Chapter 42

Part 42

Day thirty 4

"I'm trusting and not saying that fucking word to you because I love you so stop thinking it as if I'm the most monster boyfriend that you have met" he was looking at me while I'm staring at him even if it was blurred because my tears are not still stopping on flowing down on my cheeks.

"B-but you-"

"Then your wrong on how you understand it"

"J-Joe really did just c-comfort me" I said when I wipe my tears and stared at him.

"Really are we going back to the topic?" He said and sat on the grass again while playing his fingers.

I sat on his side and hold his hands that made him look at me.

"Nothing's going on us... you, I or all of us knew who he really like so stay on believing it not until he confess new hmm?!" He also hold my hands and kiss it that made me blush damn this.

*dug dug dug*


"What?" He looked at me with confusion in his face.

"Do apologize to him... please?"

"Make me do anything bu-"

"Kev?" I stare at him with sadness in my face.

"Fuck.... fine" I heard him cursed even if it was a whisper.

"You don't like doing it..." I stand up and walk "then don't tss."

"Damn it"

"Hey!" He hold my arm and made me look at him.

I stare at him angrily while pouting.

He lift up my head again.

"Fine... I'm not doing it for him but for you"

"Tss... you don't need to ask forgiveness if it wasn't voluntarily or from your heart tss." I get my hands from him and didn't stare at him.

"Fine...but give me time to process everything before I ask his forgiveness willingly"

"As what you want...let's get in now" I turn around and walk until I felt his arm encircle on my waist as if guarding me haysst.

"I won't promise by words because promising while saying it meant to be broken." He wasn't looking at me but I'm staring at him while his Adam's apple are moving and damn it was so sexy to stared at it everytime.

We already in the living room with other visitors and with his friends.

"Tss... sorry brad" kevin said without looking at joe and sat beside me. He was so shy to look at hahahahha. I thought he needs a lot of time for it.

"Wooohhh is that really kevin?"-Tony

"Fuck you" then he did encircle his arm again on my waist. He really is a possessive asshole.

It's really awkward when there's no one talking as if someone would die if he or she talk hayyyssst.

"Ahm this is really awkward but being quiet wasn't my thing hehe"-Tony again and again.

"As always... asshole"-kevin

"Wow the crazy one talk hahahahha"-vlad




Finally everyone did start to talk now hayyy..

"Are you hungry?" Kevin ask.

Everyone was talking while this guy beside me are still quiet. He changed his mood when the troubled happened earlier and I'm feeling guilty about it.

"I'm fine... do share your thoughts to them" I stare at him

"There's nothing coming in my mind baby"

*dug dug dug*

He really knows how to make me feel blush and make my heart beat fast.

I turn my head to others when I felt hot especially on my cheeks damn it.

"Stop blushing baby I might do something, you also might like" he whispered it on my ears that makes me feel uncontrollable heart beat and at the same time sensations that I can't defined what it might be.

Damn this every kind of feelings in me.

"What about the both of you...how did you end up together?" She said the word 'together' without energy as if she feel bored about it tss...

I got startled when she ask us.

"It wasn't your business so stop asking us"

"What a killjoy you are vin hmmp"


"Hey stop being mad just answer them... your okay before that thing came" I whispered on him when he didn't answer diane seriously.

"Tss... I don't want to talk again beside I might punch an asshole again because of staring at you everytime, so I'm preventing on doing it" then he did grab me again so hard on him.

*dug dug dug*

Even if I'm feeling romantic excitement right now I still manage to look on who he was referring to. I look every corner until I finally saw someone staring at me seriously without giving any kind of expression.

"Stop staring at him as if you want to rape him" I got shocked on what he said and look at him while blushing.

"I-i w-was just-"

"Don't give every little attention of you on him" he stared at me with his serious face and as if threatening me.

I look at the others again when I can't fight his stare.

Oh my do I really deserved him, his possessiveness, caring and a lot of it. He was so perfect that I might break into pieces.

A tear fell on my cheeks without anyone knowing and seeing it so I wipe it fast. I thought no one would notice but joe saw me. I can't read his mind. Nothings coming in my mind while staring at him.

"THIS IS A FUCKING HELL" we all got quiet when we heard kevin shout hard and stand up. I look at him up.

"Let's go" he grab me on my hand and walk with him but why am I running while he was just walking

"Aww ... wait!" His hurting me.

"Kevin I-it hurts" I'm still trying to get away on his hand.

Until we are now infront of his car. He did let me go. He throw my arm.

"Aahh DAMN IT" He mess his hair roughly. Damn it was so hurt.

"W-what i-is y-your-"

"YOU..." he sarcastically said " you said that there's nothing going on between you and joe ... but the way you were both looking at each other was so damn fucking hell" he said and look away. He saw us. I wasn't looking at him as if I'm going to rape him but I'm looking at him worriedly ang feeling guilty because he did know my plans.

"I-i I w-wasn't..." damn how can I explain it to him


"Even if I explain it you wouldn't understand it"

"THEN FUCKING MAKE ME UNDERSTAND " and you'll leave me, so I wouldn't say it because I already make a decision on saying it to you after our date so that I could treasure our last moment together.

"Please understand me too"

"How?... if your not telling me everything?"

"Joe was just a good friend that's making him hide my secret"

"What the fuck is that secret that I couldn't know?... no scratch that, that I shouldn't know."

I walk near him and hold his hands while staring into his eye's.

"Trust me... whatever it is trust me more than what I've expect kevin!...please"

He let go of my hand and cupped my both cheeks while staring at my both eye's too.

"How can I stop on being so soft infront of you... and how can't I resist on giving you everything that you ask me"

I love this man than everything because he make me feel comfortable at the same time excited on being with him.

I grab his head and kiss him. He got shocked but seconds passed he respond on every kiss that I'm giving him. Until we both felt our tongue met.

Sensations, tingling and excitement was all written on me while kissing him terribly into aggressive way.

I wouldn't forget this, everything about him was a masterpiece. I might need to let him go but he will stay on my life.

Im a mess when he came into my life and his a fool on making me came into his life.

It was all worthwhile to be part of his tragic but happiness life.