Chapter 20

Part 20

Day fourteen

Its holiday and we are here at our house. Eating, watching, texting, or something that helps us to get rid our boredness.

This day we didn't plan on going somewhere because we are all tired on getting ready, walking there or here hayyysst.

"Waaaaaa... Im so bored huhuhu😭"

"Tss just do something chasie"-Elsa

"As if, i already did everything that I assume it could rid my boredness in this huge house huhuhu😭"

"Then sleep"

"Your so mean Sam huhuhu😭"

"What? I just recommend something for you to do?"

"Im not that sleepy"

After playing on my phone i go at our kitchen. Then saw our household, maybe cooking something because I smell a kind of food that I never smelled before.

"What is that maris?"

"Mam... Its homemade banana cue"

"Really is it delicious?"

I've heard that words on somewhere but I can't recall when was it.

"I'll let you have some mam"

"Okay" and sat into our kitchen stall while looking at her back..

Should I learn cooking?

But Im scared I might mess up everything that I want to cook.

Maybe some other time. If I have hehehehe...


My phone who would this be?

*phone texting*

From: asshole

Hi girlfie, what are you doing right now?

Girlfie it was like a name for some kind of things or human? Arhhg I hate it.


To: asshole

Going to taste some banana cute why?


Is he bored to text me Tss. As if he'll rescue me into this game of my friends, Because I feel so much bored.

"Mam here's your plate with banana cue" woo it looks like a banana with the skin but it was color brown or something

"Is this your first time to eat it Mam?" Im ashamed to tell hehe. Im a Filipino but I don't know about all their food.

I didn't mean it because my mom and dad let me eat all kinds of fancy and golden food, if you knew what I mean.

"To tell you honestly yes. And it was so embarrassing"

"No Mam it wasn't. Filipino doesn't define you on the food you already tastes but they defined you on how good you are with them" she said while smiling

"Really?" then get one of it in my fork.

I was going to eat it when I heard my phone again.

"Tss.. Wait a minute maris"

"Its okay Mam go ahead" she said then continue on cooking more. Maybe she'll let my friends to eat.


From: asshole

HAHAHA your so funny, your really born with a golden spoon on your mouth HAHAHA.

Ps. I still like you don't worry my girlfie.

*dug dug dug*

W-what the h-heck is he saying?

And his making me blush without him knowing it.


To: asshole

What the hell are you saying asshole?


What an asshole I thought he changed Tss...

I put my phone in my pocket and try yaya Maris banana cute hehehe

"How was it mam?"

"It was h-hot"

"HAHAHA it really does mam, so you should blow it before eating"

I did what she suggest and it was still hot...

But not just like earlier.

"Yum..yum..yum...this would be my favorite dessert now hihihi" then smile at her

"Thank you Mam hehe"

"No thank you for this"

Then continue eating it with yaya maris and I already ate 3 banana.

"What are you eating there?" chasie ask while getting a water

"Try it chasie. It was so delicious"

"Really, you complimented it so I assume it does?"

"It does I swear"

"Here's your fork Mam" yaya maris said


What a nuisance this guy Tss.

From: asshole

Im sorry it was just so funny how you spell or maybe said that banana cue... Sorry baby :(

Ps. Don't leave me okay?!

D-don't.. Damn Kevin you should stop saying it because I might tell the truth why did we meet.

It hurts me big time just by imagining it saying to you.

"Hey Sam.. It was really delicious"

I feel so down right now just because of his message, in all his words the last sentence is what I first read.



"Hey SAM"

"Oh damn it... Sorry sorry"

"What is it?. You have been spacing out this past few days. What's really bothering you girl?"

"No I just thought on something, don't worry its nothing" then smile with a little fake smile.

"You knew that you could share it with me... Especially if it is about... You know?"

"Maybe some other time... I just need to think more before telling it to you"

"Or you just need to finish it before sharing it?" i thought that too but chasie will always get me.

"Just... Just not now hmm"

"Fine.. Don't take it long, i'll just give this to them"

Then she leave us alone...

"Mam its not that Im invading about your problem but to make you feel better in just a little time, I suggest that you should share it with the person you truly trust with all your heart" she smiled at me and leave me alone..

I just need more time to think, to understand, and to learn from it.

Because I still don't know what to do, specially the person who should be the one to understand me is the first one who hates me.

As if it comes to my mind, don't she remember that she beg to me and I just did what she wanted from the start.

But Im the one whose suffering in his game. The one who was unhappy, the who was confuse and the one whose been thingking a lot this day.

And she should feel guilty because I should have enjoying my life now instead of wasting in this kind of game she has.

From the start we agreed on every terms.

And I regret it because one of the rules are 'NEVER FALL IN LOVE TO THE VICTIMS OF OUR GAME'

But I did....

I already did :(