
Once the Elemental Sprites suddenly disappeared from Johanne's room, everyone observing knew that this child was blessed by the spirits. Forget what happened when Johannes was baptized; being visited and blessed by the Four Spirits together is close to impossible. In their world, it is believed that only 7 people that ever existed were blessed by all the spirits. Being blessed by one meant that you would be a powerful magician, being blessed by two meant that you had the potential to be a great sage, being blessed by three means that you might impact the world on a grand scale. But being blessed by four could mean that you are a bearer of judgement, salvation, or change in the world. The 7 people who were blessed by the spirits left undeniable imprints in history. Heck most of them even started their own kingdoms (while others overturned some), Altherhea is one of these Kingdoms.

The existence of a child blessed by the Four Spirits means that an upheaval was coming. Whether it would be good or bad would only be determined by the choices made by the people who will play major roles in the upcoming events.

Lord Escrima gave up on his idea of hiding Johannes. After the apparition, he left Lady Elizabeth with Johannes and went directly to his office to come up with the next steps to take. The appearance of the sprites of the Four Spirits would not go unnoticed. Each Kingdom had their own means to track the apparitions of the spirits. They would know of the existence of a person or a being that was blessed by the Spirits. Each kingdom possessed this sort of technique in order to monitor the power of their rival Kingdoms and to determine the potential threats that might come to them.

"Theobald!" Lord Escrima shouted from his office.

"Yes, my Liege." Theobald suddenly appeared in the middle of Lord Escrima's office.

"I will be sending a letter to the King. This is of utmost importance. Make sure that the King reads it in your presence, then ask for his guidance. I will be sending some of my shadows with you. You are to give this letter directly to the King. I don't know how to stress this enough, but I know that you understand what I'm trying to say." Lord Escrima said while looking intently in Sir Theobald's eyes. Theobald knew that with the recent happenings around their Young Master, Lord Escrima must've been stressed out of his mind. With the force of presence Lord Escrima was exuding, and with what seemed like a change of color in his Lord's eyes, he realized the gravity of the situation. He didn't say anything anymore. He vanished once he received the letter and went on to do his Lord's bidding.

After Sir Theobald left, Lord Escrima called another name; "Nyx, I have something to ask of you."

When the Lord said that, a man dressed in all-black appeared, sitting in front of Lord Escrima's desk.

"Well, given the current situation, I would understand why you are very distressed. But do you really have to worry that much that you had to call me by name?"

"I am not in the mood for mindless chatter Nyx. I want you to protect my son at all costs. Have your shadows monitor the movement of information about what happened. Stop all the surveillance on other unrelated and mundane matters. What matters most is my son's safety." Lord Escrima said with authority and with distress in his eyes.

"I believe you're just overreacting. They don't even know that it's your son. Why do you have to do all this? You know all the stupid conspiracies that are happening in the court right now. Are you sure you want to put all your resources into something that might not happen and turn a blind eye on something that is already happening?" Nyx said nonchalantly. "Not to mention that your red eyes and fiery aura has no effect on me. Please reconsider what you're making me do." Nyx added with a knowing smile.

Lord Escrima knew what that smile meant. He thought about what he just said to Nyx. He then answered "Leave some shadows to protect the King, but allot most of our resources towards what I told you to do. Let King Marcus handle his own court. He can't just continue playing with his daughters while I handle all the bullshit in his court. It's been two years Nyx. I should be allowed to spend time with my Son and my Wife as well."

"Alrighty then." Nyx answered. He stood up, and bowed in an exagerrated manner. "Your wish is my command, Master." Nyx said mockingly.

"Fuck off." Lord Escrima said while smiling. He knew what he must do now. Suddenly, it felt like nothing mattered to him anymore. During the last battle with Metallium, he realized what was more important to him.

"I will protect my family no matter what."


