
The last thing he remembers is the feeling of falling for a long time. After his discussion with the man, he concluded that he hallucinated and everything that happened was a manifestation of his desire and regret.

"Ah, I guess this is my hell."John said. After falling for a long time, he felt felt like he is in a very dark, cramped place. "So I guess there is something after death-Darkness. Just darkness. At least there's something. I guess I should be thankful for this. At least I can wallow in self-pity and mull over my regrets for eternity in this place. It wouldn't be hell if its convenient isn't it?" John thought dejectedly.

'If only and 'what ifs' filled John's mind. However, after some time, he felt as if the space he was confined in grew smaller and smaller until he realized that he's growing bigger than the place that he's in.

"Ah, so this is it huh, this is my torture. Getting squashed in this damned place. But I guess I shouldn't complain. After all, this is not that bad compared to Dante Alighieri's version of hell. I wonder what will happen to me once I'm squeezed."

However, John was not squashed. The room didn't get smaller, instead he felt like he was being pushed out of the place he was in.

"What the hell?" John was afraid. "So, because I was thankful that it wasn't that bad, they're pushing me into another torture chamber? Damn it. What do they want? Make me more depressed. As if being tortured by regrets and being squashed wasn't good enough. I guess this is hell indeed."

Whatever John was expecting, it didn't happen. There was no fire, no demons, not anything he expected.

"Uwahhhh, Uwahhh, Uwahhh"

"Ah, so they'll torture me with a baby's cry. Damn it. Of course they'll know how much I hate children."

As John tried to close his ears, he realized that his eyes was closed the whole time. He opened his eyes. However, his eyesight was dim and he couldn't recognize where he was. He perceived that he was being carried by someone. Then the person carrying him handed him over to another person.

Once the person cradled him, he felt warm. He finally felt safe. He felt a feeling he didn't feel for a long time that he forgot what the feeling was called. He can only describe it. He felt like everything will be better. That all the he experienced before is over. He felt as if he was being consoled, his soul being soothed. It filled his heart.

As he thought of this, the cries of the baby he heard earlier started to dwindle. As if the baby is responding to what he's feeling. Then it suddenly came to him.

"What the actual f---. I became a baby.??"