Chapter 21

Part 21

Day sixteen

"Here's your pancake princess HAHAHAHA"

"Damn you chasie"

"Hahahaha still sleepy?"

"Yeah so much?"then yawn

"For sure its because of wattpad again, am I right?" she said while cleaning her mess.

"Nuh." its because of asshole. His been texting me as if we wouldn't see each other on Monday Tss.


From: asshole


You suppose to reply baby?

Hey girlfie?

Im really sorry :(

Come on text back baby :(

That's what his message to me when I forgot to text back at him while I was talking to yaya maris in the kitchen. It was because I turn my phone into silent.

*continuation of flashback*

To: asshole

Sorry I forgot. Its because I got entertained by yaya maris.



From: asshole

Oh is that so, what did you both talk about?

To: asshole

Some girls thing you don't need to know Tss

From: asshole

Okay okay I won't. Don't be mad at me Hmm?

To: asshole

Fine. Anyway why are you texting me, what gotten into you?

From: asshole

Nothing I just missed you :(

To: asshole

As if we wouldn't see each other tomorrow?

From: asshole

But its different when you need to go home while me missing you every seconds :)

To: asshole

Your so corny, you know?

From: asshole

Im corny just for you :)

To: asshole

Don't you have something to do?

From: asshole

I do actually :)

To: asshole

Then do it now, instead of disturbing me Tss.

From: asshole

Im doing it now :)

To: asshole

Then focus on it asshole

From: asshole

Im already focusing on it :)

To: asshole

Damn you, what important things your doing while texting huh?

From: asshole

Talking to my future actually :)

To: asshole

Future. What kind of future are you talking Hmm?

From: asshole

Well my future with my soon to be wife and children HAHAHA

To: asshole

Tss future with whom huh?

From: asshole

Ofcourse with you :)

*the end of the flashback*

That continues, him disturbing me. On what I observed while texting him is, he was still so noisy even in the message and it was so opposite of him in person.

"Then why are you look tired, as if we have homeworks HAHAHA"

"It was nothing so don't mind it okay chasie?"

"Haha okay, lets eat"

While eating i recognized something.

"Where's maris and Elsa?"

"They're gone early. Going to buy something that's what they say"

"Owkay" and continue eating my breakfast

"If you want we can go out, I'll accompany you?"

"No Im fine, you can go if your going somewhere"

"Sam you sure?"

"Ofcourse Im not a kid anymore chasie come on"

"Hahaha okay you said so"

After we finish our breakfast chasie take a bath and getting ready while me sitting in our couch in the living room and watching cartoons.

"Sam Im leaving now?"

"Yeah take care"

"You too, don't open the door or gate if you don't know person okay? I'll ask the subdivision guards to look at you"

"Chasie Im fine, you don't have to do that. Nothing would happen to me okay?"

"Fine I'll still ask them so take care. I cook adobo so just heat it if your going to eat later"

"Okay mom HAHA"

"Crazy Tss" she said then leave HAHAHA she was acting like my mother HAHAHA how cute.


After hours of watching I've decided to eat lunch and it was already 11 in the morning hayystt. What should I do here? Hmm.

"Yaya maris?" yaya maris just got here right after chasie leave. When its weekend we let yaya maris and Fina to go home with their relatives but they'll comeback at Sunday midnight, but yaya maris got here early maybe she's bored in their house that's why.

"Mam are you going to eat already?"

"Yap Im hungry again"

"Here's the adobo Mam, your rice and juice"

"Thank you, come join me. Its bored to eat alone "

"No Mam I'll just eat later"

"Maris?" i said while giving her a serious expression

"O-okay Mam I'll just get my plate and cup"

We were eating silently until I heard my phone rang.

"I'll just check on it" then get up

"Okay Mam"

*kring kring kring *

Shawn baby :) calling...

Oh my god

"What should I do?"

I pulled myself together and answer it.

*at phone call*


(Hello Sam, where are you now?)


(Are you planning to do something?)

"No, I was just at home"


"Not exactly"

(Where are they ?)

"They do something that's why"

(Okay, be ready I'll go there)


(Lets go out okay?)

Oh my god is this real?. His asking me out?.

"Uhm o-okay"

(Wait me there okay bye)

"Bye take care"

*toot toot toot*

"What should I wear, oh my god"

I get back in the kitchen then eat faster .

"Mam eat slowly you might got choke"

"Sorry, sorry" then finish it

"U-Uhm maris can you wash my plate for this day i just need to get ready hehe?"

"Ofcourse Mam don't worry" she smile at me and gave it back

"Thank you so much " and about to leave when I forget something.

"Ahm maris if Shawn got here can you let him in and told him that Im just getting ready for a minutes?"

"No problem mam, copy"

Then I hurriedly go to my room and take a bath...

While getting ready.

*knock knock*

"Mam sir Shawn are already here"

"Okay thanks maris" then finish my liptint, powder and ofcourse womb my hair.

"There, perfect "

I get my shoulder bag then place my tint and powder there also the comb.


"Sorry for making you wait" then walk beside him

"No its okay, I just got here"

"Ah so?"

"Ah yeah lets go. I just got mesmerize at you"

"Tss corny Shawn corny"

"HAHAHA let's go"

Then I walk first before him. He open the passenger seat door for me.

Oh my god his really a gentleman even before how I missed him huhuhu😭

"Thank you" then he walk towards the driver seat.

"Im glad you didn't have a plan today" then he smiled at me for a seconds because his driving.

"How about you, are you not that busy?"

"Nuh I already finish my work before going back here but there's just this one client who I can't look"

"Really, maybe she's just busy?"

"Its not she, he was"

"Well when it comes to business its really hard to find the man who was hiding"

"Exactly, his just making my work hard"

"Oops stop talking now about your works were going to enjoy this day right?"

"Yeah your right Im sorry"

"Don't worry its fine"

Until we arrive..

"Oh my god what are we doing here?" i ask then stare at him when he finish arranging his things and get his key's.

"Were going to enjoy" he said with a smile and go near the passengers door and help me get off of the car.

"Oh my god I missed here"

"Me too bunny"

"Oh my god bear" then hug him.

Before, we like on spending time here in star city, that's where we came up the idea to call other names with each other. I call her bear and he call me bunny it was like bunny bear hihihi were so smart right hehehe.

"Lets go now" then he hold my hand oh my god this is going to be a memorable and exciting moment hihihi.