Chapter 22

Part 22

Day sixteen


calling Sam...

calling Sam...

calling Sam...

"Damn it, I've been calling her. Shit" then try again on calling her.

"Is she that busy, for her to pick up my calls?"

"DAMN IT" and throw my phone at my room wall.

"BRAD?" then I saw tony breathless.

"DAMN IT, SHE'S NOT ANSWERING" then sat on my bed.

"Maybe she's just so busy, don't be paranoid brad" he said leaning against the wall.

"Im not being paranoid, I just want to ask her if she's not busy that's why tss"

"Is that so? Why can't you just ask her friends?"

"Tss no thanks. If she has a phone why would I ask her friends?" then stare at him.

"How about elsa? you said that your getting along again right?"

"Tss... Specially elsa, she might misunderstood again my actions"

"Then Don't make her misunderstood, say it already?"

"Its not that easy"

"You knew how she did, the last time I did that"

"Ah... Yeah right I forgot"

"Im going now brad, do what you want" then he leave me alone.

"Damn this fucking feeling of mine on thinking she's cheating on me"

I don't know what would I do if that happens.

Sam's POV

"Thank you for bringing me here again bear" i was saying it while smiling ear to ear. This really meant a lot.

"I will always do that you knew that bunny"

We are eating while staring at all the rides here outside the restaurant we decided to eat.

"This was surreal"

"Your right, doing things we were doing when we are kids"

I stare at him while his staring at the rides. This guy is my ideal and should be my future.

I should focus on him after this game because Im sure I will be the only on who'll be hurt.

I've been thinking about what happened last Friday and I got an idea that they might planned this. For me to experience every kind of happiness and sad moments when I start loving him.

I should stop being concern to him and do get back on how I treat him before I start my plan.

I feel greedy on accepting this challenge for a money. But for me it wasn't all just because of the money, it was because I wanted to get revenge for elsa. Im there whenever she cries whithout us knowing the real reason on her tears.

She also almost do suicide because of it and I can't take looking at her doing it again and again.

My conscience can't take it anymore for the second time around, that's why when she beg I accept it whithout hesitation and thinking all the consequences if I might fall to that person or I might stop the game for him.

I'll do anything to finish it smoothly and no one would know that it was a revenge. I'll pretend nothing happens, that it wasn't a game or bet but a real life story of a couple who can't be with each other.


"Thank you for this day Shawn I swear you make me happy "

"Well it was always be my pleasure"

"You should go now... you still have to do something I guess?"

"Okay Im going, but you should go inside first so that I'll be rest assured"

"Tss you still didn't change"

"Go on" he said while smiling.

So I get in our gate and stare at him and he start to open his door car then get in.

"Take care" i shout at him

"Yeah... You too"


And his gone.

"Heist" I was about to go near our door when.

"I knew it. Your cheating on me"

I turn around and saw Kevin while giving me a mad or angry expressions.

*dug dug dug*

Why am I feeling nervous or guilty?


"So your that busy huh?" I open the gate again and stare at him.

"What's wrong?"

"I've been calling and texting you hundred times, but your busy cheating on me huh?"

"Sorry I-i forgot my phone at my room"

"Why?... Because your too excited about you being with that fucking childhood friend of yours?"

"Your mouth Kevin" i stared at him intently and mad.

"What now?, he just came back then I would be out of the picture huh?"

"Your not okay.... we just celebrate his come back. Can't you understand it?"

"You already celebrate it with a lot of people if you can't remember?"

"What I mean is him and our friendship"

"Friendship my ass, why don't you just tell me that your so much happy because he came back"

"Kevin your being ridiculous " and turn around then go inside our gate.

"Am I the one whose been ridiculous here?"

"What's gotten into you, why are saying all this shit?"


*dug dug dug*

This wasn't good if I decided to forget my feelings.

It still getting back without him knowing it.

I want to shout, cry and told him what I feel, but a lot of what ifs. He was using me that's what Im thinking because of what I heard with him and her.

I can't stop thinking how they planned it, how they do it without me knowing it.

When he didn't heard anything with me he leave without waiting my answer.

Before he turn his back at me i saw the thing that I shouldn't see.

It was his tears start to flow down on his cheeks...

That made me to cry.

"Waa..huhuhu😭... Waaaa"

I've cried for the first time and it was because of a guy.


His the person who made me feel empty, sad and helpless.

This is so wrong and I can't stop this feelings of me towards him.