A New Identity

Johannes Maximino Escrima. That was the name given to him by his parents.

"Seriously? Johannes? Out of all the names that could be given to me, they gave me another variation of John." Johannes said to himself. However, since he was still a three-month-old baby, all that came out of his mouth were adorable baby sounds.

After he was born, even though his mind was that of a young adult, his body was that of an infant. All that he was able to do was eat, sleep, and poop. Of course, as a man in a baby's body, everything was weird. He couldn't clean himself; he couldn't convey his thoughts properly, heck, he couldn't even support his own weight. His mother, meanwhile, worried that he wouldn't "eat". If he wasn't hungry, he wouldn't accept his "meal".

However, hunger was not the only reason he fully accepted this new way of life. The real reason he started eating was because he saw his new mother cry. As he kept trying to avoid his mother's breast, he saw her eyes filling with sadness. She wouldn't say anything when her tears started falling. When he saw this, he remembered his mother from his old life- how she cried because of how bad he screwed up when he was child. His new mother's eyes, and that of his mother from his past life; they looked the same. However, it was only now that he understood what those eyes meant. It wasn't because they were mad at him. No. It was because they felt that they failed as a mother to a child they love.

For some reason, he could understand what his mother was thinking- no, he could hear what she was thinking. She was disappointed in herself. He knew that what he was doing crushed his mother's heart. Her tears kept falling. She wasn't saying anything but Johannes was sure that he could hear what his mother was thinking. "Is this how bad of a mother I am? Even my own son is rejecting me!"

"I am so stupid."Johannes thought. "How dumb could I be to forget how much I regret making my mother cry, and now I'm doing it again to my new mother? How stupid can I be!"

After realizing this, he accepted his meal wholeheartedly. Whenever it was time for his meal, he would always make sure that his mom knew he was eating well. Because of this, his mother was happy. He knew that she was happy because he could hear her thoughts. Well, she would voice out what she thought most of the time. She was always like; "Come on Johannes, eat more so you can grow up faster." Sometimes she would say "You are so handsome Johannes! Just like you father.

So after three months, he was already a chubby little boy that melted everyone's hearts because of how cute he was.

After seeing his mother's tears, he resolved to never let anyone who cares for him every cry again. He would make sure that his biggest regret, disappointing people he cared about, never happens again.