"Elizabeth, do you think you can ask your parents to come here to our estate as soon as possible?" Lord Escrima asked Lady Elizabeth while having breakfast together. "It's been three days since the visitation. I believe that the sooner they have a look at Johannes, the better. I mean, they are the great sages, can't they just teleport to our place?" Lord Escrima kept talking while Lady Elizabeth enjoyed her pancakes.

"They can also protect their grandson while they're here right? I mean, I know they hate you because you left the cult- I mean the order. They surely hate me more because I took you away from them right? But they can't hate on their grandson, right? I mean, look, Johannes is just the perfect kid. He's sleeping right now, yes, but he's very well-behaved. He's also brilliant. He's speaking eloquently for a 1-year-old and he's even playing with books. He's just the best, right, so they can't hate on their grandson, right?"

Lord Escrima kept babbling while the maids and menservants attempted to hold their laughter. It had been three days since the apparition of the spirits. Even though the couple wanted to ask Lady Elizabeth to come and check on Johannes, and even teach him magic, they hadn't planned on having it as early as now. However, with the current situation, Lord Escrima wanted to do his best to give the most protection he could afford to his son. Calling over the so-called Great Sages of the continent was one of his plans as a way to protect Johannes.

"Also, I sent a message to my parents. I believe that they will be here within the week." Lord Escrima mentioned off-handedly.

With this, Lady Elizabeth stopped cutting the pancake she was eating. She looked at her husband with an unexplainable expression. Lord Escrima noticed as well. He didn't know if it was disgust, rage, disappointment, or even killing intent. But he knew, he did something wrong.

"Uhhh, love, what's wrong?" Lord Escrima finally said after a few seconds, which felt like hours for him.

"You invited your parents over without telling me?" Lady Elizabeth said smilingly while she started cutting her pancakes again- but this time, each time Lady Elizabeth tried to slice a part of the pancake, sharp, scratching noises exuded from the plate.

"Uhm, yes. But they will only be here for a day or two. I think. Don't worry, I don't think your parents will come anytime soon, so I don't think they will meet." Lord Escrima said smiling, trying to salvage the situation.

"No. I feel them. They are both here." Lady Elizabeth said with the most beautiful smile she could ever give, while the screech of the plate and knife grew louder and louder.

"What?" Lord Escrima said smilingly while a cold sweat ran over his forehead.

The doors suddenly burst open and a Knight reported, "My Lord, there are two carriages in front of the Estate. However, we have a reason to believe that this might be an attack my Lord."

"What do you mean?" Lord Escrima asked confused with the Knight's report.

"My Lord, both carriages were exuding killing intent. I believe something might go wrong if we let these people in."

"Righhhhhhhht." Lord Escrima said. He knew that this Knight was not wrong- especially his report of Killing Intent. He and his Knights had been through countless battles, so they would know if one has an negative intent against them. He cant blame this Knight for his report, after all, this could've been his own fault.

"Let them in. Please escort them to the main hall. Also, please prepare a sumptous breakfast for our guests." Lord Escrima calmly gave his order.

"Yes! My Lord!" The Knight, as well as the Maids and Menservants answered.

After most of the servants left hurriedly (perhaps they all actually wanted to leave due to the atmosphere inside the room), Lord Escrima noticed the screeching again, which in the background the whole time.

"Uh, my love, is everything okay?" Lord Escrima tried to appease his wife who was now exuding a dark, cold, and probably deadly aura around her.

"Nothing, Michael Escrima. I wish you good luck and I hope all the best for you." Lady Elizabeth said while still smiling. "I will be with my son, please let me know if you're still alive after you accommodate them. Thanks!" She stood up and went directly to where Johannes was.

"My gods, what have I done. Spirit of the Fire, please protect me." Lord Escrima said dejectedly. "This is all for Johannes. I have to do this for Johannes." Lord Escrima kept repeating this while he made his way to where his parents and his parents-in-law were.


The Main Hall of the Escrima Estate was definitely a large meeting room for 5 people but it seemed too small for the 5 people that currently inhabited it.

