Chapter 41

Part 41

Day thirty 3

We are all facing each other while they are talking as if I wasn't here tss.

"You asshole"-diane


"Hahahahaha" while kevin was just smirking and joe wasn't smiling. Did he have a problem?.

"Do you remember when you had a crush on me? hahaha"-diane while looking at kevin. So is this going to be a confession feelings tss.

"Am I? Hahaha... when did I have a crush on you?"

"Yeah I don't remember too"-vlad

"Did you really like diane before brad?"-Tony

"When you were actually being jealous to other boys at the club, remember you confess hahhaahah"

"Maybe I'm drunk that day and I'm seeing someone on you" tss what an irritating conversation that they are talking tss.

"And now you are denying it ahahaha"

"Woooo I didn't see that huh"-tony

"Because you were flirting with a girl hahaha"-diane

"Do I?"-tony

"Fuck you tony"-vlad



Without hesitations I stand up and kevin saw me.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to the bathroom"

"Be fast!"

"Yeah" i said then walk away. As if I'll go fast. I'm feeling out of place here.

I straight to their kitchen and didn't saw people, maybe they don't hire a maid for this hours.

I go to their refrigerator hahahaha feel at home.

I saw yakult so I get two bottle of it and drink. Woo this is so refreshing.

I sat on the counter and get some chips. I'm eating when I heard someone that made me throw the chips that I'm about to eat.

"Damn it"

"Sorry" then he did sat in the side of my seat.


"I know you were being uncomfortable there and feel out of place" then he also did eat some chips in my plate.

"How about you... do you also feel uncomfortable?" I said without looking at him because he might get mad at me for asking that malicious question.

"You already know the answer."

I look at him and saw him looking at me too while smiling sadly.

I smiled at him.

"Your hurting"

"Tss you really are something" then he turn his head straight. Did I ask inappropriate question?.

"I'm was just saying on what I unintentionally observed" then eat my chips again.

He look at me ask he speak.

"How about you?... do you really like my best friend?" I got choke and he gave me a water. I drink the water and look at him seriously. Why is he asking this as if he knew everything?.

"Your right... I knew everything" he said while looking at me intently that made me shocked. My eye's got bigger, my heart start beating so fast, my breathing wasn't normal and I can't feel my body until I fell on the floor. Damn it was as if he made me paralyzed.

He get down too while holding my arms. He was trying to help me but my body wasn't responding. This wasn't I expect, if right now this is my reaction to joe then what would my body react when the real target get to know the truth.

I look at him when my tears flow down my cheeks. He wasn't surprise but I can see in his eye's that he was worried.

"I-im s-sorry.... s-sorry....*sob* s-sorry" he hug me because of it.

"You were not obliged to say that to me but to him." But he was his best friend and I know if you saw someone hurting your friend you would came to the picture and help him to fight for your friend. Starting when I did this I'm also obliged to ask his friends forgiveness because they all know what we've been through together.

"I-i'am.... I k-know I-i'am" I'm still crying and responding to his hug when I just felt someone getting him to me.

"OH MY GOD" someone shout then I saw kevin punching joe.

"K-Kevin!" I said and go near to them.

"DAMN FUCK YOU" kevin saying while still punching joe that wasn't responding to his punch. Is he paralyzed to stop him on punching him.


"KEVIN STOP IT" I finally speak and saw other people make gossip on what's happening.



They both help joe. Until they finally get kevin away from joe. I don't know but I go near to joe and help him because no one's helping him.

"J-Joe are you okay?... are you fine?... are you feeling hurt?" I don't know but all of that question was stupid to ask on someone who got into fight.

"FUCK" I heard kevin and saw him looking at me angrily and sadness was all written on his face. I'm still crying, I cried hard when I saw joe in a bad condition.

"W-what's your p-problem?" I ask him too in angry and disappointed way.

"You exactly know why I did that so don't FUCKING ASK ME" And he turn his way back then walk away from us.

"Okay... go back to the party everyone."

"Were going to clean his bruises ... so go follow him" vlad said and smiled at me as if assuring me that joe would be fine.

I get up but before going I heard this bitch saying something.

"What a flirt" and she did go near to vlad, tony and joe.

If I'm a flirt then what she is?... mesmerizing their memories as if she was going to get kevin again tss. I didn't bother to look back and go out of the kitchen and look for him.

"He walk on that way" someone said and look at him.

"T-thank you" I run towards that way and look at him in every edge of this place.

This place was like a garden with a lot of tree's.

"Kevin!" I shout but no one's answering.

Where is he then?.... in this kind of place especially it's already 11 in the evening.


"Kev-" I stop when I turn my head at my back and saw someone laying at the grass.

I walk near him and sat on the grass then hug him on his chest.

"I'm sorry" I know from myself that it has a double meaning.

"*sob*" maybe when he heard me cry he stand up.

"Get off on me" he said and I did, i just sat beside him while he also sat but his right body was facing me. He wasn't looking at me but he was looking far from us.

"I-I know... it's my fault but to badly hurt your friend wasn't an option" i look down and felt him looking at me intently and angrily.

"Tss... really ... your now looking at me as a monster" on what he said i lift up my head and stare at him.

"No... that wasn't my intention" he look away again when I look at him.

"Go away"

"Are we really going to fight over this?" I ask angrily now because his being immature.

He look at me angrily.

"So your saying that this wasn't a big deal?" He said while looking at me.

"Yes it wasn't "

"I can't believe you" he said then look away again and mess his hair.

"Joe was just comforting me"

"The fact that you lied to me and seeing you with other guy.... If i didn't know that guy i wouldn't do that hard but the fact that it was my FUCKING FRIEND" he was facing me while saying all of it.

My tears fell down again when I heard him said all of it as if all what he said was me.

"S-so all t-this time... you s-see me as a f-flirt?" He got shocked on what I said.

"All this time you wasn't t-trusting me!" I said and get up to go out now into this fucking party.

Someone grab my arm and hug me, I'm now facing his chest. While I'm still crying.

"Huhuhu😭 *sob*"