until someone sat beside me.

"Good morning my baby" he said while whispering at me

"Hmm" I said and finishing my food while his just about to get a food.

So I get up before he ate his first spoon.

"Im going, I forgot that Im going to meet cedric" right after he heard cedric he immediately get up and stare at me mad.

I just ignore him and didn't wait for my friends answer.

When I was about to get in my car someone grab my arm.

"What's wrong?....are you mad at me? did I do something wrong?"

I still avoid his gaze

"Let me go" and pull my arm.

"Sam, please don't be like this. I've been thinking what I have done for you to be mad at me?"

Im still avoiding his gaze while him staring at me intently as if he was reading what's on my mind.

"Sam, All I knew that I was wrong is I got here earlier than what I said to you. If your mad at me because of that, then im sorry. Im really sorry love"

Damn this man is he planning to call me with other names?.

"Love, please talk to me Hmm?"

"I don't have time, so get out of my sight" then going open the door again, when he cover his body in the door of my car.

"Seriously Kevin?"

"I came here to fetch you, but if you'll just going to see that damn cedric then I won't let you"

"Are you insane?... Im going to school seriously Kevin?"

"No, your just going to cheat on me"

"Damn it leave me alone kevin, please" I said with pleading eyes

"Stop using your charm on me... Its working"

Damn this guy.

"Kevin stop please I really need to go"

"Where are you going..... to meet him?"

"Damn it, in the library" then he smile at me

"Then were going" and he pulled me closer to his car and open the passengers seat and cover his hand on my head.

Damn that kind of move...

After that he fastly go to the drivers seat and get the keys then start the engine.

While his driving Im resting my back and looking outside the car.

I've been thinking on what I heard and see earlier.

She might be the special someone that his been talking about if Im not mistaken.

I admit I got stuck on where am I earlier while hearing their voice talking as if they are just the only persons who live in this world.

And I hate admitting everything that I don't want to or more like I shouldn't do feel it.

We arrive safely at school and I didn't wait him to open the door for me.

"Sam wait up" he shout while I was walking in our school and go straight to our school library to search for cedric.

Oh cedric was my classmate, he got to be my partner in chemistry and Kevin have been there whenever we plan to go. His also disturbing us so I need to stare at him angrily so that he would stop. It was as if Im controlling him in his every action.

"I said wait for me"

"There" and walk in my left then sit beside cedric while this man with me was just standing and staring at cedric angrily as if cedric did kill someone.

"Bro you can sit" then cedric smile at him and get back his attention to the book.

"Did you already see it?"

"I've been looking to it"

"*ecckk*" I heard the chair so it means he already sat in the chair infront of me.

"What do you think about this?" I was going to get close to him when someone grab the book.

"I-I'll check it" he said then read and review it.

"Ced look!" i said then get close to him again.

And someone steal it AGAIN.

so I stare at him angrily. We wouldnt be finish if he keeps on disturbing us and if his with us.

"Where's your partner in chemistry, why don't you help her?"

"We already finish, actually she's the one defending her grade at me. Im the one who finished it"

"If your already finish then stop disturbing us, your not helping actually" I said in a serious tone that made him feel guilty and sad I guess.

Damn did I overreact on him?

I was just being real.

His disturbing us.

"Sorry" then he leave with his sad face. Damn am I wrong to get mad at him.

"His sad, you should go after him"

"No its alright, I'll just talk to him later at our class"

"Okay so, lets continue"

"Yup let's finish this "

And we continue on our partner project.

After it we were together to go back at our class room.

And I already talked to Kevin about earlier and he said he understand but I knew deep down him, his still dissapointed.