
Sage Marguerite, Lady Luna, and Lady Elizabeth retreated into the garden to enjoy some tea. They chose to gather in the rose garden; the two older women enraptured by the lovely aromas and vibrant colors the roses possessed.

No one could utter a word as both mothers gauged whether or not Elizabeth had cooled down. They understood how stressful of a week it had been for both Elizabeth and Michael given the fact that their son might be in danger just for potentially being strong.

Lady Luna was looking at Sage Marguerite. The former looked at the latter as if she was trying to say something.

"Talk to your daughter. Please?" Lady Luna hoped that Sage Marguerite understood what she was thinking.

Marguerite noticed Lady Luna. She understood what she was trying to say but she knew Elizabeth. She was a mother too. She knew that every mother had their own instinctive way of protecting their child. They just saw what happened to General Sol and Sage Melchor.

"Michael and I talked, we would like to ask both of you to help us with protecting Johannes." Elizabeth finally broke the silence.

"Of course Elizabeth!" Lady Luna answered instantly. "We will protect him with all that we have. I will tell Sol to send Knights that we can trust. We will even visit you from time to time."

"I and your father will protect Johannes, my child." Sage Marguerite answered. "However, protecting him is only half a measure. I suggest that we to train him as soon as possible… Make him understand the responsibilities that come with the power he possesses." Sage Marguerite answered.

"I want him to have a good childhood. Something that Michael and I didn't have. I want him to just have fun, go to pre-school, go to the academy, find a woman he loves, have a family of his own. I want him to be normal. I don't want to disrespect the Spirits- they blessed us with this power, these abilities, and then they let us pass it on to Johannes. We all know that this is more of a curse than a blessing. I don't want him to suffer like me." Elizabeth said while looking down. Lady Luna and Sage Marguerite both knew exactly what Elizabeth was talking about.

"Elizabeth, my child, I-" Sage Marguerite wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words to comfort her own daughter. She remembered how Melchor and her reacted when they found out Elizabeth was personally blessed by the Water and Wind Spirits. Her baptism also summoned 8 magic circles. But her talent, the ability to cast up to tier 10 spells without any backlash, was something unheard of. A person can only conjure magic within his/her own tier. The Spirits blessed Elizabeth with this broken ability and allowed her to overcome this established principle of magic. Sage Marguerite remembered all the things they made Elizabeth do. They trained her in magic as early as she could walk and talk. They made sure that she could read as early as possible and even made her cast a number of magic spells that were impossible for a young child to do. She knew how cruel they were. No matter how good their intention was, no matter how much they wanted Elizabeth to have a good life using her own magic, her own capabilities, she knew that what they did was too much.

When Elizabeth grew up, she only wanted to become the most powerful sorceress in the continent. All she did was to study and practice magic. However, Marguerite remembered how thankful she was to Michael, for Michael saved their daughter from the result of their own cruelty. However, Melchor was blinded by his own ambitions for his daughter at first. That's why he hated Michael at that time. But Sage Marguerite knew that Melchor came around, and was thankful to Michael as well, but the old Sage was too prideful to admit it.

"Elizabeth, parents only want what they think is best for their child. I understand where you are coming from." Lady Luna said while she held Elizabeth's shoulders. "We just do whatever we believe is the best thing to do for our children." Lady Luna said calmly.

"So what should I do?" Lady Elizabeth said dejectedly.

"On our end," Lady Luna answered, "we will introduce to Johannes the way of the sword when he turns 12. This might be too late to start, but we want him to have a good childhood as well. No matter who his father is, he won't be able to escape Altherhea's policy. At age 16, he must enter the academy, and after that, he will have to serve the army. As for training in magic..." Lady Luna looked at Sage Marguerite, hoping that the Sage will continue what she was saying.