In the minimally designed hall, there was a long table that was set-up just for that day's occassion. There were 2 chairs on each end of the table, and a pair of chairs on each side. There were two old men in each end of the table. One was wearing what looks like a military uniform for this era with a number of medals pinned on it. His hair was cleanly cut; and he sported a mustache that exudes elegance. He had piercing black eyes, black hair, and a posture that exudes authority. He looked just like his son, Michael Escrima. General Sol Escrima, greatest master of the sword, second to none. Before the creation of the position of the Divine General, he was one of the Four Generals who led Altherhea's armies. Even though he had already retired from service, his words were still powerful as a number of people in the military respected and idolized him for many reasons.

On the other end of the table sat a man with white flowing hair. His beard was white and long. He had a delicate face, blue eyes and an aura that exudes elegance and coldness. He was wearing a White robe, with a white cloak on his back. In the Continent, only one man is known to wear such an attire as it is a symbol of leadership in the Order of Zagreus, a cult, or an order depending on the point of view of the person whoever wants to describe them. However, what's constant is the sheer power and influence this man has- The Great Sage, Melchor.

While the two men stared at each other, two beautiful women were chatting and casually sipping tea and eating sweets. One woman had flowing black hair, light brown eyes, a few wrinkles on the forehead, and, for some reason, a strong force of presence. The other woman wore a Sage robe. She had blonde hair, green eyes, a pointed nose, and an aura of knowledge.

"So, finally, the Great Sage has honored our household with his presence. What a pretty robe you're wearing if I may just say? By the way, aren't you a busy man? What, did your cult kick you out or something?" General Sol said snarkily.

"Ah, the General of the Flame who only knows how to spit spiteful words finally talked. I thought that you would just stare at me and keep being amazed by my robes. As for the Order of Zagreus, I already gave the leadership to the new generation so I have more time on my hands now." The Great Sage answered the General. "If I may just ask, isn't it uncomfortable to wear a button up uniform with a lot of dangling gold and silver in it? What are you? A medal rack or something? Maybe I should hang my trophies and certificates on your uniform to add to your collection?" The Sage answered smiling, while "slicing" the pancake he was eating.

"Ehem, ehem".

"Ah, these things are proof of my achievements, Great Sage. Surely, these, the proof of each battle and achievements I have is nothing compared to the papers you call certificates. Also, if you must know, I am very comfortable right now in this 'exclusive' uniform. This is something only me, the General of the Flame could wear." General Sol fired back.


"At least you know those are meaningless compared to my certificates." The Sage answered smilingly.

"Wait, I was saying that sarcastica--" General Sol tried to say but he was interrupted by Michael's forced coughing.

"EHEM, EHEM." Michael forced a cough to get the two old men's attention.

"Thank you for responding to my invitation, Mother, Mother-in-Law, Sage Marguerite, Father, and Father-in-Law, Great Sage Melchor" Michael started speaking. "It's been 1 year since my son was born, I really, can't thank you enough for being her-"

"Hey Sage, I was saying that your certificates are nothing! What are those for? For your achievements in researching magic? You don't even use it to the fullest! You're a waste of Magic!" Sol wasn't able to keep it in. He interrupted Michael and gave his rebut on Melchor's earlier insult.

"So killing people is the way to use Magic to the fullest? You're nothing but a brute who uses his spirit's blessing for killing people. You are nothing short of a monster." The Sage answered calmly but without his usual smile.

Suddenly, two opposing auras welled up in the hall. One exuded a fiery aura, the other was ice. The two women didn't want to be bothered so they both covered themselves with a protective spell. Lady Luna, mother of Michael, used Earth Magic, while Sage Marguerite used Wind Magic. They continued chatting as it had been years since they met.

"Come on Icy boy, give me your best shot. I'll melt your ice, then I'll burn all your certificates to the ground!" Sol taunted the Sage.

"Shut up, monster. Why don't you use your signature fireball and I will freeze it- I'll even use it as a material for an Ice sculpture I have in my mind, perhaps, I can also borrow your medals so I can use them as props." The Sage answered when he summoned a number of ice spikes behind him as an answer to the countless Fire magic circles Sol summoned to threathen the Sage.

"Your grandson was blessed by the Four Spirits!" Michael shouted. He didn't know what to do. Before the meeting he casted several protection spells in and out the hall. He even asked a number of Knights and Shadows to cast their own protection spells inside the room and other adjacent rooms. However, he didn't think that they would really cast offensive spells just to try and scare each other.

"Shut up Michael, do not interrupt this. We have to settle this now!" Sol answered absent-mindedly.

"Yes boy, shut up and - wait, did you say my grandson was blessed by the spirits?" The Sage said as if he was woken up from a stupor.

"Michael, my boy, are you telling the truth?" His Mother finally talked to him. Even the Sage Marguerite was looking at him now, waiting for an answer.

The room was now filled with expectations -they wanted to hear the news one more time.

Michael, who was still on edge after that potential battle between his Father and Father-in-Law, answered, "Yes, he was visited by the spirits 3 days ago. He also summoned 12 magic circles when he was baptized."

"What?" The two women exclaimed.

"My grandson is blessed by the spirits." The Sage's eyes were filled with joy, he was grinning uncontrollably and he kept repeating the same thing. "12 Magic Circles, Blessing of the Four Spirits."

General Sol just stood there, not moving, as if he was petrified by the news. Michael looked at him and knew that his father was elated with the news as his eyes, his mustache, and lips were smiling.

"Ah, Johannes, sorry, your dad, is kind of useless," Michael said in defeat while thinking what his parents and parents-in-law would do to his son. He knows that they would dote on Johannes a lot, preventing him from spending quality time with his son.

"Hey, boy, bring us to where our grandson is." The Sage told Michael.

"Yes, my son. I and your father-in-law would like to see our grandson." Sol told Michael.

It is worth noting that the two now held each other's arms. Hard to believe, considering the happenings of a few minutes ago.

"Alright, I will bring you there," Michael said dejectedly.

"No need, brother Sol, I know where our Grandson is. He's with my daughter." Melchor told Sol.

"Really, come now, let's go!"

After saying this, Sol and Melchor vanished from the hall. Michael, Lady Luna, and Sage Marguerite were left.

"Son, please excuse your father. He was just quite ecstatic that you finally invited us to meet your son." Lady Luna told her son.

"Mom, you could have come anytime you wanted, same with you and Father-in-Law, Sage Marguerite," Michael answered endearingly.

"I know Young Michael. But you know them, they are men. They think pride is the most important thing that they have. They're just narrow-minded with some things. Please excuse them." Sage Marguerite said calmly, as calm as the morning wind in the spring. With just this conversation, Michael remembered where Elizabeth got her calm demeanor, and calm voice. Her scary smiling face was from her father.

After this exchange, they went out the hall and straight to Johannes' room where they saw General Sol and Great Sage Melchor on the floor, face-down while Lady Elizabeth stood in the middle, holding Johannes in her arms. The baby looked bewildered and scared at whatever happened before they came in.

The three of them didn't ask any questions.

"Hello Elizabeth, my child, would you like to have a cup of tea in the garden?" Sage Marguerite invited Elizabeth.

"Of course Mother! Hello, Madam Luna, let's go have tea with Johannes!" Lady Elizabeth answered smiling and calmly.

Michael wanted to join them but he was stopped by Elizabeth's death stare. He saw his mother and mother-in-law look at him with pity.

"Yes my love. I'll take care of The General and The Great Sage." Michael answered dejectedly.

"At least I didn't suffer like these two did." Michael thought to himself when he started carrying the two old men who lay on the floor, both wearing a look of fear and shock on their faces. "At least they're alive." He thought to himself while carrying them to the guest room. Because of his fear of Elizabeth, he didn't even think of asking for help from the multitude of servants and shadows that surrounded him.

"Damn, I wouldn't want to piss the Lady off. Remind me of this event all right?" A shadow said to another.