"Elizabeth, my daughter, I never had the chance to ask for your forgiveness. We did what we did before because we thought that it would be the best for you. So that you would be able to protect yourself. So that you could rely on your-"

"Mother, I know." Lady Elizabeth interrupted the Sage. She clasped her mother's hands and said, "I had known for a long time. You don't have to ask for forgiveness as I have never resented you. I love you and father. Now, I just want Johannes to have a good life." Lady Elizabeth explained, smiling. Her smile was so pure and bright that both Sage Marguerite and Lady Luna was mesmerized by it. Even Johannes who was just watching what was happening from his crib was amazed by his mother's smile. All he could think about was that her mother's smile is like that of an angel.

"Alright. I understand. With regards to Johannes' magic training, I believe that you are more than capable of teaching him. We will help you as well with protecting him. If you want, your Father and I can stay at your estate. I can also help with teaching Johannes, based on the pace that you will set of course." Sage Marguerite said, her hands still being clasped by her daughter. The Sage eyes flowed with tears of joy.


From his baptism, up to the Spirit's visitation, Johannes' days were hectic. He didn't have to worry about anything anymore as his problems was already solved. First, he would now be trained by his mother and grandmother (probably his grandfather as well). He also made the resolve to not disappoint his new mother as he saw how much tears she shed just because she didn't want him to have a hard time training to use his magic. He realized how difficult his situation was when he heard his mother talk with his grandmothers. The 'responsibilities of the powerful' now lingered in his mind.

However, he didn't let it depress him. He asked himself, "so, in order for me to make my mother happy, I should train myself, and should also have a happy childhood. But how am I supposed to do that? I'm just a one-year-old kid? Maybe if I were happy doing what I want, my mother would be happy? But I want to read books in magic as soon as possible. Will that make my mother happy? Maybe I should try asking her and see how she'll react."

After everything settled down that day (he still didn't his grandfathers during dinner. He only saw his father, mother, and grandmothers that evening) everyone got ready for bed. While his mother tried to lull him to sleep that night, he mustered up his courage and asked with his cute baby voice,

"Mo-mother, is i-it alright if you teach me h-how to read t-tomorrow?"

Lady Elizabeth was surprised. This was the first time Johannes spoke to her that day. She realized that Johannes did not talk do anything worth noting for the day, as if he was just observing what was happening around him. However, since it was Johannes and it was the first time her son asked her of something, she did what any self-respecting mother would do- Ignore all the weird things, melt at her child's adorable pleading voice, and give to Johannes whatever wanted.

So the next morning, she started teaching Johannes how to read. After a few days, she realized that Johannes could read by himself after a few lessons. Even his grandparents were astounded by his development. As he was the first son, and the first grandson, they all did what was deemed to be common sense, lose their minds and have a celebration for Johannes' amazing development.

"My son is a genius!" Lord Escrima shouted when Lady Elizabeth told them about Johannes' progress during dinner.

"Of course he is, he is our grandson!" General Sol and Great Sage Melchor exclaimed.

Lady Elizabeth, Lady Luna, and Sage Marguerite just smiled and shook their heads at the men's reactions. They felt that these men were all clueless and insensitive. Nevertheless, they were also very proud of Johannes. As early as then, they knew that Johannes would surely have a huge impact in the continent's history.

So day in, and day out, they taught Johannes what they could. General Sol and Lady Luna left the Estate after a month of stay.

"Johannes, my genius grandson! Grandpa will visit you as much as I can. Please don't forget grandpa. Huhuhu, please write to me. I know you can write already right? Please write, Grandpa will mi-"

"Alright. Grandpa. I will miss you!" Johannes said while smiling, "Grandma, please don't forget to write to me!"

"Don't worry Johannes, we will write as much as we can. Grandma Marga and Grandpa Mel will be there to teach you Magic. Once you're 12, you can come over to our place to start your sword training okay?" Lady Luna told her grandson.

Looking at Johannes, she still couldn't believe that this bouncing baby who was still being carried by his mother could already speak eloquently. That a 1-year-old boy could already read and write complex sentences, make critical analyses on different subjects, and form his own opinions- that was crazy for her… As if he was an old man in a child's body, she thought. She just looked at the Sages, thinking that if that were the case, these people would know.

Sage Marguerite saw the look on Lady Luna's eyes. She thought that the Lady was entrusting Johannes to them.

"Don't worry Lady Luna, General Sol, we will help Elizabeth and Michael as much as we can." The Sage told them.

"Tsk. Where is that boy even. He can't even send his parents off. What an ungrateful boy." General Sol scoffed.

"Father, please don't be like that. I believe urgent business that concerns the Capital just arrived. I believe Sir Theobald was carrying a letter for Michael." Lady Elizabeth answered sweetly.

"Ah, you my daughter-in-law are too good for my son. Please take care of my genius grandson okaaay?" General Sol said while being held back by Lady Luna from trying to get Johannes from Lady Elizabeth's arms.

"Alright, we'll see you soon!"

General Sol and Lady Luna left for their own estate within the Capital. The Great Sage and Sage Marguerite stayed behind to help nurture Johannes.


"My Lord, here is the letter from the King." Sir Theobald said while handing a sealed letter to Lord Escrima.

"Thank you Theobald. You may leave now."

"Yes, my liege!"

"Shadows, please leave the room until I let you in." Lord Escrima commanded once Sir Theobald left the room.

"Yes, my lord!" a number of voices answered. Afterwards, once Lord Escrima ascertained that he was alone in the room, he opened the letter and read it.

Dear Lord Escrima,

I commend you for updating me on the current events around your son and of his potential. Thank you as well for informing me of your plans concerning this. I have no qualms with your reaction to these events and I completely understand your desire to pull out a number of your agents from their missions involving the observation of a number of nobles.

However, the only thing I don't understand is why you did not invite me to my god son's own baptism. You promised me that I would be his god father. I made you the god father of my twins, you were even my best man. Why did you not invite me? I thought I was your friend. Forget being a friend, I am your king and you are my most trusted general. Why didn't you have the decency of inviting me to my GOD SON'S DEDICATION. I WOULD'VE WANTED TO BE THERE. I could've made time.

Please don't concern yourself of the politics in my court as I will deal with it myself. Please take your time with my god son. However, you still have to report here at least thrice or twice a month.

I will expect you to visit my abode, together with your family, as I would like to see my god son as well,

I am expecting you to come over and drink with me, for old times' sake.

Have the decency to visit me you dumb friend.


King Henry Altherhea VII


Once Lord Escrima finished reading the king's letter, he smiled and said to himself, I should write him back, so he did. However, all he said in the letter was,

"Thank you for your kindness, my king. We will visit you when we have time. I will only drink with you once you learn how not to pass out after one or two drinks."

After sending this letter, he started to report to the palace once or twice a month. But, he never brought his family to the King. The King did pester Lord Michael about it, and the latter always promised to bring them along once King Henry was able to stay awake after two glasses of wine, which he never did. It did keep their friendship strong though.


Johannes studied and trained under the guidance of his mother. Even if his mother didn't want him to exert a lot of effort in training, he made sure to show how much he was enjoying learning and made sure that he made his parents feel that this is just what he wanted.

So, after a few years, his parents and grandparents gave up on trying to get him to live a normal childhood and accepted the fact that Johannes was an erudite who only wanted to spend his time studying and training in magic. He grew into a fine young boy who could cast the basic spells perfectly. They knew that if they taught him high tier spells, he would be able to cast high-tier spells as early as 7 years old. So they did all they could to teach him, not just in magic, but in every aspect important to becoming a decent human being.

Aside than Magic, they taught him history, philosophy, science, ethics, and morals, things that the average 7-year-old wouldn't normally know. However, they made sure that they were able to teach him what they believed was the most important lesson for a powerful child like Johannes-

"The responsibility of the strong will always be greater than that of those who are weaker. It is the stronger person's responsibility to be better; in understanding, patience, kindness, and empathy."